Goto Section: 0.1 | 0.5 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.3
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.3   The Chairman.

   (a) One of the members of the Commission is designated by the President
   to serve as Chairman, or chief executive officer, of the Commission. As
   Chairman, he has the following duties and responsibilities:

   (1) To preside at all meetings and sessions of the Commission.

   (2) To represent the Commission in all matters relating to legislation
   and legislative reports; however, any other Commissioner may present
   his own or minority views or supplemental reports.

   (3) To represent the Commission in all matters requiring conferences or
   communications with other governmental officers, departments or

   (4) To coordinate and organize the work of the Commission in such a
   manner as to promote prompt and efficient disposition of all matters
   within the jurisdiction of the Commission.

   (b) The Commission will, in the case of a vacancy in the Office of the
   Chairman of the Commission, or in the absence or inability of the
   Chairman to serve, temporarily designate one of its members to act as
   Chairman until the cause or circumstance requiring such designation has
   been eliminated or corrected.

   [ 32 FR 10569 , July 19, 1967]

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Goto Section: 0.1 | 0.5

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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