Goto Section: 101.145 | 101.149 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.147
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  101.147   Frequency assignments.

   (a) Frequencies in the following bands are available for assignment for
   fixed microwave services.

   928.0-929.0 MHz (28)

   932.0-932.5 MHz (27)

   932.5-935 MHz (17)

   941.0-941.5 MHz (27)

   941.5-944 MHz (17) (18)

   952.0-960.0 MHz (28)

   1,850-1,990 MHz (20) (22)

   2,110-2,130 MHz) (1) (3) (7) (20) (23)

   2,130-2,150 MHz (20) (22)

   2,160-2,180 MHz (1) (2) (20) (23)

   2,180-2,200 MHz (20) (22)

   2,450-2,500 MHz (12)

   2,650-2,690 MHz

   3,700-4,200 MHz (8) (14) (25)

   5,925-6,425 MHz (6) (14) (25)

   6,425-6,525 MHz (24)

   6,525-6.875 MHz (14) (33)

   6,875-7,125 MHz (10), (34)

   10,550-10,680 MHz (19)

   10,700-11,700 MHz (8) (9) (19) (25)

   11,700-12,200 MHz (24)

   12,200-12,700 MHz (31)

   12,700-13,200 (22), (34)

   13,200-13,250 MHz (4) (24) (25)

   14,200-14,400 MHz (24)

   17,700-18,820 MHz (5) (10) (15)

   17,700-18,300 MHz (10) (15)

   18,820-18,920 MHz (22)

   18,300-18,580 MHz (5) (10) (15)

   18,580-19,300 MHz (22) (30)

   18,920-19,160 MHz (5 (10) (15)

   19,160-19,260 MHz (22)

   19,260-19,700 MHz (5) (10) (15)

   19,300-19,700 MHz (5) (10) (15)

   21,200-22,000 MHz (4) (11) (12) (13) (24) (25) (26)

   22,000-23,600 MHz (4) (11) (12) (24) (25) (26)

   24,250-25,250 MHz

   27,500-28,350 MHz (16)

   29,100-29,250 MHz (5), (16)

   31,000-31,300 MHz (16)

   37,000-40,000 MHz (4)(32)

   42,000-42,500 MHz

   71,000-76,000 MHz (5) (17)

   81,000-86,000 MHz (5) (17)

   92,000-94,000 MHz (17)

   94,100-95,000 MHz (17)


   (1) Frequencies in this band are shared with control and repeater
   stations in the Public Mobile Services and with stations in the
   International Fixed Public Radio communication Services located south
   of 25DEG30' north latitude in the State of Florida and U. S.
   possessions in the Caribbean area. Additionally, the band 2160-2162 MHz
   is shared with stations in the Multipoint Distribution Service.

   (2) Except upon showing that no alternative frequencies are available,
   no new assignments will be made in the band 2160-2162 MHz for stations
   located within 80.5 kilometers (50 miles) of the coordinates of the
   cities listed in §  21.901(c) of this chapter.

   (3) Television transmission in this band is not authorized and radio
   frequency channel widths may not exceed 3.5 MHz.

   (4) Frequencies in this band are shared with fixed and mobile stations
   licensed in other services.

   (5) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the
   fixed-satellite service.

   (6) These frequencies are not available for assignment to mobile earth

   (7) Frequencies in the band 2110-2120 MHz may be authorized on a
   case-by-case basis to Government or non-Government space research earth
   stations for telecommand purposes in connection with deep space

   (8) This frequency band is shared with station(s) in the Local
   Television Transmission Service and, in the U.S. Possessions in the
   Caribbean area, with stations in the International Fixed Public
   Radiocommunications Services.

   (9) The band segments 10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7 GHz are shared with
   space stations (space to earth) in the fixed-satellite service.

   (10) This band is co-equally shared with stations in the fixed services
   under parts 74, 78 and 101 of this chapter.

   (11) Frequencies in this band are shared with Government stations.

   (12) Frequencies in this band are available for assignment to the
   common carrier and private-operational fixed point-to-point microwave

   (13) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the earth
   exploration satellite service (space to earth).

   (14) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the
   fixed-satellite service.

   (15) Stations licensed as of September 9, 1983 to use frequencies in
   the 17.7-19.7 GHz band may, upon proper application, continue to be
   authorized for such operation.

