Goto Section: 80.373 | 80.375 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.374
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.374   Provisions for frequencies in the 4000-4063 and the 8100-8195 kHz
bands shared with the fixed service.

   Coast station assignments in the 4000-4063 kHz band deviate from
   international provisions. Coast station assignments in the 4000-4063
   kHz band are permitted provided that such stations must not cause
   interference to, and must accept interference from, stations operated
   by other countries in accordance with the Radio Regulations.

   (a) Frequencies in the 4000-4063 kHz band. (1) The frequencies in the
   4000-4063 kHz bands are available to ship and public coast stations

   (i) Supplementary ship-to-shore duplex operations with coast stations
   assigned the frequencies described in §  80.371(b) of this part;

   (ii) Intership simplex operations and cross-band operations;

   (iii) Ship-to-shore or shore-to-ship simplex operations; or

   (iv) Duplex operations with coast stations assigned in the band
   4438-4650 kHz, as described in §  80.373(d) of this part.

   (2) The following table describes the channelization of carrier
   frequencies in the 4000-4063 kHz band.

   Carrier Frequencies (kHz)
   4000 4015 4030 4045
   4003 4018 4033 4048
   4006 4021 4036 4051
   4009 4024 4039 4054
   4012 4027 4042 4057

   (b) Frequencies in the 8100-8195 kHz band. (1) The frequencies in the
   8100-8195 kHz bands are available to ship and public coast stations

   (i) Supplementary ship-to-shore duplex operations with coast stations
   assigned the frequencies described in §  80.371(b) of this part;

   (ii) Intership simplex operations and cross-band operations; or

   (iii) Ship-to-shore or shore-to-ship simplex operations.

   (2) The following table describes the channelization of carrier
   frequencies in the 8100-8195 kHz band.

   Carrier Frequencies (kHz)
   8101 8137 8167
   8104 8140 8170
   8107 8143 8173
   8110 8146 8176
   8116 8149 8179
   8119 8152 8182
   8122 8155 8185
   8125 8158 8188
   8131 8161 8191
   8134 8164

   [ 56 FR 9896 , Mar. 8, 1991, as amended at  65 FR 77826 , Dec. 13, 2000;  68 FR 46970 , Aug. 7, 2003]

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Goto Section: 80.373 | 80.375

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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