Goto Section: 87.261 | 87.265 | Table of Contents

FCC 87.263
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  87.263   Frequencies.

   (a) Domestic VHF service. (1) Frequencies in the 128.8125-132.125 MHz
   and 136.4875-137.00 MHz bands are available to serve domestic routes,
   except that the frequency 136.750 MHz is available only to aeronautical
   enroute stations located at least 288 kilometers (180 miles) from the
   Gulf of Mexico shoreline (outside the Gulf of Mexico region). The
   frequencies 136.900 MHz, 136.925 MHz, 136.950 MHz and 136.975 MHz are
   available to serve domestic and international routes. Frequency
   assignments may be based on either 8.33 kHz or 25 kHz spacing. Use of
   these frequencies must be compatible with existing operations and must
   be in accordance with pertinent international treaties and agreements.

   (2) A system or network of interconnected enroute stations may employ
   offset carrier techniques on the frequencies listed in paragraph
   (a)(1). The carrier frequencies of the individual transmitters must not
   be offset by more than +-8kHz.

   (3) The frequencies 122.825 and 122.875 MHz are available for
   assignment to enroute stations which provide local area service to
   aircraft approaching or departing a particular airport. These
   frequencies will be assigned without regard to the restrictions
   contained in §  87.261 (c) and (d). Only organizations operating
   aircraft with a maximum capacity of 56 passengers or 8,200 kg (18,000
   lbs) cargo will be authorized use of these enroute frequencies.

   (4) In Alaska, the frequencies 131.500, 131.600, 131.800 and 131.900
   MHz may be assigned to aeronautical enroute stations without regard to
   the restrictions contained in §  87.261 (c) and (d).

   (5) The frequency 136.750 MHz is available in the Gulf of Mexico Region
   to serve domestic routes over the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent coastal
   areas. Assignment of this frequency in the Gulf of Mexico Region shall
   be to licensees first licensed on this frequency in the Gulf of Mexico
   Region prior to January 1, 1994, their successors and assigns, and is
   not subject to the conditions in §  87.261(c) and paragraph (a)(2) of
   this section. For the purpose of this paragraph, the Gulf of Mexico
   Region is defined as an area bounded on the east, north, and west by a
   line 288 km (180 miles) from the Gulf of Mexico shore line. Inland
   stations must be located within forty-eight kilometers (30 miles) of
   the Gulf of Mexico shore line.

   (b) Domestic HF service. (1) Regular use of high frequencies for
   aeronautical enroute or any aeronautical mobile (R) communications in
   the domestic service within the continental United States (excluding
   Alaska) will not be authorized.

   (2) These frequencies (carrier) are available for assignment to serve
   aircraft operating in support of offshore drilling operations in open
   sea areas beyond the range of VHF propagation:


   2878.0    4672.0
   3019.0    5463.0
   3434.0    5508.0

   (3) Alaska: The following frequencies (carrier) are available for
   assignment to serve domestic air routes in the Alaska area:

   (i) Throughout Alaska: Shared with the FAA and assigned where an
   applicant shows the need for a service not provided by the FAA.

   2866.0 5631.0

   (ii) Alaska Aleutian chain and feeders.

   2911.0 8855.0
   2956.0 10066.0
   5496.0 11363.0

   (iii) Central and Southeast Alaska and feeders.

   2875.0 6580.0
   2911.0 6604.0
   3470.0 8876.0
   5484.0 11357.0

   (iv) The following frequencies (carrier) are available to enroute
   stations in Alaska without regard to the restrictions contained in
   §  87.261 (c) or (d). These frequencies may also be used for
   communications between enroute stations concerning matters directly
   affecting aircraft with which they are engaged. Enroute stations
   located at an uncontrolled airport shall not transmit information
   concerning runway, wind or weather conditions during the operating
   hours of a unicom.

   3449.0    5472.0
   5167.5 ^1 5490.0

   ^1 The frequency 5167.5 kHz is available to any station for emergency
   communications in Alaska. No airborne operations are permitted. Peak
   envelope power of stations operating on this frequency must not exceed
   150 watts. This frequency may also be used by Alaska private fixed
   stations for calling purposes, but only for establishing

   (c) International VHF service. Frequencies in the 128.825-132.000 and
   136.000-137.000 MHz bands are available to enroute stations serving
   international flight operations. Frequency assignments are based on
   either 8.33 kHz or 25 kHz channel spacing. Proposed operations must be
   compatible with existing operations in the band.

