Goto Section: 80.251 | 80.271 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.268
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.268   Technical requirements for radiotelephone installation.

   All radiotelephone installations in radiotelegraph equipped vessels
   must meet the following conditions.

   (a) The radiotelephone transmitter must be capable of transmission of
   A3E or H3E emission on 2182 kHz and must be capable of transmitting
   clearly perceptible signals from ship to ship during daytime, under
   normal conditions over a range of 150 nautical miles when used with an
   antenna system in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. The
   transmitter must:

   (1) Have a duty cycle which allows for transmission of the
   radiotelephone alarm signal described in §  80.221.

   (2) Provide 25 watts carrier power for A3E emission or 60 watts peak
   power on H3E emission into an artificial antenna consisting of 10 ohms
   resistance and 200 picofarads capacitance or 50 ohms nominal impedance
   to demonstrate compliance with the 150 nautical mile range requirement.

   (3) Have a visual indication whenever the transmitter is supplying
   power to the antenna.

   (4) Have a two-tone alarm signal generator that meets §  80.221.

   (5) This transmitter may be contained in the same enclosure as the
   receiver required by paragraph (b) of this section. These transmitters
   may have the capability to transmit J2D or J3E transmissions.

   (b)(1) The radiotelephone receiver must receive A3E and H3E emissions
   when connected to the antenna system specified in paragraph (c) this
   section and must be preset to 2182 kHz. The receiver must additionally:

   (i) Provide an audio output of 50 milliwatts to a loudspeaker when the
   RF input is 50 microvolts. The 50 microvolt input signal must be
   modulated 30 percent at 400 Hertz and provide at least a 6 dB
   signal-to-noise ratio when measured in the rated audio bandwidth.

   (ii) Be equipped with one or more loudspeakers capable of being used to
   maintain a watch on 2182 kHz at the principal operating position or in
   the room from which the vessel is normally steered.

   (2) This receiver may be contained in the same enclosure as the
   transmitter required by paragraph (a) of this section. These receivers
   may have the capability to receive J2D or J3E transmissions.

   (c) The antenna system must be as nondirectional and efficient as is
   practicable for the transmission and reception of radio ground waves
   over seawater. The installation and construction of the required
   antenna must ensure, insofar as is practicable, proper operation in
   time of emergency. If the required antenna is suspended between masts
   or other supports subject to whipping, a safety link must be installed
   which under heavy stress will reduce breakage of the antenna, the
   halyards, or any other supporting elements.

   (d) The radiotelephone installation must be provided with a device for
   permitting changeover from transmission to reception and vice versa
   without manual switching.

   (e) An artificial antenna must be provided to permit weekly checks,
   without causing interference, of the automatic device for generating
   the radiotelephone alarm signal on frequencies other than the
   radiotelephone distress frequency.

   (f) The radiotelephone installation must be located in the
   radiotelegraph operating room or in the room from which the ship is
   normally steered.

   (g) Demonstration of the radiotelephone installation may be required by
   Commission representatives to show compliance with applicable

   (h) The radiotelephone installation must be protected from excessive
   currents and voltages.

   (i) The radiotelephone installation must be maintained in an efficient

   [ 51 FR 31213 , Sept. 2, 1986. Redesignated and amended at  68 FR 46973 ,
   Aug. 7, 2003;  73 FR 4483 , Jan. 25, 2008]

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Goto Section: 80.251 | 80.271

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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