Goto Section: 90.461 | 90.465 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.463
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  90.463   Transmitter control points.

   (a) A control operator is required to be stationed at the operating
   position of a transmitter control point. A control operator is any
   person designated by the licensee to exercise supervision and control
   over the operation and use of the licensee's facilities. The control
   operator may be the licensee; or an employee of the licensee; or the
   agent of the licensee, appointed by the licensee to act as the control
   operator; or a third-party contractor, engaged by the licensee to serve
   as the control operator: Provided, however, In no case, through
   appointment or designation of any person to serve as control operator,
   may the licensee delegate any of the duties and responsibilities the
   licensee may have in his capacity as licensee.

   (b) Each station or licensed system of communication shall normally
   have a control point, or control points, at which the control operator
   or operators are stationed and at or from which the licensee may
   exercise supervision and control over the authorized facilities, as
   required by the provisions of §  90.461. Provided, however, Control
   point requirements may vary from one system to another, depending upon
   the nature of the radio operation; the way and by whom the facilities
   are employed; and other factors, as set out in other rule sections
   under this subpart.

   (c) A transmitter control point may be located at a fixed position in a
   system of communication at or from which the control operator exercises
   supervision and control over the operation and use of the licensed
   facilities. Each fixed transmitter control point shall have equipment
   and facilities to permit the control operator:

   (1) To determine when the transmitter or transmitters controlled are
   either radiating "RF" energy, or when the transmitter circuits have
   been placed in a condition to produce such radiation. This may be
   accomplished either through the use of a carrier operated device which
   provides a visual indication when the transmitter(s) are radiating or a
   pilot lamp or meter which provides a visual indication when the
   transmitter circuits have been placed in a condition to produce
   radiation. Further, where a local transmitter is used to activate a
   remote transmitter or transmitters in the licensee's system of
   communication, a single pilot lamp or meter may be employed to indicate
   the activation of both the local and the remote transmitter(s).

   (2) To turn the carrier of the transmitter on and off at will, or to
   close the system down completely, when circumstances warrant such

   (d) The licensee's transmitting facilities may be operated from
   dispatch points, the fixed control point shall have equipment to permit
   the control operator to either disconnect the dispatch point circuits
   from the transmitter(s) or to render the transmitter(s) inoperative
   from any dispatch point being supervised.

   (e) Where the system is interconnected with public communication
   facilities, as provided at § §  90.477 through 90.483, and where those
   rules so require, the fixed control point shall be equipped to permit
   the control operator:

   (1) To monitor co-channel facilities of other licensees sharing an
   assigned channel or channels with the licensee in the licensee's area
   of operation; and,

   (2) To terminate any transmission(s) or communication(s) between points
   in the public communications system and the private communications

   (f) In urban areas, the location of fixed transmitter control points
   will be specified, "same as transmitter," unless the control point is
   at a street address which is different from that of the transmitter(s)
   controlled. In rural areas, the location of fixed control points will
   be specified, "same as transmitter," unless the control point is more
   than 152.5 m (500 ft) from the transmitter(s) controlled. In the latter
   case, the approximate location of the control point will be specified
   in distance and direction from the transmitter(s) controlled in terms
   of distance and geographical quadrant, respectively. It would be
   assumed that the location of a fixed control point is the same as the
   location of the transmitter(s) controlled, unless the applicant
   includes a request for a different location described in appropriate
   terms as indicated herein.

   (g) [Reserved]

   (h) Mobile transmitters shall be assumed to be under the immediate
   control of the mobile operator; provided, however, overall supervision
   and control of the operation and use of a communication system may be
   the responsibility of a fixed control point operator. In general,
   mobile transmitters shall be equipped to permit the operator to
   determine when they are radiating "RF" energy or when the transmitter
   circuits have been placed in a condition to produce such radiation.
   This may be accomplished either through the use of a carrier operated
   device or of a pilot lamp or meter which will provide a visual
   indication when the transmitter is radiating or has been placed in a
   condition to produce radiation provided, however, that hand-carried or
   pack-carried transmitters and transmitters installed on motorcycles
   need not be so equipped.

   [ 43 FR 54791 , Nov. 22, 1978;  44 FR 32220 , June 5, 1979;  44 FR 34134 ,
   June 14, 1979, as amended at  44 FR 67125 , Nov. 23, 1979;  48 FR 29517 ,
   June 27, 1983;  54 FR 39740 , Sept. 28, 1989;  58 FR 44960 , Aug. 25, 1993]

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Goto Section: 90.461 | 90.465

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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