Goto Section: 78.67 | 78.75 | Table of Contents

FCC 78.69
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  78.69   Station records.

   Each licensee of a CARS station shall maintain records showing the

   (a) For all attended or remotely controlled stations, the date and time
   of the beginning and end of each period of transmission of each

   (b) For all stations, the date and time of any unscheduled
   interruptions to the transmissions of the station, the duration of such
   interruptions, and the causes thereof;

   (c) For all stations, the results and dates of the frequency
   measurements made pursuant to §  78.113 and the name of the person or
   persons making the measurements;

   (d) For all stations, when service or maintenance duties are performed,
   which may affect a station's proper operation, the responsible operator
   shall sign and date an entry in the station's records, giving:

   (1) Pertinent details of all transmitter adjustments performed by the
   operator or under the operator's supervision.

   (e) When a station in this service has an antenna structure which is
   required to be illuminated, appropriate entries shall be made as

   (1) The time the tower lights are turned on and off each day, if
   manually controlled.

   (2) The time the daily check of proper operation of the tower lights
   was made, if an automatic alarm system is not employed.

   (3) In the event of any observed or otherwise known failure of a tower

   (i) Nature of such failure.

   (ii) Date and time the failure was observed or otherwise noted.

   (iii) Date, time, and nature of the adjustments, repairs, or
   replacements made.

   (iv) Identification of Flight Service Station (Federal Aviation
   Administration) notified of the failure of any code or rotating beacon
   light not corrected within 30 minutes, and the date and time such
   notice was given.

   (v) Date and time notice was given to the Flight Service Station
   (Federal Aviation Administration) that the required illumination was

   (4) Upon completion of the 3-month periodic inspection required by
   §  78.63(c):

   (i) The date of the inspection and the condition of all tower lights
   and associated tower lighting control devices, indicators, and alarm

   (ii) Any adjustments, replacements, or repairs made to insure
   compliance with the lighting requirements and the date such
   adjustments, replacements, or repairs were made.

   (f) For all stations, station record entries shall be made in an
   orderly and legible manner by the person or persons competent to do so,
   having actual knowledge of the facts required, who shall sign the
   station record when starting duty and again when going off duty.

   (g) For all stations, no station record or portion thereof shall be
   erased, obliterated, or willfully destroyed within the period of
   retention required by rule. Any necessary correction may be made only
   by the person who made the original entry who shall strike out the
   erroneous portion, initial the correction made, and show the date the
   correction was made.

   (h) For all stations, station records shall be retained for a period of
   not less than 2 years. The Commission reserves the right to order
   retention of station records for a longer period of time. In cases
   where the licensee or permittee has notice of any claim or complaint,
   the station record shall be retained until such claim or complaint has
   been fully satisfied or until the same has been barred by statute
   limiting the time for filing of suits upon such claims.

   [ 41 FR 29695 , July 19, 1976, as amended at  49 FR 20672 , May 16, 1984;
    50 FR 23422 , June 4, 1985]

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Goto Section: 78.67 | 78.75

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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