Goto Section: 90.217 | 90.221 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.219
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  90.219   Use of signal boosters.

   This section contains technical and operational rules allowing the use
   of signal boosters in the Private Land Mobile Radio Services (PLMRS).
   Rules for signal booster operation in the Commercial Mobile Radio
   Services under part 90 are found in §  20.21 of this chapter.

   (a)   Definitions. The definitions in this paragraph apply only to the
   rules in this section.

   Class A signal booster. A signal booster designed to retransmit signals
   on one or more specific channels. A signal booster is deemed to be a
   Class A signal booster if none of its passbands exceed 75 kHz.

   Class B signal booster. A signal booster designed to retransmit any
   signals within a wide frequency band. A signal booster is deemed to be
   a Class B signal booster if it has a passband that exceeds 75 kHz.

   Coverage area of a PLMRS station. All locations within the normal
   reliable operating range (service contour) of a PLMRS station.

   Deploy a signal booster. Install and/or initially adjust a signal

   Distributed Antenna System (DAS). A network of spatially separated
   antenna nodes connected to a common source via a transport medium that
   provides wireless service within a geographic area or structure.

   Operate a signal booster. Maintain operational control over, and
   responsibility for the proper functioning of, a signal booster.

   Signal booster. A device or system that automatically receives,
   amplifies, and retransmits signals from wireless stations into and out
   of building interiors, tunnels, shielded outdoor areas and other
   locations where these signals would otherwise be too weak for reliable
   communications. Signal booster systems may contain both Class A and
   Class B signal boosters as components.

   (b)   Authority to operate. PLMRS licensees for stations operating on
   assigned channels higher than 150 MHz may operate signal boosters,
   limited to the service band for which they are authorized, as needed
   anywhere within the PLMRS stations' service contour, but may not extend
   the stations' service contour.

   (1) PLMRS licensees may also consent to operation of signal boosters by
   non-licensees (such as a building owner or a signal booster
   installation contractor) within their service contour and across their
   applicable frequencies, but must maintain a reasonable level of control
   over these operations in order to resolve interference problems.

   (i) Non-licensees seeking to operate signal boosters must obtain the
   express consent of the licensee(s) of the frequencies for which the
   device or system is intended to amplify. The consent must be maintained
   in a recordable format that can be presented to an FCC representative
   or other relevant licensee investigating interference.

   (ii) Consent is not required from third party (unintended) licensees
   whose signals are incidentally retransmitted. However, signal booster
   operation is on a non-interference basis and operations may be required
   to cease or alter the operating parameters due to a request from an FCC
   representative or a licensee's request to resolve interference.

   (2) [Reserved]

   (c) Licensee responsibility; interference. PLMRS licensees that operate
   signal boosters are responsible for their proper operation, and are
   responsible for correcting any harmful interference that signal booster
   operation may cause to other licensed communications services. Normal
   co-channel transmissions are not considered to be harmful interference.
   Licensees are required to resolve interference problems pursuant to
   §  90.173(b). Licensees shall act in good faith regarding the operation
   of signal boosters and in the resolution of interference due to signal
   booster operation. Licensees who are unable to determine the location
   or cause of signal booster interference may seek assistance from the
   FCC to resolve such problems.

   (d)   Deployment rules. Deployment of signal boosters must be carried
   out in accordance with the rules in this paragraph.

   (1)  Signal boosters may be used to improve coverage in weak signal
   areas only.

   (2)  Signal boosters must not be used to extend PLMRS stations' normal
   operating range.

   (3)  Signal boosters must be deployed such that the radiated power of
   the each retransmitted channel, on the forward link and on the reverse
   link, does not exceed 5 Watts effective radiated power (ERP).

   (4)  Class B signal boosters may be deployed only at fixed locations;
   mobile operation of Class B signal boosters is prohibited after
   November 1, 2014.

   (5)  Class B signal booster installations must be registered in the FCC
   signal booster database that can be accessed at the following URL: .

   (6)  Good engineering practice must be used in regard to the radiation
   of intermodulation products and noise, such that interference to
   licensed communications systems is avoided. In the event of harmful
   interference caused by any given deployment, the FCC may require
   additional attenuation or filtering of the emissions and/or noise from
   signal boosters or signal booster systems, as necessary to eliminate
   the interference.

   (i)  In general, the ERP of intermodulation products should not exceed
   -30 dBm in 10 kHz measurement bandwidth.

   (ii)  In general, the ERP of noise within the passband should not
   exceed -43 dBm in 10 kHz measurement bandwidth.

   (iii) In general, the ERP of noise on spectrum more than 1 MHz outside
   of the passband should not exceed -70 dBm in a 10 kHz measurement

   (7)  Signal booster passbands are limited to the service band or bands
   for which the operator is authorized. In general, signal boosters
   should utilize the minimum passband that is sufficient to accomplish
   the purpose. Except for distributed antenna systems (DAS) installed in
   buildings, the passband of a Class B booster should not encompass both
   commercial services (such as ESMR and Cellular Radiotelephone) and part
   90 Land Mobile and Public Safety Services.

   (e)   Device Specifications. In addition to the general rules for
   equipment certification in §  90.203(a)(2) and part 2, subpart J of
   this chapter, a signal booster must also meet the rules in this

   (1)  The output power capability of a signal booster must be designed
   for deployments providing a radiated power not exceeding 5 Watts ERP
   for each retransmitted channel.

   (2)  The noise figure of a signal booster must not exceed 9 dB in
   either direction.

   (3)  Spurious emissions from a signal booster must not exceed -13 dBm
   within any 100 kHz measurement bandwidth.

   (4)  A signal booster must be designed such that all signals that it
   retransmits meet the following requirements:

   (i)  The signals are retransmitted on the same channels as received.
   Minor departures from the exact provider or reference frequencies of
   the input signals are allowed, provided that the retransmitted signals
   meet the requirements of §  90.213.

   (ii)  There is no change in the occupied bandwidth of the retransmitted

   (iii)  The retransmitted signals continue to meet the unwanted
   emissions limits of §  90.210 applicable to the corresponding received
   signals (assuming that these received signals meet the applicable
   unwanted emissions limits by a reasonable margin).

   (5)  On or after March 1, 2014, a signal booster must be labeled to
   indicate whether it is a Class A or Class B device, and the label must
   include the following advisory

   (1) In on-line point-of-sale marketing materials,

   (2) In any print or on-line owner's manual and installation

   (3) On the outside packaging of the device, and

   (4) On a label affixed to the device:

   "WARNING. This is NOT a CONSUMER device. It is designed for
   installation by FCC LICENSEES and QUALIFIED INSTALLERS. You MUST have
   an FCC LICENSE or express consent of an FCC Licensee to operate this
   device. You MUST register Class B signal boosters (as defined in 47 CFR
   90.219) online at
   Unauthorized use may result in significant forfeiture penalties,
   including penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing

   [ 78 FR 21564 , Apr. 12, 2013]

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Goto Section: 90.217 | 90.221

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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