Goto Section: 76.1404 | 76.1501 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.1500
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  76.1500   Definitions.

   (a) Open video system. A facility consisting of a set of transmission
   paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control
   equipment that is designed to provide cable service which includes
   video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within
   a community, provided that the Commission has certified that such
   system complies with this part.

   (b) Open video system operator ( operator ). Any person or group of
   persons who provides cable service over an open video system and
   directly or through one or more affiliates owns a significant interest
   in such open video system, or otherwise controls or is responsible for
   the management and operation of such an open video system.

   (c) Video programming provider. Any person or group of persons who has
   the right under the copyright laws to select and contract for carriage
   of specific video programming on an open video system.

   (d) Activated channels. This term shall have the same meaning as
   provided in the cable television rules, 47 CFR 76.5(nn).

   (e) Shared channel. Any channel that carries video programming that is
   selected by more than one video programming provider and offered to

   (f) Cable service. This term shall have the same meaning as provided in
   the cable television rules, 47 CFR 76.5(ff).

   (g) Affiliated. For purposes of this subpart, entities are affiliated
   if either entity has an attributable interest in the other or if a
   third party has an attributable interest in both entities.

   (h) Attributable Interest. The term "attributable interest" shall be
   defined by reference to the criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 to
   §  76.501 provided, however, that:

   (1) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of Note
   2(f) shall not apply; and

   (2) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent interests
   shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited partnership
   equity interests of five (5) percent or more.

   (i) Other terms. Unless otherwise expressly stated, words not defined
   in this part shall be given their meaning as used in Title 47 of the
   United States Code, as amended, and, if not defined therein, their
   meaning as used in Part 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

   [ 61 FR 28708 , June 5, 1996, as amended at  61 FR 43175 , Aug. 21, 1996;
    64 FR 67197 , Dec. 1, 1999]

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Goto Section: 76.1404 | 76.1501

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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