Goto Section: 1.10014 | 1.10016 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.10015
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.10015   Are there exceptions for emergency filings?

   (a) Sometimes we grant licenses, modifications or renewals even if no
   one files an application. Instances where this may occur include:

   (1) If we find there is an emergency involving danger to life or
   property, or because equipment is damaged;

   (2) If the President proclaims, or if Congress declares, a national

   (3) During any war in which the United States is engaged and when
   grants, modifications or renewals are necessary for national defense,
   security or in furtherance of the war effort; or

   (4) If there is an emergency where we find that it is not feasible to
   secure renewal applications from existing licensees or to follow normal
   licensing procedures.

   (b) Emergency authorizations stop at the end of emergency periods or
   wars. After the emergency period or war, you must submit your request
   by filing the appropriate form either manually or electronically.

   (c) The procedures for emergency requests, as described in this
   section, are as specified in § §  25.120 and 63.25 of this chapter.

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Goto Section: 1.10014 | 1.10016

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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