   (16) As of June 30, 1997, frequencies in these bands are available for
   assignment only to LMDS radio stations, except for non-LMDS radio
   stations authorized pursuant to applications refiled no later than June
   26, 1998.

   (17) Frequencies in these bands are shared with Government fixed
   stations and stations in the Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point
   Microwave Service (part 101).

   (18) Frequencies in the 942 to 944 MHz band are also shared with
   broadcast auxiliary stations.

   (19) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the
   private-operational fixed point-to-point microwave service.

   (20) New facilities in these bands will be licensed only on a secondary
   basis. Facilities licensed or applied for before January 16, 1992, are
   permitted to make minor modifications in accordance with §  101.81 and
   retain their primary status.

   (21) Any authorization of additional stations to use the 2160-2162 MHz
   band for Multipoint Distribution Service applied for after January 16,
   1992, will be secondary to use of the band for emerging technology

   (22) Frequencies in these bands are for the exclusive use of Private
   Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101).
   Frequencies in the 12,700-13,200 MHz band, which were available only to
   stations authorized in the 12,200-12,700 MHz band as of September 9,
   1983, are not available for new facilities.

   (23) Frequencies in these bands are for the exclusive use of Common
   Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101).

   (24) Frequencies in these bands are available for assignment to
   television pickup and television non-broadcast pickup stations. The
   maximum power for the local television transmission service in the
   14.2-14.4 GHz band is +45 dBW except that operations are not permitted
   within 1.5 degrees of the geostationary orbit. Beginning March 1, 2005,
   no new LTTS operators will be licensed and no existing LTTS licenses
   shall be issued in the 11.7-12.2 and 14.2-14.4 GHz bands.

   (25) Frequencies in these bands are available for assignment to
   television STL stations.

   (26) Frequencies from 21.8-22.0 GHz and 23.0-23.2 GHz may be authorized
   for low power, limited coverage systems subject to the provisions of
   paragraph (s)(8) of this section.

   (27) Frequencies in the 932 to 932.5 MHz and 941 to 941.5 MHz bands are
   shared with Government fixed point-to-multipoint stations. Frequencies
   in these bands are paired with one another and are available for
   flexible use for transmission of the licensee's products and
   information services, excluding video entertainment material.
   932.00625/941.00625 MHz to 932.24375/941.24375 MHz is licensed by
   Economic Area. 932.25625/941.25625 MHz to 932.49375/941.49375 MHz is
   licensed on a site-by-site basis.

   (28) Licensees that obtain authorizations in the 928/952/956 MHz MAS
   bands subsequent to July 1, 1999 are limited to private internal
   services, as defined in §  101.1305. Incumbent operations in the
   928/952/956 MHz MAS bands, as defined in §  101.1331(a), are subject to
   grandfather rights pursuant to §  101.1331. The 928.85-929.0 MHz and
   959.85-960.0 MHz bands are licensed on a geographic area basis with no
   eligibility restrictions. The 928.0-928.85 MHz band paired with the
   952.0-952.85 MHz band, in addition to unpaired frequencies in the
   956.25-956.45 MHz band, are licensed on a site-by-site basis and used
   for terrestrial point-to-point and point-to-multipoint fixed and
   limited mobile operations. The 928.85-929.0 MHz band paired with the
   959.85-960.0 MHz band is licensed by Economic Area and used for
   terrestrial point-to-point and point-to-multipoint fixed operations.

   (29) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the
   Multipoint Distribution Service (part 21). These frequencies may be
   used for the transmission of the licensee's products and information
   services, excluding video entertainment material to the licensee's

   (30) The frequency band 18,580-19,300 GHz is not available for new
   licensees after June 8, 2000, except for low power indoor stations in
   the band 18,820-18,870 MHz and 19,160-19,210 MHz.

   (31) This frequency band can be used for Multichannel Video
   Distribution and Data Service (MVDDS) shared with Direct Broadcast
   Satellite (DBS) Services on a co-primary non-harmful interference basis
   and on a co-primary basis with NGSO FSS satellite earth stations.
   Incumbent private operational fixed point-to-point licensees can also
   use these frequencies on a site by site basis.

   (32) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the
   fixed-satellite service, subject to the conditions specified in
   footnote 15 of §  25.202(a)(1) of this chapter, see 47 CFR 47
   25.202(a)(1) n.16.

   (33) The coordination of a new 30 megahertz link in the 6,525-6,875 MHz
   band should be attempted only if it cannot be accommodated in the
   5,925-6,425 MHz band.

