Goto Section: 1.10013 | 1.10015 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.10014
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.10014   What happens after officially filing my application?

   (a) We give you an IBFS file number.

   (b) We electronically route your application to an analyst who conducts
   an initial review of your application. If your application is
   incomplete, we will either dismiss the application, or contact you by
   telephone, letter or email to ask for additional information within a
   specific time. In cases where we ask for additional information, if we
   do not receive it within the specified time, we will dismiss your
   application. In either case, we will dismiss your application without
   prejudice, so that you may file again with a complete application.

   (c) If your application is complete, and we verify receipt of your
   payment, it will appear on an "Accepted for Filing" Public Notice,
   unless public notice is not required. An "Accepted for Filing" Public
   Notice gives the public a certain amount of time to comment on your
   filing. This period varies depending upon the type of application.

   (1) Certain applications do not have to go on an "Accepted for Filing"
   Public Notice prior to initiation of service, but instead are filed as
   notifications to the Commission of prior actions by the carriers as
   authorized by the rules. Examples include pro forma notifications of
   transfer of control and assignment and certain foreign carrier

   (2) Each "Accepted for Filing" Public Notice has a report number.
   Examples of various types of applications and their corresponding
   report number (the "x" represents a sequential number) follow.
             Type of application                  Report No.
   325-C Applications                       325-xxxxx.
   Accounting Rate Change                   ARC-xxxxx.
   Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification FCN-xxxxx.
   International High Frequency             IHF-xxxxx.
   Recognized Operating Agency              ROA-xxxxx.
   Satellite Space Station                  SAT-xxxxx.
   Satellite Earth Station                  SES-xxxxx.
   International Telecommunications:
   Streamlined                              TEL-xxxxxS.
   Non-streamlined                          TEL-xxxxxNS and/or DA.
   Submarine Cable Landing:
   Streamlined                              SCL-xxxxxS.
   Non-streamlined                          SCL-xxxxxNS and/or DA.

   (d) After the Public Notice, your application may undergo legal,
   technical and/or financial review as deemed necessary. In addition,
   some applications require coordination with other government agencies.

   (e) After review, we decide whether to grant or deny applications or
   whether to take other necessary action. Grants, denials and any other
   necessary actions are noted in the IBFS database. Some filings may not
   require any affirmative action, such as some Foreign Carrier
   Affiliation Notification Filings. Other filings, such as some
   International Section 214 Applications, International Accounting Rate
   Change Filings and Requests for assignment of Data Network
   Identification Codes, may be granted automatically on a specific date
   unless the applicant is notified otherwise prior to that date, as
   specified in the rules.

   (f) We list most actions taken on public notices. Each "Action Taken"
   Public Notice has a report number. Examples of various types of
   applications and their corresponding report number (the "x" represents
   a sequential number) follow.
             Type of application                     Report No.
   325-C Applications                       325-xxxxx.
   Accounting Rate Change                   No action taken PN released.
   Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification No action taken PN released.
   International High Frequency             IHF-xxxxx.
   Recognized Operating Agency              No action taken PN released.
   Satellite Space Station                  SAT-xxxxx (occasionally).
   Satellite Earth Station                  SES-xxxxx.
   International Telecommunications         TEL-xxxxx and DA.
   Submarine Cable Landing                  TEL-xxxxx and DA.

   (g) Other actions are taken by formal written Order, oral actions that
   are followed up with a written document, or grant stamp of the
   application. In all cases, the action dates are available online
   through the IBFS system.

   (h) Issuing and Mailing Licenses for Granted Applications. Not all
   applications handled through IBFS and granted by the Commission result
   in the issuance of a paper license or authorization. A list of
   application types and their corresponding authorizations follows.
   Type of application Type of license/authorization issued
   325-C Application FCC permit mailed to permittee or contact, as
   specified in the application.
   Accounting Rate Change No authorizing document is issued by the
   Commission. In some cases, a Commission order may be issued related to
   an Accounting Rate Change filing.
   Data Network Identification Code Filing Letter confirming the grant of
   a new DNIC or the reassignment of an existing DNIC is mailed to the
   applicant or its designated representative.
   Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification No authorizing document is
   issued by the Commission. In some cases, a Commission order may be
   issued related to a Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification.
   International High Frequency:
   Construction Permits, Licenses, Modifications, Renewals, and Transfers
   of Control/Assignment of License For all applications, an original,
   stamped authorization is issued to the applicant and a copy of the
   authorization is sent to the specified contact.
   Recognized Operating Agency The FCC sends a letter to the Department of
   State requesting grant or denial of recognized operating agency status.
   (The applicant is mailed a courtesy copy.) The Department of State
   issues a letter to both the Commission and the Applicant advising of
   their decision.
   Satellite Space Station:
   1. Request for Special Temporary Authority 1. Letter, grant-stamped
   request, or short order.
   2. New Authorization 2. Generally issued by Commission Order.
   3. Amendment 3. Generally issued as part of a Commission Order acting
   upon the underlying application.
   4. Modification 4. Generally issued by Commission Order.
   5. Transfer of Control/Assignment of License 5. Generally issued by
   Commission Order or Public Notice. Also, Form A-732 authorization
   issued and mailed to applicant (original), parties to the transaction,
   and the applicant's specified contact (copy).
   Satellite Earth Station:
   1. Request for Special Temporary Authority 1. Letter, grant-stamped
   request, or short order.
   2. New Authorization 2. License issued and mailed to applicant
   (original) and specified contact (copy).
   3. Amendment 3. If granted, the action is incorporated into the license
   for the underlying application.
   4. Modification 4. License issued and mailed to applicant (original)
   and specified contact (copy).
   5. Renewal 5. License issued and mailed to applicant (original) and
   specified contact (copy).
   6. Transfer of Control/Assignment of License 6. If granted, Form A-732
   authorization issued and mailed to applicant (original), parties to the
   transaction, and the applicant's specified contact (copy).
   International Telecommunications--Section 214:
   1. Streamlined (New, Transfer of Control, Assignment) 1. Action Taken
   Public Notice serves as the authorization document. This notice is
   issued weekly and is available online both at IBFS
   ( and the Electronic Document Management System
   (EDOCS) (
   2. Non-streamlined (New, Transfer of Control, Assignment) 2. Decisions
   are generally issued by PN; some are done by Commission Order.
   3. Request for Special Temporary Authority 3. Letter, grant-stamped
   request issued to applicant.
   International Signaling Point Code Filing Letter issued to applicant.
   Submarine Cable Landing License Application:
   1. Streamlined (New, Transfer of Control, Assignment) 1. Action Taken
   Public Notice serves as the authorization document. This notice is
   issued weekly and is available online both at IBFS, which can be found
   at,and the Electronic Document Management System
   (EDOCS), which can be found at
   2. Non-Streamlined (New, Transfer of Control, Assignment) 2. Decisions
   are generally issued by PN; some are done by Commission Order.

   [ 69 FR 29895 , May 26, 2004, as amended at  76 FR 70910 , Nov. 16, 2011]

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Goto Section: 1.10013 | 1.10015

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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