Goto Section: 95.1129 | 95.1203 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.1201
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  95.1201   Eligibility.

   Operation in the MedRadio service is permitted by rule and without an
   individual license issued by the FCC. Duly authorized health care
   professionals are permitted to operate MedRadio transmitters. Persons
   may also operate MedRadio transmitters to the extent the transmitters
   are incorporated into implanted or body-worn medical devices that are
   used by the person at the direction of a duly authorized health care
   professional; this includes medical devices that have been implanted in
   that person or placed on the body of that person by or under the
   direction of a duly authorized health care professional. Manufacturers
   of medical devices that include MedRadio transmitters, and their
   representatives, are authorized to operate transmitters in this service
   for the purpose of demonstrating such equipment to duly authorized
   health care professionals. No entity that is a foreign government or
   which is acting in its capacity as a representative of a foreign
   government is eligible to operate a MedRadio transmitter. The term
   "duly authorized health care professional" means a physician or other
   individual authorized under state or federal law to provide health care
   services. Operations that comply with the requirements of this part may
   be conducted under manual or automatic control.

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Goto Section: 95.1129 | 95.1203

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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