Goto Section: 1.1305 | 1.1307 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1306
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1306   Actions which are categorically excluded from environmental

   (a) Except as provided in §  1.1307 (c) and (d), Commission actions not
   covered by §  1.1307 (a) and (b) are deemed individually and
   cumulatively to have no significant effect on the quality of the human
   environment and are categorically excluded from environmental

   (b) Specifically, any Commission action with respect to any new
   application, or minor or major modifications of existing or authorized
   facilities or equipment, will be categorically excluded, provided such
   proposals do not:

   (1) Involve a site location specified under §  1.1307(a) (1)-(7), or

   (2) Involve high intensity lighting under §  1.1307(a)(8).

   (3) Result in human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in excess of
   the applicable safety standards specified in §  1.1307(b).

   Note 1: The provisions of §  1.1307(a) of this part requiring the
   preparation of EAs do not encompass the mounting of antenna(s) on an
   existing building or antenna tower unless §  1.1307(a)(4) of this part
   is applicable. Such antennas are subject to §  1.1307(b) of this part
   and require EAs if their construction would result in human exposure to
   radiofrequency radiation in excess of the applicable health and safety
   guidelines cited in §  1.1307(b) of this part. The provisions of
   §  1.1307 (a) and (b) of this part do not encompass the installation of
   aerial wire or cable over existing aerial corridors of prior or
   permitted use or the underground installation of wire or cable along
   existing underground corridors of prior or permitted use, established
   by the applicant or others. The use of existing buildings, towers or
   corridors is an environmentally desirable alternative to the
   construction of new facilities and is encouraged. The provisions of
   §  1.1307(a) and (b) of this part do not encompass the construction of
   new submarine cable systems.

   Note 2: The specific height of an antenna tower or supporting
   structure, as well as the specific diameter of a satellite earth
   station, in and of itself, will not be deemed sufficient to warrant
   environmental processing, see §  1.1307 and §  1.1308, except as
   required by the Bureau pursuant to the Note to §  1.1307(d).

   Note 3: The construction of an antenna tower or supporting structure in
   an established "antenna farm": ( i.e. , an area in which similar
   antenna towers are clustered, whether or not such area has been
   officially designated as an antenna farm), will be categorically
   excluded unless one or more of the antennas to be mounted on the tower
   or structure are subject to the provisions of §  1.1307(b) and the
   additional radiofrequency radiation from the antenna(s) on the new
   tower or structure would cause human exposure in excess of the
   applicable health and safety guidelines cited in §  1.1307(b).

   [ 51 FR 15000 , Apr. 22, 1986, as amended at  51 FR 18889 , May 23, 1986;
    53 FR 28393 , July 28, 1988;  56 FR 13414 , Apr. 2, 1991;  64 FR 19061 ,
   Apr. 19, 1999;  77 FR 3952 , Jan. 26, 2012]

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Goto Section: 1.1305 | 1.1307

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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