Goto Section: 74.465 | 74.501 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.482
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.482   Station identification.

   (a) Each remote pickup broadcast station shall be identified by the
   transmission of the assigned station or system call sign, or by the
   call sign of the associated broadcast station. For systems, the
   licensee (including those operating pursuant to §  74.24 of this part)
   shall assign a unit designator to each station in the system. The call
   sign (and unit designator, where appropriate) shall be transmitted at
   the beginning and end of each period of operation. A period of
   operation may consist of a single continuous transmission, or a series
   of intermittent transmissions pertaining to a single event.

   (b) In cases where a period of operation is of more than one hour
   duration identification of remote pickup broadcast stations
   participating in the operation shall be made at approximately one-hour
   intervals. Identification transmissions during operation need not be
   made when to make such transmissions would interrupt a single
   consecutive speech, play, religious service, symphony, concert, or any
   type of production. In such cases, the identification transmissions
   shall be made at the first interruption in the program continuity and
   at the conclusion thereof. Hourly identification may be accomplished
   either by transmission of the station or system call sign and unit
   designator assigned to the individual station or identification of an
   associated broadcasting station or network with which the remote pickup
   broadcast station is being used.

   (c) In cases where an automatic relay station is a part of the circuit,
   the call sign of the relay transmitter may be transmitted automatically
   by the relay transmitter or by the remote pickup broadcast base or
   mobile station that actuates the automatic relay station.

   (d) Automatically activated equipment may be used to transmit station
   identification in International Morse Code, provided that the
   modulation tone is 1200 Hz+-800 Hz, the level of modulation of the
   identification signal is maintained at 40%+-10%, and that the code
   transmission rate is maintained between 20 and 25 words per minute.

   (e) For stations using F1E or G1E emissions, identification shall be
   transmitted in the unscrambled analog (F3E) mode or in International
   Morse Code pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section
   at intervals not to exceed 15 minutes. For purposes of rule
   enforcement, all licensees using F1E or G1E emissions shall provide,
   upon request by the Commission, a full and complete description of the
   encoding methodology they currently use.

   Note: Stations are encouraged to identify using their associated part
   73 station call sign.

   [ 41 FR 29686 , July 19, 1976, as amended at  47 FR 9220 , Mar. 4, 1982;  52 FR 47569 , Dec. 15, 1987;  56 FR 28499 , June 21, 1991;  68 FR 12766 , Mar.
   17, 2003]

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Subpart E--Aural Broadcast Auxiliary Stations

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Goto Section: 74.465 | 74.501

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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