   (34) In the bands 6,875-7,125 MHz and 12,700-13,150 MHz, links shall
   not intersect with the service areas of television pickup stations.

   (b) Frequencies normally available for assignment in this service are
   set forth with applicable limitations in the following tables: 928-960
   MHz Multiple address system (MAS) frequencies are available for the
   point-to-multipoint and point-to-point transmission of a licensee's
   products or services, excluding video entertainment material, to a
   licensee's customer or for its own internal communications. The paired
   frequencies listed in this section are used for two-way communications
   between a master station and remote stations. Ancillary one-way
   communications on paired frequencies are permitted on a case-by-case
   basis. Ancillary communications between interrelated master stations
   are permitted on a secondary basis. The normal channel bandwidth
   assigned will be 12.5 kHz. EA licensees, however, may combine
   contiguous channels without limit or justification. Site-based
   licensees may combine contiguous channels up to 50 kHz, and more than
   50 kHz only upon a showing of adequate justification. Any bandwidth
   (12.5 kHz, 25 kHz or greater) authorized in accordance with this
   section may be subdivided into narrower bandwidths to create additional
   (or sub) frequencies without the need to specify each discrete
   frequency within the specific bandwidth. Equipment that is used to
   create additional frequencies by narrowing bandwidth (whether
   authorized for a 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz or greater bandwidth) will be
   required to meet, at a minimum, the +-0.00015 percent tolerance
   requirement so that all subfrequencies will be within the emission
   mask. Systems licensed for frequencies in these MAS bands prior to
   August 1, 1975, may continue to operate as authorized until June 11,
   1996, at which time they must comply with current MAS operations based
   on the 12.5 kHz channelization set forth in this paragraph. Systems
   licensed between August 1, 1975, and January 1, 1981, inclusive, are
   required to comply with the grandfathered 25 kHz standard bandwidth and
   channelization requirements set forth in this paragraph. Systems
   originally licensed after January 1, 1981, and on or before May 11,
   1988, with bandwidths of 25 kHz and above, will be grandfathered

   Note to paragraph ( b ) introductory text: Paragraphs (b)(1) through
   (b)(5) and Tables 1 through 7 of this section pertain to Multiple
   Address System (MAS) frequencies and paragraph (b)(6) and Tables 8
   through 11 of this section pertain to Point-To-Point frequencies.

   (1) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are designated for private
   internal use and are subject to site-based licensing.

   Table 1--Paired Frequencies (MHz)

   [12.5 kHz bandwidth]
   Remote transmit Master transmit
   928.00625             952.00625
   928.01875             952.01875
   928.03125             952.03125
   928.04375             952.04375
   928.05625             952.05625
   928.06875             952.06875
   928.08125             952.08125
   928.09375             952.09375
   928.10625             952.10625
   928.11875             952.11875
   928.13125             952.13125
   928.14375             952.14375
   928.15625             952.15625
   928.16875             952.16875
   928.18125             952.18125
   928.19375             952.19375
   928.20625             952.20625
   928.21875             952.21875
   928.23125             952.23125
   928.24375             952.24375
   928.25625             952.25625
   928.26875             952.26875
   928.28125             952.28125
   928.29375             952.29375
   928.30625             952.30625
   928.31875             952.31875
   928.33125             952.33125
   928.34375             952.34375

   Unpaired Frequencies (MHz)

   [12.5 kHz bandwidth]
       D         D         D
   956.25625 956.33125 956.39375
   956.26875 956.34375 956.40625
   956.28125 956.35625 956.41875
   956.29375 956.36875 956.43125
   956.30625 956.38125 956.44375

   Table 2--Paired Frequencies (MHz)

   [25 kHz bandwidth]
   Remote transmit Master transmit
   928.0125               952.0125
   928.0375               952.0375
   928.0625               952.0625
   928.0875               952.0875
   928.1125               952.1125
   928.1375               952.1375
   928.1625               952.1625
   928.1875               952.1875
   928.2125               952.2125
   928.2375               952.2375
   928.2625               952.2625
   928.2875               952.2875
   928.3125               952.3125
   928.3375               952.3375

   Unpaired Frequencies (MHz)

   [25 kHz bandwidth]
   956.2625 956.3375 956.4125
   956.2875 956.3625 956.4375
   956.3125 956.3875

   (2) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are designated for private
   internal use and are subject to site-based licensing.

