Goto Section: 1.1111 | 1.1113 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1112
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1112   Form of payment.

   (a) Fee payments should be in the form of a check, bank draft, on money
   order denominated in U.S. dollars and drawn on a United States
   financial institution and made payable to the Federal Communications
   Commission or by a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover
   credit card. No other credit card is acceptable. Fees for applications
   and other filings paid by credit card will not be accepted unless the
   credit card section of FCC Form 159 is completed in full. The
   Commission discourages applicants from submitting cash and will not be
   responsible for cash sent through the mail. Personal or corporate
   checks dated more than six months prior to their submission to the
   Commission's lockbox bank and postdated checks will not be accepted and
   will be returned as deficient. Third party checks ( i.e. , checks with
   a third party as maker or endorser) will not be accepted.

   (1) Specific procedures for electronic payments are announced in
   Bureau/Office fee filing guides.

   (2) It is the responsibility of the payer to insure that any electronic
   payment is made in the manner required by the Commission. Failure to
   comply with the Commission's procedures will result in the return of
   the application or other filing.

   (3) Payments by wire transfer will be accepted; however, to insure
   proper credit, applicants must follow the instructions set out in the
   appropriate Bureau/Office fee filing guide.

   (b) Applicants are required to submit one payment instrument (check,
   bank draft or money order) and FCC Form 159 with each application or
   filing. Multiple payment instruments for a single application or filing
   are not permitted. Except that a separate Fee Form (FCC Form 159) will
   not be required once the information requirements of that form (the Fee
   Code, fee amount, and total fee remitted) are incorporated into the
   underlying application form.

   (c) The Commission may accept multiple money orders in payment of a fee
   for a single application where the fee exceeds the maximum amount for a
   money order established by the issuing agency and the use of multiple
   money orders is the only practical method available for fee payment.

   (d) The Commission may require payment of fees with a cashier's check
   upon notification to an applicant or filer or prospective group of
   applicants under the conditions set forth below in paragraphs (d) (1)
   and (2) of this section.

   (1) Payment by cashier's check may be required when a person or
   organization has made payment, on one or more occasions with a payment
   instrument on which the Commission does not receive final payment and
   such failure is not excused by bank error.

   (2) The Commission will notify the party in writing that future
   payments must be made by cashier's check until further notice. If,
   subsequent to such notice, payment is not made by cashier's check, the
   party's payment will not be accepted and its application or other
   filing will be returned.

   (e) All fees collected will be paid into the general fund of the United
   States Treasury in accordance with Pub. L. 99-272.

   (f) The Commission will furnish a stamped receipt of an application
   only upon request that complies with the following instructions. In
   order to obtain a stamped receipt for an application (or other filing),
   the application package must include a copy of the first page of the
   application, clearly marked "copy", submitted expressly for the purpose
   of serving as a receipt of the filing. The copy should be the top
   document in the package. The copy will be date-stamped immediately and
   provided to the bearer of the submission, if hand delivered. For
   submissions by mail, the receipt copy will be provided through return
   mail if the filer has attached to the receipt copy a stamped
   self-addressed envelope of sufficient size to contain the date stamped
   copy of the application. No remittance receipt copies will be

   [ 52 FR 5289 , Feb. 20, 1987;  52 FR 38232 , Oct. 15, 1987, as amended at
    53 FR 40888 , Oct. 19, 1988;  55 FR 19171 , May 8, 1990. Redesignated at
    59 FR 30998 , June 16, 1994, as amended at  59 FR 30999 , June 16, 1994.
   Redesignated at  60 FR 5326 , Jan. 27, 1995, as amended at  65 FR 49762 ,
   Aug. 15, 2000;  67 FR 46303 , July 12, 2002;  67 FR 67337 , Nov. 5, 2002.
   Redesignated and amended at  74 FR 3445 , Jan. 21, 2009]

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Goto Section: 1.1111 | 1.1113

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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