Goto Section: 80.70 | 80.72 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.71
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.71   Operating controls for stations on land.

   Each coast station, Alaska-public fixed station and Alaska-private
   fixed station must provide operating controls in accordance with the

   (a) Each station using telegraphy or telephony must be capable of
   changeover from transmission to reception and vice versa within two
   seconds excluding a change in operating radio channel.

   (b) During it hours of service, each station must be capable of:

   (1) Commencing operation within one minute after the need to do so

   (2) Discontinuing all emission within five seconds after emission is no
   longer desired. The emission of an unattended station in an automated
   multistation system at which restoration to standby is automatic on
   conclusion of a call must be discontinued within three seconds of the
   disconnect signal or, if a disconnect signal is not received, within
   twenty seconds after reception of the final carrier transmission from a
   ship station.

   (c) Each station using a multichannel installation for telegraphy must
   be capable of changing from one telegraphy channel to any other
   telegraphy channel within the same sub-band below 525 kHz within five
   seconds. This requirement need not be met by equipment intended for use
   only in emergencies and not used for normal communication.

   (d) Every coast station using a multi-channel installation for
   radiotelephony must be capable of changing from one telephony channel
   to another telephony channel within:

   (1) Five seconds within the frequency band 1605-3500 kHz; or

   (2) Three seconds within the band 156-162 MHz. This requirement also
   applies to marine utility stations.

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Goto Section: 80.70 | 80.72

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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