Goto Section: 80.1071 | 80.1074 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.1073
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.1073   Radio operator requirements for ship stations.

   (a) Ships must carry at least two persons holding GMDSS Radio
   Operator's Licenses as specified in §  13.7 of this chapter for
   distress and safety radiocommunications purposes. The GMDSS Radio
   Operator's License qualifies personnel as a GMDSS radio operator for
   the purposes of operating a GMDSS radio installation, including basic
   equipment adjustments as denoted in the knowledge requirements
   specified in §  13.203 of this chapter.

   (1) A qualified GMDSS radio operator must be designated to have primary
   responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents,
   except if the vessel operates exclusively within twenty nautical miles
   of shore, in which case a qualified restricted radio operator may be so

   (2) A second qualified GMDSS radio operator must be designated as
   backup for distress and safety radiocommunications, except if the
   vessel operates exclusively within twenty nautical miles of shore, in
   which case a qualified restricted GMDSS radio operator may be so

   (b) A qualified GMDSS radio operator, and a qualified backup, as
   specified in paragraph (a) of this section must be:

   (1) Available to act as the dedicated radio operator in cases of
   distress as described in §  80.1109(a);

   (2) Designated to perform as part of normal routine each of the
   applicable communications described in §  80.1109(b);

   (3) Responsible for selecting HF DSC guard channels and receiving
   scheduled maritime safety information broadcasts;

   (4) Designated to perform communications described in §  80.1109(c);

   (5) Responsible for ensuring that the watches required by §  80.1123
   are properly maintained; and

   (6) Responsible for ensuring that the ship's navigation position is
   entered into all installed DSC equipment, either automatically through
   a connected or integral navigation receiver, or manually at least every
   four hours when the ship is underway.

   [ 57 FR 9065 , Mar. 16, 1992, as amended at  68 FR 46975 , Aug. 7, 2003;  73 FR 4489 , Jan. 25, 2008]

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Goto Section: 80.1071 | 80.1074

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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