Goto Section: 80.2 | 80.5 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.3
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.3   Other applicable rule parts of this chapter.

   Other FCC rule parts applicable to licensees in the maritime services
   include the following:

   (a) Part 0. This part describes the Commission's organization and
   delegations of authority. Part 0 also lists available Commission
   publications, standards and procedures for access to Commission records
   and location on Commission monitoring stations.

   (b) Part 1. This part includes rules of practice and procedure for
   license applications, adjudicatory proceedings, procedures for
   reconsideration and review of the Commission's actions; provisions
   concerning violation notices and forfeiture proceedings; and the
   environmental processing requirements that, together with the
   procedures specified in §  17.4(c) of this chapter, if applicable, must
   be complied with prior to the initiation of construction. Subpart Q of
   part 1 contains rules governing competitive bidding procedures for
   resolving mutually exclusive applications for certain initial licenses.

   (c) Part 2. This part contains the Table of Frequency Allocations and
   special requirements in international regulations, recommendations,
   agreements, and treaties. This part also contain standards and
   procedures concerning marketing of radio frequency devices, and for
   obtaining equipment authorization.

   (d) Part 13. This part contains information and rules for the licensing
   of commercial radio operators.

   (e) Part 17. This part contains requirements for the construction,
   marking and lighting of antenna towers, and the environmental
   notification process that must be completed before filing certain
   antenna structure registration applications.

   (f) Part 20 of this chapter which governs commercial mobile radio
   services which include subpart J of this part (public coast stations).

   (g) Part 21. This part contains rules concerning point-to-point
   microwave service authority relating to communication common carriers.

   (h) Part 64. This part contains miscellaneous rules relating to
   communication common carriers.

   (i) Part 68. This part contains technical standards for connection of
   terminal equipment to the telephone network.

   (j) Part 87. This part contains rules for the aviation services. Some
   maritime frequencies are authorized for use by aircraft stations for
   safety and distress, public correpondence and for operational

   (k) Part 101. This part contains rules concerning the private microwave
   service relating to point-to-point communication requirements.

   [ 51 FR 31213 , Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at  55 FR 20398 , May 16, 1990;
    59 FR 18499 , Apr. 19, 1994;  63 FR 40062 , July 27, 1998;  63 FR 68955 ,
   Dec. 14, 1998;  77 FR 3955 , Jan. 26, 2012]

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Goto Section: 80.2 | 80.5

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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