   Table 3--Paired Frequencies (MHz)

   [12.5 kHz bandwidth]
   Remote transmit Master transmit
   928.35625             952.35625
   928.36875             952.36872
   928.38125             952.38125
   928.39375             952.39375
   928.40625             952.40625
   928.41875             952.41875
   928.43125             952.43125
   928.44375             952.44375
   928.45625             952.45625
   928.46875             952.46875
   928.48125             952.48125
   928.49375             952.49375
   928.50625             952.50625
   928.51875             952.51875
   928.53125             952.53125
   928.54375             952.54375
   928.55625             952.55625
   928.56875             952.56875
   928.58125             952.58125
   928.59375             952.59375
   928.60625             952.60625
   928.61875             952.61875
   928.63125             952.63125
   928.64375             952.64375
   928.65625             952.65625
   928.66875             952.66875
   928.68125             952.68125
   928.69375             952.69375
   928.70625             952.70625
   928.71875             952.71875
   928.73125             952.73125
   928.74375             952.74375
   928.75625             952.75625
   928.76875             952.76875
   928.78125             952.78125
   928.79375             952.79375
   928.80625             952.80625
   928.81875             952.81875
   928.83125             952.83125
   928.84375             952.84375

   Table 4--Paired Frequencies (MHz)

   [25 kHz bandwidth]
   Remote transmit Master transmit
   928.3625               952.3625
   928.3875               952.3875
   928.4125               952.4125
   928.4375               952.4375
   928.4625               952.4625
   928.4875               952.4875
   928.5125               952.5125
   928.5375               952.5375
   928.5625               952.5625
   928.5875               952.5875
   928.6125               952.6125
   928.6375               952.6375
   928.6625               952.6625
   928.6875               952.6875
   928.7125               952.7125
   928.7375               952.7375
   928.7625               952.7625
   928.7875               952.7875
   928.8125               952.8125
   928.8375               952.8375

   (3) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are not restricted to private
   internal use and are licensed by geographic area. Incumbent facilities
   must be protected.

   Table 5--Paired Frequencies (MHz)

   [12.5 kHz bandwidth]
   Remote transmit Master transmit
   928.85625             959.85625
   928.86875             959.86875
   928.88125             959.88125
   928.89375             959.89375
   928.90625             959.90625
   928.91875             959.91875
   928.93125             959.93125
   928.94375             959.94375
   928.95625             959.95625
   928.96875             959.96875
   928.98125             959.98125
   928.99375             959.99375

   Table 6--Paired Frequencies (MHz)

   [25 kHz bandwidth]
   Remote transmit Master transmit
   928.8625               959.8625
   928.8875               959.8875
   928.9125               959.9125
   928.9375               959.9375
   928.9625               959.9625
   928.9875               959.9875

   (4) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are licensed by either
   economic area or on a site-by-site basis.

   Table 7--Paired Frequencies
      Remote transmit                  Master transmit
                       Licensed by Economic Area
   (12.5 kHz bandwidth):
   932.00625                                               941.00625
   932.01875                                               941.01875
   932.03125                                               941.03125
   932.04375                                               941.04375
   932.05625                                               941.05625
   932.06875                                               941.06875
   932.08125                                               941.08125
   932.09375                                               941.09375
   (50 kHz bandwidth):
   932.12500                                               941.12500
   (12.5 kHz bandwidth):
   932.15625                                               941.15625
   932.16875                                               941.16875
   932.18125                                               941.18125
   932.19375                                               941.19375
   932.20625                                               941.20625
   932.21875                                               941.21875
   932.23125                                               941.23125
   932.24375                                               941.24375
   Reserved for public safety and private internal use. Licensed on
   site-by-site basis.
   (12.5 kHz bandwidth):
   932.25625                                               941.25625
   932.26875                                               941.26875
   932.28125                                               941.28125
   932.29375                                               941.29375
   932.30625                                               941.30625
   932.31875                                               941.31875
   932.33125                                               941.33125
   932.34375                                               941.34375
   932.35625                                               941.35625
   932.36875                                               941.36875
   932.38125                                               941.38125
   932.39375                                               941.39375
   932.40625                                               941.40625
   932.41875                                               941.41875
   932.43125                                               941.43125
   Reserved for Public Safety and Federal Government Use. Licensed on
   site-by-site basis.
   (12.5 kHz bandwidth):
   932.44375                                               941.44375
   932.45625                                               941.45625
   932.46875                                               941.46875
   932.48125                                               941.48125
   932.49375                                               941.49375

   (5) Equivalent power and antenna heights for multiple address master
   Antenna height (AAT) in meters Maximum effective radiated power
                                  Watts            dBm
   Above 305                        200                         53
   Above 274 to 305                 250                         54
   Above 244 to 274                 315                         55
   Above 213 to 244                 400                         56
   Above 182 to 213                 500                         57
   Above 152.5 to 182               630                         58
   152.5 and below                1,000                         60

   For mobile operations the maximum ERP is 25 watts (44 dBm).

