Goto Section: 80.377 | 80.381 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.379
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.379   Maritime frequencies assignable to aircraft stations.

   This section describes the maritime frequencies assignable to aircraft
   stations for simplex operations:

   (a) Available frequencies:
   Carrier frequency Conditions of use
   2738 kHz                        (1)
   2830 kHz                        (1)
   3023 kHz                        (2)
   4125 kHz                        (3)
   5680 kHz                        (2)
   121.500 MHz                     (4)
   123.100 MHz                     (4)
   156.300 MHz                     (5)
   156.375 MHz                     (5)
   156.400 MHz                     (5)
   156.425 MHz                     (5)
   156.450 MHz                     (5)
   156.625 MHz                     (5)
   156.800 MHz                     (5)
   156.900 MHz                     (5)
   157.100 MHz                     (6)
   157.425 MHz                  (5)(7)

   (b) The conditions of use of the carrier frequencies in paragraph (a)
   of this section, are:

   (1) For permissible geographic areas of operation see §  80.373(b)(1).
   For other limitations see §  80.373(b)(7);

   (2) Aircraft and ship stations may use 3023.0 kHz and 5680.0 kHz for
   search and rescue scene-of-action coordination including communications
   between these stations and participating land stations. Stations using
   these frequencies must use J3E emission;

   (3) Assignable for distress and safety communications between aircraft
   and maritime mobile stations;

   (4) Assignable for search and rescue between ships and aircraft.
   Stations using these frequencies must use A3E emission;

   (5) These frequencies may be used by aircraft stations when:

   (i) The altitude of aircraft stations does not exceed 300 meters (1,000
   feet), except for reconnaissance aircraft participating in icebreaking
   operations where an altitude of 450 meters (1,500 feet) is allowed;

   (ii) The mean power of aircraft stations must not exceed five watts;

   (iii) Communications are limited to operations in which the maritime
   mobile stations are primarily involved and where direct communications
   between the aircraft and the ship or coast station is required;

   (iv) Stations may use 156.300 MHz for safety purposes only;

   (v) Stations may use 156.800 MHz for distress, safety and calling only;

   (vi) Use of 156.375 MHz by aircraft is not permitted in the New Orleans
   VTS area specified in §  80.383.

   (6) The use of 157.100 MHz is limited to communications with stations
   of the Department of Interior at Lake Mead, Nevada; and

   (7) Commercial fishing vessels and associated aircraft may use 157.425
   MHz while engaged in commercial fishing activities except within 120 km
   (75 miles) of the United States/Canada border and Puget Sound and the
   Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches, the Great Lakes, and the St.
   Lawrence Seaway.

   [ 51 FR 31213 , Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at  58 FR 44953 , Aug. 25, 1993]

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Operational Fixed Stations

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Goto Section: 80.377 | 80.381

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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