Goto Section: 90.483 | 90.492 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.490
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  90.490   One-way paging operations in the private services.

   (a) Subject to specific prohibition or restriction by rule provisions
   governing the radio service in which a licensee's radio system is
   authorized, paging operations are permitted:

   (1) Where the signals and messages are transmitted by a control
   operator of the licensee stationed at a licensed control point in the
   licensee's system of communication.

   (2) Where the signals and messages are transmitted from an operating
   position within an internal system of communication which meets the
   tests of § §  90.471 through 90.475.

   (3) Where the signals and messages are transmitted from a dispatch
   point within the licensee's system of communication, as defined as
   §  90.7.

   (b) Systems employing dial-up circuits (§  90.461(c)) may be used in
   one-way paging operations, but only where the paging signals are
   transmitted as provided at paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

   (c) Paging may be initiated directly from telephone positions in the
   public switched telephone network. When land stations are multiple
   licensed or otherwise shared by authorized users, arrangements for the
   telephone service must be made with a duly authorized carrier by users,
   licensees, or their authorized agents on a non-profit, cost-shared
   basis. When telephone service costs are shared, at least one licensee
   participating in the cost sharing arrangements must maintain cost
   sharing records and the costs must be distributed at least once a year.
   Licensees, users, or their authorized agents may also make joint use
   arrangements with a duly authorized carrier and arrange that each
   licensee or user pay the carrier directly for the licensee's or user's
   share of the joint use of the shared telephone service. A report of the
   cost distribution must be placed in the licensee's station records and
   made available to participants in the sharing arrangement and the
   Commission upon request. In all cases, arrangements with the duly
   authorized carrier must disclose the number of licensees and users and
   the nature of the use.

   [ 47 FR 39509 , Sept. 8, 1982, as amended at  48 FR 56231 , Dec. 20, 1983;
    52 FR 15501 , Apr. 29, 1987]

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Goto Section: 90.483 | 90.492

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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