   (6) Fixed point-to-point frequencies.

   Table 8--Paired Frequencies

   [All frequencies may be used by Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point and
   Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service licensees;
   25 kHz bandwidth]
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   932.5125                                 941.5125
   932.5375                                 941.5375
   932.5625                                 941.5625
   932.5875                                 941.5875
   932.6125                                 941.6125
   932.6375                                 941.6375
   932.6625                                 941.6625
   934.8375                                 943.8375
   934.8625                                 943.8625
   934.8875                                 943.8875
   934.9125                                 943.9125
   934.9375                                 943.9375
   934.9625                                 943.9625
   934.9875                                 943.9875

   Table 9--Paired Frequencies

   [Frequencies may be used only by Private Operational Fixed
   Point-to-Point Microwave Service licensees, unless otherwise noted; 50
   kHz bandwidth]
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   932.70 ^1                               ^1 941.70
   932.75 ^1                               ^1 941.75
   934.80 ^1                               ^1 943.80
   956.65                                     953.05
   956.75                                     953.15
   956.85                                     953.25
   956.95                                     953.35
   957.05                                     953.45
   957.25                                     953.65
   957.35                                     953.75
   957.45                                     953.85
   957.65                                     954.05
   957.75                                     954.15
   957.85                                     954.25
   958.05                                     954.45
   958.15                                     954.55
   958.25                                     954.65
   958.45                                     954.85
   958.55                                     954.95
   958.65                                     955.05
   958.85                                     955.25
   958.95                                     955.35
   959.05                                     955.45
   959.25                                     955.65
   959.35                                     955.75
   959.45                                     955.85
   959.55                                     955.95
   959.65                                     956.05

   ^1 These frequencies also may be used by Common Carrier Fixed
   Point-to-Point Microwave licensees.

   Table 10--Paired Frequencies

   [Frequencies may be used only by Private Operational Fixed
   Point-to-Point Microwave licensees, unless otherwise noted; 100 kHz
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   932.8250 ^1                           ^1 941.8250
   932.9250 ^1                           ^1 941.9250
   933.0250 ^1                           ^1 942.0250
   934.5250 ^1                           ^1 943.5250
   934.6250 ^1                           ^1 943.6250
   934.7250 ^1                           ^1 943.7250
   956.6                                       953.0
   956.7                                       953.1
   956.8                                       953.2
   956.9                                       953.3
   957.0                                       953.4
   957.1                                       953.5
   957.2                                       953.6
   957.3                                       953.7
   957.4                                       953.8
   957.5                                       953.9
   957.6                                       954.0
   957.7                                       954.1
   957.8                                       954.2
   957.9                                       954.3
   958.0                                       954.4
   958.1                                       954.5
   958.2                                       954.6
   958.3                                       954.7
   958.4                                       954.8
   958.5                                       954.9
   958.6                                       955.0
   958.7                                       955.1
   958.8                                       955.2
   958.9                                       955.3
   959.0                                       955.4
   959.1                                       955.5
   959.2                                       955.6
   959.3                                       955.7
   959.4                                       955.8
   959.5                                       955.9
   959.6                                       956.0
   959.7                                       956.1

   ^1 These frequencies also may be used by Common Carrier Fixed
   Point-to-Point Microwave licensees.

   Table 11--Paired Frequencies

   [Frequencies may be used only by Private Operational Fixed
   Point-to-Point Microwave licensees, unless otherwise noted; (200 kHz
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   933.1750 ^1                           ^1 942.1750
   933.3750 ^1                           ^1 942.3750
   933.5750 ^1                           ^1 942.5750
   933.7750 ^1                           ^1 942.7750
   933.9750 ^1                           ^1 942.9750
   934.1750 ^1                           ^1 943.1750
   934.3750 ^1                           ^1 943.3750
   957.15                                     953.55
   957.55                                     953.95
   957.95                                     954.35
   958.35                                     954.75
   958.75                                     955.15
   959.15                                     955.55

   ^1 These frequencies also may be used by Common Carrier Fixed
   Point-to-Point Microwave licensees.

