Goto Section: 80.751 | 80.755 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.753
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  80.753   Signal strength requirements at the service area contour.

   (a) The requirements for reception by a marine VHF shipboard receiver
   are satisfied if the field strength from the coast station, calculated
   in accordance with §  80.771 is at least +17 dBu above one microvolt.

   (b) These field strengths, voltages and powers at the receiver input
   are equivalent:

   (1) -132 dBW (decibels referred to 1 watt).

   (2) 1.8 microvolts across 50 ohms.

   (3) +17 dBu (decibels referred to 1 microvolt per meter).

   (4) 7 microvolts per meter.

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Goto Section: 80.751 | 80.755

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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