Goto Section: 80.1085 | 80.1089 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.1087
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.1087   Ship radio equipment--Sea area A1.

   This section contains the additional equipment requirements for ships
   that remain within sea area A1 at all times.

   (a) In addition to meeting the requirements of §  80.1085, ships
   engaged on voyages exclusively in sea area A1 must be provided with a
   radio installation capable of initiating the transmission of
   ship-to-shore distress alerts from the position from which the ship is
   normally navigated, operating either:

   (1) On VHF using DSC; or

   (2) Through the polar orbiting satellite service on 406.0-406.1 MHz
   (this requirement may be fulfilled by the EPIRB required by
   §  80.1085(a)(6), either by installing the EPIRB close to, or by
   allowing remote activation from, the position from which the ship is
   normally navigated); or

   (3) On MF using DSC if the ship is engaged on voyages within coverage
   of MF coast stations equipped with DSC; or

   (4) On HF using DSC; or

   (5) Through the INMARSAT geostationary satellite service if within
   INMARSAT coverage. This requirement may be fulfilled by an INMARSAT
   ship earth station capable of two way communication.

   (b) The VHF radio installation, required by §  80.1085(a)(1), must also
   be capable of transmitting and receiving general radiocommunications
   using radiotelephony.

   [ 57 FR 9065 , Mar. 16, 1992, as amended at  68 FR 46977 , Aug. 7, 2003;  69 FR 64680 , Nov. 8, 2004;  73 FR 4490 , Jan. 25, 2008;  76 FR 67617 , Nov. 2,

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Goto Section: 80.1085 | 80.1089

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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