Goto Section: 74.564 | 74.600 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.582
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.582   Station identification.

   (a) Each aural broadcast STL or intercity relay station, when
   transmitting program material or information shall transmit station
   identification at the beginning and end of each period of operation,
   and hourly, as close to the hour as feasible, at a natural break in
   program offerings by one of the following means:

   (1) Transmission of its own call sign by aural means or by automatic
   transmission of international Morse telegraphy.

   (2) Aural transmission of the call sign of the radio broadcast station
   with which it is licensed as an STL or intercity relay station.

   (3) Aural transmission of the call sign of the radio broadcast station
   whose signals are being relayed, or, when programs are obtained
   directly from network lines and relayed, the network identification.

   (b) Station identification transmissions during operation need not be
   made when to make such transmission would interrupt a single
   consecutive speech, play, religious service, symphony concert, or other
   such productions. In such cases, the identification transmission shall
   be made at the first interruption of the entertainment continuity and
   at the conclusion thereof.

   (c) Where more than one aural broadcast STL or intercity relay station
   is employed in an integrated relay system, the station at the point of
   origination may originate the transmission of the call signs of all of
   the stations in the relay system.

   (d) Aural broadcast microwave booster stations will be assigned
   individual call signs. However, station identification will be
   accomplished by the retransmission of identification as provided in
   paragraph (a) of this section.

   (e) Voice transmissions shall normally be employed for station
   identification. However, other methods of station identification may be
   permitted or required by the Commission.

   [ 28 FR 13716 , Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at  42 FR 36830 , July 18, 1977;
    42 FR 38178 , July 27, 1977;  45 FR 26067 , Apr. 17, 1980;  49 FR 7130 ,
   Feb. 27, 1984]

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Subpart F--Television Broadcast Auxiliary Stations

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Goto Section: 74.564 | 74.600

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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