Goto Section: 80.123 | 80.133 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.131
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.131   Radioprinter operations.

   Radioprinter operations provide a relatively low cost system of record
   communications between authorized coast and ship stations in accordance
   with the following paragraphs.

   (a) Supplementary eligibility requirement. A radioprinter authorization
   for a private coast station may be issued to the owner or operator of a
   ship of less than 1600 gross tons, a community of ships all of which
   are less than 1600 gross tons, or an association whose members operate
   ships of less than 1600 gross tons.

   (b) Scope of communications. Only those communications which concern
   the business and operational needs of vessels are authorized.

   (c) Assignment and use of frequencies. (1) Frequencies may be assigned
   to private coast stations for radioprinter use from the appropriate
   bands listed in subpart H of this part.

   (2) Frequencies in the listed bands are shared with other radio
   services including the maritime mobile service. Each assigned frequency
   is available on a shared use basis only, not for the exclusive use of
   any one station or licensee.

   (d) Coast station responsibilities. (1) Private coast stations must
   propose frequencies and provide the names of ships to be served with
   the application.

   (2) Private coast station licensees must provide copies of their
   license to all ships with which they are authorized to conduct
   radioprinter operations.

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Goto Section: 80.123 | 80.133

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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