Goto Section: 74.709 | 74.731 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.710
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.710   Digital low power TV and TV translator station protection.

   (a) An application to construct a new low power TV, TV translator, or
   TV booster station or change the facilities of an existing station will
   not be accepted if it fails to protect an authorized digital low power
   TV or TV translator station or an application for such station filed
   prior to the date the low power TV, TV translator, or TV booster
   application is filed.

   (b) Applications for low power TV, TV translator and TV booster
   stations shall protect digital low power TV and TV translator stations
   pursuant to the following requirements:

   (1) An application must not specify an antenna site within the
   protected contour of a co-channel or adjacent channel digital low power
   TV or TV translator station, as defined in §  74.792.

   (2) The ratio in dB of the field strength of the low power TV, TV
   translator or TV booster station at the protected contour of a
   co-channel digital TV or TV translator station must meet the
   requirements specified in §  74.706(d)(1).

   (3) The ratio in dB of the field strength of the low power TV, TV
   translator or TV booster station at the protected contour of a digital
   low power TV or TV translator station on the lower and upper adjacent
   channels must not exceed 49 dB and 48 dB, respectively.

   (4) The analysis used in 74.710 should use the propagation methods
   specified in §  74.706(c).

   (c) As an alternative to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this
   section, an applicant for a low power TV, TV translator or TV booster
   may make full use of terrain shielding and Longley-Rice terrain
   dependent propagation prediction methods to demonstrate that the
   proposed facility would not be likely to cause interference to digital
   low power TV or TV translator stations, as described in §  74.707(e) (
   i.e. , reduce the service population by no more than 0.5% within the
   station's protected contour based on the interference thresholds of
   §  73.623(c) of this chapter).

   [ 69 FR 69332 , Nov. 29, 2004]

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Goto Section: 74.709 | 74.731

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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