Goto Section: 80.305 | 80.308 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.307
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.307   Compulsory use of radiotelegraph auto alarm.

   The radiotelegraph auto alarm required on a cargo ship subject to the
   radiotelegraph provisions of part II of title III of the Communications
   Act or the Safety Convention must be in operation, connected to the
   main antenna and adjusted for optimum efficiency at all times while the
   ship is being navigated in the open sea when a radio officer is not
   listening on the frequency 500 kHz, except under the circumstances as
   set forth in §  80.306(b).

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Goto Section: 80.305 | 80.308

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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