Goto Section: 76.64 | 76.66 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.65
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  76.65   Good faith and exclusive retransmission consent complaints.

   (a) Duty to negotiate in good faith. Television broadcast stations and
   multichannel video programming distributors shall negotiate in good
   faith the terms and conditions of retransmission consent agreements to
   fulfill the duties established by section 325(b)(3)(C) of the Act;
   provided, however, that it shall not be a failure to negotiate in good
   faith if:

   (1) The television broadcast station proposes or enters into
   retransmission consent agreements containing different terms and
   conditions, including price terms, with different multichannel video
   programming distributors if such different terms and conditions are
   based on competitive marketplace considerations; or

   (2) The multichannel video programming distributor enters into
   retransmission consent agreements containing different terms and
   conditions, including price terms, with different broadcast stations if
   such different terms and conditions are based on competitive
   marketplace considerations. If a television broadcast station or
   multichannel video programming distributor negotiates in accordance
   with the rules and procedures set forth in this section, failure to
   reach an agreement is not an indication of a failure to negotiate in
   good faith.

   (b) Good faith negotiation --(1) Standards. The following actions or
   practices violate a broadcast television station's or multichannel
   video programming distributor's (the "Negotiating Entity") duty to
   negotiate retransmission consent agreements in good faith:

   (i) Refusal by a Negotiating Entity to negotiate retransmission

   (ii) Refusal by a Negotiating Entity to designate a representative with
   authority to make binding representations on retransmission consent;

   (iii) Refusal by a Negotiating Entity to meet and negotiate
   retransmission consent at reasonable times and locations, or acting in
   a manner that unreasonably delays retransmission consent negotiations;

   (iv) Refusal by a Negotiating Entity to put forth more than a single,
   unilateral proposal;

   (v) Failure of a Negotiating Entity to respond to a retransmission
   consent proposal of the other party, including the reasons for the
   rejection of any such proposal;

   (vi) Execution by a Negotiating Entity of an agreement with any party,
   a term or condition of which, requires that such Negotiating Entity not
   enter into a retransmission consent agreement with any other television
   broadcast station or multichannel video programming distributor; and

   (vii) Refusal by a Negotiating Entity to execute a written
   retransmission consent agreement that sets forth the full understanding
   of the television broadcast station and the multichannel video
   programming distributor.

   (2) Totality of the circumstances. In addition to the standards set
   forth in §  76.65(b)(1), a Negotiating Entity may demonstrate, based on
   the totality of the circumstances of a particular retransmission
   consent negotiation, that a television broadcast station or
   multichannel video programming distributor breached its duty to
   negotiate in good faith as set forth in §  76.65(a).

   (c) Good faith negotiation and exclusivity complaints. Any television
   broadcast station or multichannel video programming distributor
   aggrieved by conduct that it believes constitutes a violation of the
   regulations set forth in this section or §  76.64(l) may commence an
   adjudicatory proceeding at the Commission to obtain enforcement of the
   rules through the filing of a complaint. The complaint shall be filed
   and responded to in accordance with the procedures specified in
   §  76.7.

   (d) Burden of proof. In any complaint proceeding brought under this
   section, the burden of proof as to the existence of a violation shall
   be on the complainant.

   (e) Time limit on filing of complaints. Any complaint filed pursuant to
   this subsection must be filed within one year of the date on which one
   of the following events occurs:

   (1) A complainant enters into a retransmission consent agreement with a
   television broadcast station or multichannel video programming
   distributor that the complainant alleges to violate one or more of the
   rules contained in this subpart; or

   (2) A television broadcast station or multichannel video programming
   distributor engages in retransmission consent negotiations with a
   complainant that the complainant alleges to violate one or more of the
   rules contained in this subpart, and such negotiation is unrelated to
   any existing contract between the complainant and the television
   broadcast station or multichannel video programming distributor; or

   (3) The complainant has notified the television broadcast station or
   multichannel video programming distributor that it intends to file a
   complaint with the Commission based on a request to negotiate
   retransmission consent that has been denied, unreasonably delayed, or
   unacknowledged in violation of one or more of the rules contained in
   this subpart.

   (f) Termination of rules. This section shall terminate at midnight on
   February 28, 2010, provided that if Congress further extends this date,
   the rules remain in effect until the statutory authorization expires.

   [ 70 FR 40224 , July 13, 2005, as amended at  74 FR 69286 , Dec. 31, 2009]

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Goto Section: 76.64 | 76.66

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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