Goto Section: 90.207 | 90.210 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.209
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  90.209   Bandwidth limitations.

   (a) Each authorization issued to a station licensed under this part
   will show an emission designator representing the class of emission
   authorized. The designator will be prefixed by a specified necessary
   bandwidth. This number does not necessarily indicate the bandwidth
   occupied by the emission at any instant. In those cases where §  2.202
   of this chapter does not provide a formula for the computation of
   necessary bandwidth, the occupied bandwidth, as defined in part 2 of
   this chapter, may be used in lieu of the necessary bandwidth.

   (b) The maximum authorized single channel bandwidth of emission
   corresponding to the type of emission specified in §  90.207 is as

   (1) For A1A or A1B emissions, the maximum authorized bandwidth is 0.25
   kHz. The maximum authorized bandwidth for type A3E emission is 8 kHz.

   (2) For operations below 25 MHz utilizing J3E emission, the bandwidth
   occupied by the emission shall not exceed 3000 Hz. The assigned
   frequency will be specified in the authorization. The authorized
   carrier frequency will be 1400 Hz lower in frequency than the assigned
   frequency. Only upper sideband emission may be used. In the case of
   regularly available double sideband radiotelephone channels, an
   assigned frequency for J3E emissions is available either 1600 Hz below
   or 1400 Hz above the double sideband radiotelephone assigned frequency.

   (3) For all other types of emissions, the maximum authorized bandwidth
   shall not be more than that normally authorized for voice operations.

   (4) Where a frequency is assigned exclusively to a single licensee,
   more than a single emission may be used within the authorized
   bandwidth. In such cases, the frequency stability requirements of
   §  90.213 must be met for each emission.

   (5) Unless specified elsewhere, channel spacings and bandwidths that
   will be authorized in the following frequency bands are given in the
   following table.

   Standard Channel Spacing/Bandwidth
   Frequency band (MHz) Channel spacing (kHz) Authorized bandwidth (kHz)
   Below 25 ^2
   25-50                                   20                         20
   72-76                                   20                         20
   150-174                              ^17.5            ^1 3 20/11.25/6
   216-220 ^5                            6.25                 20/11.25/6
   220-222                                  5                          4
   406-512 ^2                         ^1 6.25            ^1 3 20/11.25/6
   806-809/851-854                       12.5                         20
   809-824/854-869                         25                         20
   896-901/935-940                       12.5                       13.6
   902-928 ^4
   929-930                                 25                         20
   1427-1432 ^5                          12.5                       12.5
   ^3 2450-2483.5 ^2
   Above 2500 ^2

   ^1 For stations authorized on or after August 18, 1995.

   ^2 Bandwidths for radiolocation stations in the 420-450 MHz band and
   for stations operating in bands subject to this footnote will be
   reviewed and authorized on a case-by-case basis.

   ^3 Operations using equipment designed to operate with a 25 kHz channel
   bandwidth will be authorized a 20 kHz bandwidth. Operations using
   equipment designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth will be
   authorized a 11.25 kHz bandwidth. Operations using equipment designed
   to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 6 kHz
   bandwidth. All stations must operate on channels with a bandwidth of
   12.5 kHz or less beginning January 1, 2013, unless the operations meet
   the efficiency standard of §  90.203(j)(3).

   ^4 The maximum authorized bandwidth shall be 12 MHz for
   non-multilateration LMS operations in the band 909.75-921.75 MHz and 2
   MHz in the band 902.00-904.00 MHz. The maximum authorized bandwidth for
   multilateration LMS operations shall be 5.75 MHz in the 904.00-909.75
   MHz band; 2 MHz in the 919.75-921.75 MHz band; 5.75 MHz in the
   921.75-927.25 MHz band and its associated 927.25-927.50 MHz narrowband
   forward link; and 8.00 MHz if the 919.75-921.75 MHz and 921.75-927.25
   MHz bands and their associated 927.25-927.50 MHz and 927.50-927.75 MHz
   narrowband forward links are aggregated.

   ^5 See §  90.259.

   ^6 Operations using equipment designed to operate with a 25 kHz channel
   bandwidth may be authorized up to a 22 kHz bandwidth if the equipment
   meets the Adjacent Channel Power limits of §  90.221.

   (6)(i) Beginning January 1, 2011, no new applications for the 150-174
   MHz and/or 421-512 MHz bands will be acceptable for filing if the
   applicant utilizes channels with an authorized bandwidth exceeding
   11.25 kHz, unless specified elsewhere or the operations meet the
   efficiency standards of §  90.203(j)(3).

   (ii) Beginning January 1, 2011, no modification applications for
   stations in the 150-174 MHz and/or 421-512 MHz bands that increase the
   station's authorized interference contour, will be acceptable for
   filing if the applicant utilizes channels with an authorized bandwidth
   exceeding 11.25 kHz, unless specified elsewhere or the operations meet
   the efficiency standards of §  90.203(j)(3). See §  90.187(b)(2)(iii)
   and (iv) for interference contour designations and calculations.
   Applications submitted pursuant to this paragraph must comply with
   frequency coordination requirements of §  90.175.

   (7) Economic Area (EA)-based licensees in frequencies 817-824/862-869
   MHz (813.5-824/858.5-869 MHz in the counties listed in §  90.614(c))
   may exceed the standard channel spacing and authorized bandwidth listed
   in paragraph (b)(5) of this section in any National Public Safety
   Planning Advisory Committee Region when all 800 MHz public safety
   licensees in the Region have completed band reconfiguration consistent
   with this part. In any National Public Safety Planning Advisory
   Committee Region where the 800 MHz band reconfiguration is incomplete,
   EA-based licensees in frequencies 817-821/862-866 MHz
   (813.5-821/858.5-866 MHz in the counties listed in §  90.614(c)) may
   exceed the standard channel spacing and authorized bandwidth listed in
   paragraph (b)(5) of this section. Upon all 800 MHz public safety
   licensees in a National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee
   Region completing band reconfiguration, EA-based 800 MHz SMR licensees
   in the 821-824/866-869 MHz band may exceed the channel spacing and
   authorized bandwidth in paragraph (b)(5) of this section. Licensees
   authorized to exceed the standard channel spacing and authorized
   bandwidth under this paragraph must provide at least 30 days written
   notice prior to initiating such service in the bands listed herein to
   every 800 MHz public safety licensee with a base station in an affected
   National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee Region, and every
   800 MHz public safety licensee with a base station within 113
   kilometers (70 miles) of an affected National Public Safety Planning
   Advisory Committee Region. Such notice shall include the estimated date
   upon which the EA-based 800 MHz SMR licensee intends to begin
   operations that exceed the channel spacing and authorized bandwidth in
   paragraph (b)(5) of this section.

   [ 60 FR 37263 , July 19, 1995, as amended at  67 FR 41860 , June 20, 2002;
    68 FR 42314 , July 17, 2003;  68 FR 54769 , Sept. 18, 2003;  69 FR 39867 ,
   July 1, 2004;  69 FR 67837 , Nov. 22, 2004;  70 FR 21661 , Apr. 27, 2005;
    70 FR 34693 , June 15, 2005;  72 FR 35194 , June 27, 2007;  73 FR 34201 ,
   June 17, 2008;  77 FR 33979 , June 8, 2012;  77 FR 61537 , Oct. 10, 2012]

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Goto Section: 90.207 | 90.210

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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