Goto Section: 0.218 | 0.241 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.231
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.231   Authority delegated.

   (a) The Managing Director, or his designee, upon securing concurrence
   of the General Counsel, is delegated authority to act upon requests for
   waiver, reduction or deferment of fees, establish payment dates, and
   issue notices proposing amendments or adjustments to the fee schedules
   established under part 1, subpart G, of this chapter.

   (b) The Managing Director, or his designee, is delegated authority to
   make nonsubstantive, editorial revisions of the Commission's rules and
   regulations upon approval of the bureau or staff office primarily
   responsible for the particular part or section involved.

   (c) [Reserved]

   (d) The Managing Director, or his designee, upon securing the
   concurrence of the General Counsel, is delegated authority, within the
   purview of the Federal Tort Claims Act, as amended, 28 U.S.C. 2672, to
   grant tort claims directed against the Commission where the amount of
   the claim does not exceed $5,000. In addition thereto, the Managing
   Director, or his designee, upon securing the concurrence of the General
   Counsel, is delegated authority to act in the disposition of claims
   arising under the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees' Claims
   Act, as amended, 31 U.S.C. 3701 and 3721, where the amount of the claim
   does not exceed $6,500.

   (e) The Managing Director is delegated authority to act as Head of the
   Procurement Activity and Contracting Officer for the Commission and to
   designate appropriate subordinate officials to act as Contracting
   Officers for the Commission.

   (f) (1) The Managing Director, or his designee, is delegated authority
   to perform all administrative determinations provided for by the Debt
   Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Public Laws 104-134, 110 Stat.
   1321, 1358 (1996) (DCIA), including, but not limited to the provisions
   of Title 31, United States Code section 3711 to:

   (i) Collect claims of the United States Government for money or
   property arising out of the activities of, or referred to, the Federal
   Communications Commission,

   (ii) Compromise a claim of the Government of not more than $100,000
   (excluding interest) or such higher amount as the Attorney General of
   the United States may from time to time prescribe, and

   (iii) Suspend or end collection action on a claim of the Government of
   not more than $100,000 (excluding interest) when it appears that no
   person liable on the claim has the present or prospective ability to
   pay a significant amount of the claim or the cost of collecting the
   claim is likely to be more than the amount recovered.

   (2)(i) This delegation does not include waiver authority provided by 31
   U.S.C. 3720B.

   (ii) The Chief Financial Officer, or the Deputy Chief Financial
   Officer, is delegated authority to perform all administrative
   determinations provided for by 31 U.S.C. 3720B.

   (g) The Managing Director, after consultation with the Chairman shall
   establish, renew, and terminate all Federal advisory committees. He
   shall also exercise all management responsibilities under the Federal
   Advisory Committee Act as amended (Pub. L. No. 92-463, 5 U.S.C. App.).

   (h) [Reserved]

   (i) The Secretary, acting under the supervision of the Managing
   Director, serves as the official custodian of the Commission's
   documents and shall have authority to appoint a deputy or deputies for
   the purposes of custody and certification of documents located in
   Gettysburg, Pennsylvania or other established locations. The Secretary
   is delegated authority to rule on requests for extensions of time based
   on operational problems associated with the Commission's electronic
   comment filing system. See §  1.46 of this chapter.

   (j) The Managing Director or his designee is delegated the authority,
   after seeking the opinion of the General Counsel, to determine, in
   accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for federal
   agencies the organizations, programs (including funds), and accounts
   that are required to be included in the financial statements of the

   (k) The Managing Director, or his designee, after seeking the opinion
   of the General Counsel, is delegated the authority to direct all
   organizations, programs (including funds), and accounts that are
   required to be included in the financial statements of the Commission
   to comply with all relevant and applicable federal financial management
   and reporting statutes.

   (l) Subpoena authority. The Managing Director is delegated authority to
   issue subpoenas for the Office of Managing Director's oversight of
   audits of the USF programs and the Office of Managing Director's review
   and evaluation of the interstate telecommunications relay services
   fund, the North American numbering plan, regulatory fee collection, FCC
   operating expenses, and debt collection. Before issuing a subpoena, the
   Office of Managing Director shall obtain the approval of the Office of
   General Counsel.

   (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1082; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303; 18
   U.S.C. 207(j); 39 U.S.C. 3220; Notice of Preliminary Guidelines issued
   by the Department of Justice,  50 FR 46622 , November 8, 1985)

   Cross Reference: 47 CFR part 19, subpart E.

   [ 29 FR 14666 , Oct. 28, 1964]

   Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting §  0.231, see
   the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids
   section of the printed volume and at .

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Goto Section: 0.218 | 0.241

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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