Goto Section: 0.3 | 0.11 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.5
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.5   General description of Commission organization and operations.

   (a) Principal staff units. The Commission is assisted in the
   performance of its responsibilities by its staff, which is divided into
   the following principal units:

   (1) Office of Managing Director.

   (2) Office of Engineering and Technology.

   (3) Office of General Counsel.

   (4) Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis.

   (5) Office of Media Relations.

   (6) Office of Legislative Affairs.

   (7) Office of Inspector General.

   (8) Office of Communications Business Opportunities.

   (9) Office of Administrative Law Judges.

   (10) Office of Workplace Diversity

   (11) Wireline Competition Bureau.

   (12) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

   (13) International Bureau.

   (14) Media Bureau.

   (15) Enforcement Bureau.

   (16) Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau.

   (17) Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.

   (b) Staff responsibilities and functions. The organization and
   functions of these major staff units are described in detail in
   § §  0.11 through 0.151. The defense and emergency preparedness
   functions of the Commission are set forth separately, beginning at
   §  0.181. For a complete description of staff functions, reference
   should be made to those provisions. (See also the U.S. Government
   Organization Manual, which contains a chart showing the Commission's
   organization, the names of the members and principal staff officers of
   the Commission, and other information concerning the Commission.)

   (c) Delegations of authority to the staff. Pursuant to section 5(c) of
   the Communications Act, the Commission has delegated authority to its
   staff to act on matters which are minor or routine or settled in nature
   and those in which immediate action may be necessary. See subpart B of
   this part. Actions taken under delegated authority are subject to
   review by the Commission, on its own motion or on an application for
   review filed by a person aggrieved by the action. Except for the
   possibility of review, actions taken under delegated authority have the
   same force and effect as actions taken by the Commission. The
   delegation of authority to a staff officer, however, does not mean that
   he will exercise that authority in all matters subject to the
   delegation. In non-hearing matters, the staff is at liberty to refer
   any matter at any stage to the Commission for action, upon concluding
   that it involves matters warranting the Commission's consideration, and
   the Commission may instruct the staff to do so.

   (d) Commission action. Matters requiring Commission action, or
   warranting its consideration, are dealt with by the Commission at
   regular monthly meetings, or at special meetings called to consider a
   particular matter. Meetings are normally held at the principal offices
   of the Commission in the District of Columbia, but may be held
   elsewhere in the United States. In appropriate circumstances,
   Commission action may be taken between meetings "by circulation", which
   involves the submission of a document to each of the Commissioners for
   his approval.

   (e) Compliance with Federal financial management requirements. Any
   Bureau or Office recommending Commission action that may affect agency
   compliance with Federal financial management requirements must confer
   with the Office of Managing Director. Such items will indicate the
   position of the Managing Director when forwarded to the Commission. Any
   Bureau or Office taking action under delegated authority that may
   affect agency compliance with Federal financial management requirements
   must confer with the Office of the Managing Director before taking

   (Secs. 4(i), 303(r) and 5(c)(i), Communications Act of 1934, as
   amended; 47 CFR 0.61 and 0.283)

   [ 32 FR 10569 , July 19, 1967]

   Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting §  0.5, see
   the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids
   section of the printed volume and at .

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Office of Managing Director

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Goto Section: 0.3 | 0.11

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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