Goto Section: 74.1204 | 74.1231 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.1205
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.1205   Protection of channel 6 TV broadcast stations.

   The provisions of this section apply to all applications for
   construction permits for new or modified facilities for a noncommercial
   educational FM translator station on Channels 201-220, unless the
   application is accompanied by a written agreement between the NCE-FM
   translator applicant and each affected TV Channel 6 broadcast station
   licensee or permittee concurring with the proposed NCE-FM translator

   (a) An application for a construction permit for new or modified
   facilities for a noncommercial educational FM translator station
   operating on Channels 201-220 must include a showing that demonstrates
   compliance with paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of this section if it is
   within the following distances of a TV broadcast station which is
   authorized to operate on Channel 6.
   FM Channel Distance (kilometers)
   201                          148
   202                          146
   203                          143
   204                          141
   205                          140
   206                          137
   207                          135
   208                          135
   209                          135
   210                          135
   211                          135
   212                          135
   213                          135
   214                          134
   215                          134
   216                          133
   217                          133
   218                          132
   219                          132
   220                          131

   (b) Collocated stations. An application for a noncommercial educational
   FM translator station operating on Channels 201-220 and located at 0.4
   kilometer (approximately 0.25 mile) or less from a TV Channel 6 station
   will be accepted if it includes a certification that the applicant has
   coordinated its antenna with the affected TV station.

   (c) Contour overlap. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
   section, an application for a noncommercial educational FM translator
   station operating on Channels 201-220 will not be accepted if the
   proposed operation would involve overlap of its interference field
   strength contour with any TV Channel 6 station's Grade B contour, as
   set forth below.

   (1) The distances to the TV Channel 6 station Grade B (47 dBu) field
   strength contour will be predicted according to the procedures
   specified in §  73.684 of this chapter, using the F(50,50) curves in
   §  73.699, Figure 9 of this chapter.

   (2) The distances to the applicable noncommercial educational FM
   translator interference contour will be predicted according to the
   procedures specified in §  74.1204(b) of this part.

   (3) The applicable noncommercial educational FM translator interference
   contours are as follows:
   FM channel Interference Contour F(50,10) curves (dBu)
   201                                                54
   202                                                56
   203                                                59
   204                                                62
   205                                                64
   206                                                69
   207                                                73
   208                                                73
   209                                                73
   210                                                73
   211                                                73
   212                                                74
   213                                                75
   214                                                77
   215                                                78
   216                                                80
   217                                                81
   218                                                85
   219                                                88
   220                                                90

   (d) FM translator stations authorized prior to June 1, 1991 with
   facilities that do not comply with the predicted interference
   protection provisions of this section, may continue to operate,
   provided that operation is in conformance with §  74.1203 regarding
   actual interference. Applications for major changes in FM translator
   stations must specify facilities that comply with the provisions of
   this section.

   [ 55 FR 50695 , Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at  58 FR 42025 , Aug. 6, 1993]

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Goto Section: 74.1204 | 74.1231

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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