Goto Section: 90.655 | 90.661 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.656
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  90.656   Responsibilities of base station licensees of Specialized Mobile
Radio systems.

   (a) The licensees of base stations that provide Specialized Mobile
   Radio service on a commercial basis of the use of individuals, Federal
   government agencies, or persons eligible for licensing under either
   subparts B or C of this part will be responsible for exercising
   effective operational control over all mobile and control stations that
   communicate with the base station. The base station licensee will be
   responsible for assuring that its system is operated in compliance with
   all applicable rules and regulations.

   (b) Customers that operate mobile units on a particular Specialized
   Mobile Radio system will be licensed to that system. A customer that
   operates temporarily on more than one system will be deemed, when
   communicating with the other system, to be temporarily licensed to the
   other system and for that temporary period, the licensee of the other
   system will assume the same licensee responsibility for the customer's
   mobile station(s) as if the customer's stations were licensed to that
   other system.

   [ 57 FR 40851 , Sept. 8, 1992, as amended at  62 FR 18935 , Apr. 17, 1997]

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Policies Governing the Licensing and Use of MTA-Based SMR Systems in the
896-901/935-940 MHz Band

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Goto Section: 90.655 | 90.661

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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