Goto Section: 0.5 | 0.13 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.11
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.11   Functions of the Office.

   (a) The Managing Director is appointed by the Chairman with the
   approval of the Commission. Under the supervision and direction of the
   Chairman, the Managing Director shall serve as the Commission's chief
   operating and executive official with the following duties and

   (1) Provide managerial leadership to and exercise supervision and
   direction over the Commission's Bureaus and Offices with respect to
   management and administrative matters but not substantive regulatory
   matters such as regulatory policy and rule making, authorization of
   service, administration of sanctions, and adjudication.

   (2) Formulate and administer all management and administrative
   policies, programs, and directives for the Commission consistent with
   authority delegated by the Commission and the Chairman and recommend to
   the Chairman and the Commission major changes in such policies and

   (3) Assist the Chairman in carrying out the administrative and
   executive responsibilities delegated to the Chairman as the
   administrative head of the agency.

   (4) Advise the Chairman and Commission on management, administrative,
   and related matters; review and evaluate the programs and procedures of
   the Commission; initiate action or make recommendations as may be
   necessary to administer the Communications Act most effectively in the
   public interest. Assess the management, administrative, and resource
   implications of any proposed action or decision to be taken by the
   Commission or by a Bureau or Office under delegated authority;
   recommend to the Chairman and Commission program priorities, resource
   and position allocations, management, and administrative policies.

   (5) Plan and administer the Commissions performance review system.
   Assure that objections, priorities, and action plans established by
   Bureau and Offices are consistent with overall Commission objectives
   and priorities.

   (6) Plan and administer the Commission's Program Evaluation System.
   Ensure that evaluation results are utilized in Commission
   decision-making and priority-setting activities.

   (7) Direct agency efforts to improve management effectiveness,
   operational efficiency, employee productivity, and service to the
   public. Administer Commission-wide management programs.

   (8) Plan and manage the administrative affairs of the Commission with
   respect to the functions of personnel and position management;
   labor-management relations; training; budget and financial management;
   accounting for the financial transactions of the Commission and
   preparation of financial statements and reports; information management
   and processing; organization planning; management analysis;
   procurement; office space management and utilization; administrative
   and office services; supply and property management; records
   management; personnel and physical security; and international
   telecommunications settlements.

   (9) [Reserved]

   (10) With the concurrence of the General Counsel, interpret rules and
   regulations pertaining to fees.

   (b) The Secretary is the official custodian of the Commission's

   (Secs. 4, 303, 307, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1082, 1083; 47 U.S.C.
   154, 303, 307)

   [ 46 FR 59975 , Dec. 8, 1981, as amended at  47 FR 41380 , Sept. 20, 1982;
    49 FR 45583 , Nov. 19, 1984;  50 FR 27953 , July 9, 1985;  53 FR 29054 ,
   Aug. 2, 1988;  53 FR 47536 , Nov. 23, 1988;  54 FR 152 , Jan. 4, 1989;  59 FR 26971 , May 25, 1994;  60 FR 5323 , Jan. 27, 1995;  62 FR 15853 , Apr. 3,
   1997;  62 FR 51052 , Sept. 30, 1997;  67 FR 13217 , Mar. 21, 2002;  69 FR 30233 , May 27, 2004;  70 FR 21651 , Apr. 27, 2005;  71 FR 69034 , Nov. 29,

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Office of Inspector General

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Goto Section: 0.5 | 0.13

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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