Goto Section: 1.1110 | 1.1112 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1111
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1111   Payment of charges.

   (a) The schedule of fees for applications and other filings
   (Bureau/Office Fee Filing Guides) lists those applications and other
   filings that must be accompanied by an FCC Form 159, Remittance Advice'
   or the electronic version of the form, FCC Form 159-E, one of the forms
   that is automatically generated when an applicant accesses the
   Commission's on-line filing and payment process.

   (b) Applicants may access the Commission's on-line filing ( ) and fee payment program by accessing ( ). Applicants who use the on-line
   process will be directed to the appropriate electronic application and
   payment forms for completion and submission of the required
   application(s) and payment information.

   (c) Applications and other filings that are not submitted in accordance
   with these instructions will be returned as unprocessable.

   Note to paragraph ( c ): This requirement for the simultaneous
   submission of fee forms with applications or other filings does not
   apply to the payment of fees for which the Commission has established a
   billing process. See §  1.1121 of this subpart.

   (d) Applications returned to applicants for additional information or
   corrections will not require an additional fee when resubmitted, unless
   the additional information results in an increase of the original fee
   amount. Those applications not requiring an additional fee should be
   resubmitted directly to the Bureau/Office requesting the additional
   information. The original fee will be forfeited if the additional
   information or corrections are not resubmitted to the appropriate
   Bureau/Office by the prescribed deadline. A forfeited application fee
   will not be refunded. If an additional fee is required, the original
   fee will be returned and the application must be resubmitted with a new
   remittance in the amount of the required fee to the Commission's
   lockbox bank. Applicants should attach a copy of the Commission's
   request for additional or corrected information to their resubmission.

   (1) If the Bureau/Office staff discovers within 30 days after the
   resubmission that the required fee was not submitted, the application
   will be dismissed.

   (2) If after 30 days the Bureau/Office staff discovers the required fee
   has not been paid, the application will be retained and a 25 percent
   late fee will be assessed on the deficient amount even if the
   Commission has completed its action on the application. Any Commission
   actions taken prior to timely payment of these charges are contingent
   and subject to recession.

   (e) Should the staff change the status of an application, resulting in
   an increase in the fee due, the applicant will be billed for the
   remainder under the conditions established by §  1.1118(b) of the

   Note to paragraph ( e ): Due to the statutory requirements applicable
   to tariff filings, the procedures for handling tariff filings may vary
   from the procedures set out in the rules.

   [ 74 FR 3445 , Jan. 21, 2009]

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Goto Section: 1.1110 | 1.1112

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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