Goto Section: 95.859 | 95.1001 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.861
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  95.861   Interference.

   (a) When a 218-219 MHz Service system suffers harmful interference
   within its service area or causes harmful interference to another
   218-219 MHz Service system, the licensees of both systems must
   cooperate and resolve the problem by mutually satisfactory
   arrangements. If the licensees are unable to do so, the Commission may
   impose restrictions including, but not limited to, specifying the
   transmitter power, antenna height or area, duty cycle, or hours of
   operation for the stations concerned.

   (b) The use of any frequency segment (or portion thereof) at a given
   geographical location may be denied when, in the judgment of the
   Commission, its use in that location is not in the public interest; the
   use of a frequency segment (or portion thereof) specified for the
   218-219 MHz Service system may be restricted as to specified
   geographical areas, maximum power, or other operating conditions.

   (c) A 218-219 MHz Service licensee must provide a copy of the plan
   required by §  95.815 (a) of this part to every TV Channel 13 station
   whose Grade B predicted contour overlaps the licensed service area for
   the 218-219 MHz Service system. The 218-219 MHz Service licensee must
   send the plan to the TV Channel 13 licensee(s) within 10 days from the
   date the 218-219 MHz Service submits the plan to the Commission, and
   the 218-219 MHz Service licensee must send updates to this plan to the
   TV Channel 13 licensee(s) within 10 days from the date that such
   updates are filed with the Commission pursuant to §  95.815.

   (d) Each 218-219 MHz Service system licensee must provide upon request,
   and install free of charge, an interference reduction device to any
   household within a TV Channel 13 station Grade B predicted contour that
   experiences interference due to a component CTS or RTU.

   (e) Each 218-219 MHz Service system licensee must investigate and
   eliminate harmful interference to television broadcasting and
   reception, from its component CTSs and RTSs, within 30 days of the time
   it is notified in writing, by either an affected television station, an
   affected viewer, or the Commission, of an interference complaint.
   Should the licensee fail to eliminate the interference within the
   30-day period, the CTS(s) or RTU(s) causing the problem(s) must
   discontinue operation.

   (f) The boundary of the 218-219 MHz Service system, as defined in its
   authorization, is the limit of interference protection for that 218-219
   MHz Service system.

   [ 64 FR 59663 , Nov. 3, 1999, as amended at  66 FR 9219 , Feb. 7, 2001]

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Subpart G--Low Power Radio Service (LPRS)

   Source:  61 FR 46569 , Sept. 4, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

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General Provisions

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Goto Section: 95.859 | 95.1001

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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