Goto Section: 1.1304 | 1.1306 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1305
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1305   Actions which normally will have a significant impact upon the
environment, for which Environmental Impact Statements must be prepared.

   Any Commission action deemed to have a significant effect upon the
   quality of the human environment requires the preparation of a Draft
   Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and Final Environmental Impact
   Statement (FEIS) (collectively referred to as EISs) ( see § §  1.1314,
   1.1315 and 1.1317). The Commission has reviewed representative actions
   and has found no common pattern which would enable it to specify
   actions that will thus automatically require EISs.

   Note: Our current application forms refer applicants to §  1.1305 to
   determine if their proposals are such that the submission of
   environmental information is required ( see §  1.1311). Until the
   application forms are revised to reflect our new environmental rules,
   applicants should refer to §  1.1307. Section 1.1307 now delineates
   those actions for which applicants must submit environmental

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Goto Section: 1.1304 | 1.1306

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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