   (d) International HF service. High frequencies (carrier) available to
   enroute stations serving international flight operations on the Major
   World Air Route Areas (MWARA's), as defined in the international Radio
   Regulations and the ICAO Assignment Plan, are:

   (1) Central East Pacific (CEP):

   2869.0 8843.0
   3413.0 10057.0
   4657.0 11282.0
   5547.0 13300.0
   5574.0 17904.0

   (2) Central West Pacific (CWP):

   2998.0 6562.0
   3455.0 8903.0
   4666.0 10081.0
   5652.0 11384.0
   5661.0 13300.0
   6532.0 17904.0

   (3) North Pacific (NP):

   2932.0 10048.0
   5628.0 11330.0
   6655.0 13300.0
   6661.0 17904.0

   (4) South Pacific (SP):

   3467.0 10084.0
   5559.0 11327.0
   5643.0 13300.0
   8867.0 17904.0

   (5) North Atlantic (NAT):

   2872.0 8825.0
   2899.0 8831.0
   2962.0 8864.0
   2971.0 8879.0
   3016.0 8891.0
   3476.0 8906.0
   4675.0 11279.0
   5598.0 11309.0
   5616.0 11336.0
   5649.0 13291.0
   6622.0 13306.0
   6628.0 17946.0

   (6) Europe (EUR):

   3479.0 10084.0
   5661.0 13288.0
   6598.0 17961.0

   (7) South America (SAM):

   2944.0 10024.0
   3479.0 10096.0
   4669.0 11360.0
   5526.0 13297.0
   6649.0 17907.0

   (8) South Atlantic (SAT):

   2854.0 8861.0
   2935.0 11291.0
   3452.0 13315.0
   5565.0 13357.0
   6535.0 17955.0

   (9) Southeast Asia (SEA):

   3470.0 10066.0
   3485.0 11396.0
   5649.0 13309.0
   5655.0 13318.0
   6556.0 17907.0

   (10) East Asia (EA):

   3016.0 10042.0
   3485.0 11396.0
   3491.0 13297.0
   5655.0 13303.0
   5670.0 13309.0
   6571.0 17907.0

   (11) Middle East (MID):

   2944.0 6631.0
   2992.0 8918.0
   3467.0 8951.0
   3473.0 10018.0
   4669.0 11375.0
   5658.0 13288.0
   5667.0 13312.0
   6625.0 17961.0

   (12) Africa (AFI):

   2851.0 6673.0
   2878.0 8894.0
   3419.0 8903.0
   3425.0 8894.0
   3467.0 11300.0
   4657.0 11330.0
   5493.0 13273.0
   5652.0 13288.0
   5658.0 13294.0
   6559.0 17961.0

   (13) Indian Ocean (INO):

   3476.0 13306.0
   5634.0 17961.0

   (14) North Central Asia (NCA):

   3004.0 6592.0
   3019.0 10096.0
   4678.0 13303.0
   5646.0 13315.0
   5664.0 17958.0

   (15) Caribbean (CAR):

   2887.0 8846.0
   3455.0 8918.0
   5520.0 11387.0
   5550.0 11396.0
   6577.0 13297.0
   6586.0 17907.0

   (e) Long distance operational control. Long distance operational
   control frequencies provide communications between aeronautical enroute
   stations and aircraft stations anywhere in the world for control of the
   regularity and efficiency of flight and safety of aircraft. World-wide
   frequencies are not assigned by administrations for MWARA and Regional
   and Domestic Air Route Area (RDARA).

   3013.0  10075.0
   3494.0  11342.0
   5529.0  11348.0
   5538.0  13330.0
   6637.0  13348.0
   6640.0  17925.0
   8933.0  21964.0

   (f) 121.500 MHz: Emergency and distress only.

   [ 53 FR 28940 , Aug. 1, 1988, as amended at  54 FR 11721 , Mar. 22, 1989;
    55 FR 28628 , July 12, 1990;  56 FR 21084 , May 7, 1991;  58 FR 44954 , Aug.
   25, 1993;  66 FR 26800 , May 15, 2001;  76 FR 17352 , Mar. 29, 2011]

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Goto Section: 87.261 | 87.265

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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