Goto Section: 80.157 | 80.161 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.159
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.159   Operator requirements of Title III of the Communications Act and
the Safety Convention.

   (a) Each telegraphy passenger ship equipped with a radiotelegraph
   station in accordance with Part II of Title III of the Communications
   Act must carry two radio officers holding a First Class Radiotelegraph
   Operator's Certificate, Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator's
   Certificate, or Radiotelegraph Operator License.

   (b) Each cargo ship equipped with a radiotelegraph station in
   accordance with Part II of Title II of the Communications Act and which
   has a radiotelegraph auto alarm must carry a radio officer holding a
   First Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Second Class
   Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, or Radiotelegraph Operator
   License who has had at least six months service as a radio officer on
   board U.S. ships. If the radiotelegraph station does not have an auto
   alarm, a second radio officer who holds a First Class Radiotelegraph
   Operator's Certificate, Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator's
   Certificate, or Radiotelegraph Operator License must be carried.

   (c) Each cargo ship equipped with a radiotelephone station in
   accordance with Part II of Title III of the Communications Act must
   carry a radio operator who meets the following requirements:

   (1) Where the station power does not exceed 1500 watts peak envelope
   power, the operator must hold a marine radio operator permit or higher
   class license.

   (2) Where the station power exceeds 1500 watts peak envelope power, the
   operator must hold a general radiotelephone radio operator license or
   higher class license.

   (d) Each passenger ship equipped with a GMDSS installation in
   accordance with subpart W of this part shall carry at least two persons
   holding an appropriate GMDSS Radio Operator License or, if the
   passenger ship operates exclusively within twenty nautical miles of
   shore, at least two persons holding either a GMDSS Radio Operator
   License or a Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator License, as specified in
   §  13.7 of this chapter.

   (e) Each ship transporting more than six passengers for hire equipped
   with a radiotelephone station in accordance with Part III of Title III
   of the Communications Act must carry a radio operator who meets the
   following requirements:

   (1) Where the station power does not exceed 250 watts carrier power or
   1500 watts peak envelope power, the radio operator must hold a marine
   radio operator permit or higher class license.

   (2) Where the station power exceeds 250 watts carrier power or 1500
   watts peak envelope power, the radio operator must hold a general
   radiotelephone operator license or higher class license.

   [ 51 FR 31213 , Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at  54 FR 40058 , Sept. 29, 1989;
    68 FR 46962 , Aug. 7, 2003;  78 FR 23155 , Apr. 18, 2013]

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Goto Section: 80.157 | 80.161

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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