Goto Section: 74.783 | 74.785 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.784
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.784   Rebroadcasts.

   (a) The term rebroadcast means the reception by radio of the programs
   or other signals of a radio or television station and the simultaneous
   or subsequent retransmission of such programs or signals for direct
   reception by the general public.

   (b) The licensee of a low power TV or TV translator station shall not
   rebroadcast the programs of any other TV broadcast station or other
   station authorized under the provisions of this Subpart without
   obtaining prior consent of the station whose signals or programs are
   proposed to be retransmitted. The FCC, Attention: Video Division, Media
   Bureau, shall be notified of the call letters of each station
   rebroadcast, and the licensee of the low power TV or TV broadcast
   translator station shall certify it has obtained written consent from
   the licensee of the station whose programs are being retransmitted.

   (c) A TV translator station may rebroadcast only programs and signals
   that are simultaneously transmitted by a TV broadcast station.

   (d) A TV booster station may rebroadcast only programs and signals that
   are simultaneously transmitted by the primary station to which it is

   (e) The provisions of §  73.1207 of part 73 of this chapter apply to
   low power TV stations in transmitting any material during periods of
   program origination obtained from the transmissions of any other type
   of station.

   (Sec. 325, 48 Stat. 1091; 47 U.S.C. 325)

   [ 28 FR 13722 , Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at  47 FR 21502 , May 18, 1982;
    52 FR 31405 , Aug. 20, 1987;  63 FR 33879 , June 22, 1998;  67 FR 13234 ,
   Mar. 21, 2002]

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Goto Section: 74.783 | 74.785

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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