Goto Section: 80.177 | 80.201 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.179
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.179   Unattended operation.

   The following unattended transmitter operations are authorized:

   (a) EPIRB operations when emergency conditions preclude attendance of
   the EPIRB transmitter by a person.

   (b) Automatic use of a transmitter during narrow-band direct-printing
   (NB-DP) operations in accordance with §  80.219.

   (c) Automatic use of a transmitter during selective calling operations
   in accordance with §  80.225.

   (d) Automatic use of a transmitter when operating as part of the
   Automated Maritime Telecommunications System (AMTS), an automated
   multi-station system for which provisions are contained in this part,
   or an automated public coast station.

   (e) Automatic use of a VHF transmitter to send brief digital
   communications relating to the condition or safety of vessels while
   moored when all of the following conditions are met:

   (1) The equipment must be using DSC in accordance with ITU-R M.493-13
   and ITU-R M.541-9 (both incorporated by reference, see §  80.7), as
   modified by this section.

   (2) Sensors must automatically activate the transmitter only under one
   or more of the following conditions:

   (i) Fire, explosion;

   (ii) Flooding;

   (iii) Collision;

   (iv) Grounding;

   (v) Listing, in danger of capsizing;

   (vi) Sinking;

   (vii) Disabled and adrift; and

   (viii) Undesignated condition related to ship safety.

   (3) The "ROUTINE" DSC category must be used.

   (4) Communications must be selectively addressed to an individual

   (5) Transmitter output power must not exceed one watt.

   (6) The call must employ a fixed format and must be in conformity with
   Recommendation 493 as follows:

   Format specifier: Individual call--symbol 120 sent twice.

   Address: 9 digit maritime mobile service identity of called station.

   Category: Routine--symbol 100.

   Self-identification: 9 digit ship station identity.

   Message 1: Telecommand symbol 126 sent twice.

   Message 2: Telecommand symbol 126 sent 6 times.

   End of sequence: Symbol 127.

   Error-check character: Check sum.

   (7) Such transmissions are permitted only on channel 70 and the
   transmitter must be inhibited automatically whenever there is another
   call in progress on Channel 70.

   (8) The call sequence for any one alarm must not be repeated until
   after an interval of at least five seconds. Further repetition is
   permitted only after intervals of at least fifteen minutes each.
   Repetitions following fifteen-minute waiting intervals must not exceed

   [ 54 FR 10008 , Mar. 9, 1989, as amended at  62 FR 40305 , July 28, 1997;
    68 FR 46962 , Aug. 7, 2003;  73 FR 4481 , Jan. 25, 2008;  76 FR 67611 , Nov.
   2, 2011]

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Subpart E--General Technical Standards

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Goto Section: 80.177 | 80.201

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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