Goto Section: 74.733 | 74.735 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.734
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.734   Attended and unattended operation.

   (a) Low power TV, TV translator, and TV booster stations may be
   operated without a designated person in attendance if the following
   requirements are met:

   (1) If the transmitter site cannot be promptly reached at all hours and
   in all seasons, means shall be provided so that the transmitting
   apparatus can be turned on and off at will from a point that readily is
   accessible at all hours and in all seasons.

   (2) The transmitter also shall be equipped with suitable automatic
   circuits that will place it in a nonradiating condition in the absence
   of a signal on the input channel or circuit.

   (3) The transmitting and the ON/OFF control, if at a location other
   than the transmitter site, shall be adequately protected against
   tampering by unauthorized persons.

   (4) A letter notification must be filed with the FCC in Washington, DC,
   Attention: Video Division, Media Bureau, providing the name, address,
   and telephone number of a person or persons who may be called to secure
   suspension of operation of the transmitter promptly should such action
   be deemed necessary by the FCC. Such information shall be kept current
   by the licensee.

   (5) In cases where the antenna and supporting structure are considered
   to be a hazard to air navigation and are required to be painted and
   lighted under the provisions of part 17 of the Rules, the licensee
   shall make suitable arrangements for the daily observations, when
   required, and lighting equipment inspections required by § §  17.37 and
   17.38 of the FCC rules.

   (b) An application for authority to construct a new low power TV
   station (when rebroadcasting the programs of another station) or TV
   translator station or to make changes in the facilities of an
   authorized station, and that proposes unattended operation, shall
   include an adequate showing as to the manner of compliance with this

   [ 47 FR 21500 , May 18, 1982, as amended at  48 FR 21487 , May 12, 1983;  60 FR 55483 , Nov. 1, 1995;  63 FR 33878 , June 22, 1998;  67 FR 13233 , Mar.
   21, 2002]

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Goto Section: 74.733 | 74.735

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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