Goto Section: 95.411 | 95.413 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.412
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  95.412   (CB Rule 12) What communications may be transmitted?

   (a) You may use your CB station to transmit two-way plain language
   communications. Two-way plain language communications are
   communications without codes or coded messages. Operating signals such
   as "ten codes" are not considered codes or coded messages. You may
   transmit two-way plain language communications only to other CB
   stations, to units of your own CB station or to authorized government
   stations on CB frequencies about--

   (1) Your personal or business activities or those of members of your
   immediate family living in your household;

   (2) Emergencies (see CB Rule 18, §  95.418);

   (3) Traveler assistance (see CB Rule 18, §  95.418); or

   (4) Civil defense activities in connection with official tests or
   drills conducted by, or actual emergencies announced by, the civil
   defense agency with authority over the area in which your station is

   (b) You may use your CB station to transmit a tone signal only when the
   signal is used to make contact or to continue communications. (Examples
   of circuits using these signals are tone operated squelch and selective
   calling circuits.) If the signal is an audible tone, it must last no
   longer than 15 seconds at one time. If the signal is a subaudible tone,
   it may be transmitted continuously only as long as you are talking.

   (c) You may use your CB station to transmit one-way communications
   (messages which are not intended to establish communications between
   two or more particular CB stations) only for emergency communications,
   traveler assistance, brief tests (radio checks) or voice paging.

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Goto Section: 95.411 | 95.413

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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