   (c) 1850-1990 MHz. (1) 10 MHz maximum bandwidth.

   Paired Frequencies
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   1855                                         1935
   1865                                         1945
   1875                                         1955
   1885                                         1965
   1895                                         1975
   1905                                         1985

   Unpaired Frequencies
   1915 ^1
   1925 ^1

   ^1 Available for systems employing one-way transmission.

   (2) 5 MHz maximum bandwidth.

   Paired Frequencies
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   1860                                         1940
   1870                                         1950
   1880                                         1960
   1890                                         1970
   1900                                         1980

   (d) 2130-2150 MHz; 2180-2200 MHz. 800 kHz maximum bandwidth, unless

   Paired Frequencies
   2130-2150 2180-2200
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   2130.8                                     2180.8
   2131.6                                  ^1 2181.6
   2132.4                                     2182.4
   2133.2                                  ^1 2183.2
   2134.0                                     2184.0
   2134.8                                  ^1 2184.8
   2135.6                                     2185.6
   2136.4                                  ^1 2186.4
   2137.2                                     2187.2
   2138.0                                  ^1 2188.0
   2139.6                                  ^1 2189.6
   2138.8                                     2188.8
   2140.4                                     2190.4
   2141.2                                  ^1 2191.2
   2142.0                                     2192.0
   2142.8                                  ^1 2192.8
   2143.6                                     2193.6
   2144.4                                  ^1 2194.4
   2145.2                                     2195.2
   2146.0                                  ^1 2196.0
   2146.8                                     2196.8
   2147.6                                  ^1 2197.6
   2148.4                                     2198.4
   2149.2                                     2199.2

   ^1 Consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis to assigning
   these frequency pairs to systems employing 1600 KHz bandwidth

   (e) [Reserved]

   (f) 2450-2500 MHz. (1) This band is shared with other communications
   services and is not subject to protection from interference from
   industrial, scientific, and medical devices operating on 2450 MHz.

   (2) Stations licensed in this band under this part prior to March 1,
   1996, are grandfathered and may continue their authorized operations.
   Stations licensed in the 2483.5-2500 MHz portion of the band as of July
   25, 1985, and licensees whose initial applications were filed on or
   before July 25, 1985, are grandfathered, and may continue operations,
   subject only to license renewal, on a co-primary basis with with the
   mobile-satellite and radiodetermination-satellite services, and in the
   segment 2495-2500 MHz, their operations are also on a co-primary basis
   with part 27 fixed and mobile except aeronautical mobile service

   (3) 625 KHz bandwidth channels. The normal bandwidth authorized will be
   625 KHz. Upon adequate justification, additional contiguous channels
   may be authorized to provide up to a 2500 KHz bandwidth.

   Paired Frequencies
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   2450.3125                               2467.5625
   2450.9375                               2468.1875
   2451.5625                               2468.8125
   2452.1875                               2469.4375
   2452.8125                               2470.0625
   2453.4375                               2470.6875
   2454.0625                               2471.3125
   2454.6875                               2471.9375
   2455.3125                               2472.5625
   2455.9375                               2473.1875
   2456.5625                               2473.8125
   2457.1875                               2474.4375
   2457.8125                               2475.0625
   2458.4375                               2475.6875
   2459.0625                               2476.3125
   2459.6875                               2476.9375
   2460.3125                               2477.5625
   2460.9375                               2478.1875
   2461.5625                               2478.8125
   2462.1875                               2479.4375
   2462.8125                               2480.0625
   2463.4375                               2480.6875
   2464.0625                               2481.3125
   2464.6875                               2481.9375
   2465.3125                               2482.5625
   2465.9375                               2483.1875

   (g) [Reserved]

   (h) 3,700 to 4,200 MHz. 20 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth.

   20 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   3710                                         3750
   3730                                         3770
   3790                                         3830
   3810                                         3850
   3870                                         3910
   3890                                         3930
   3950                                         3990
   3970                                         4010
   4030                                         4070
   4050                                         4090
   4110                                         4150
   4130                                         4170
   N/A                                       ^1 4190

   ^1 This frequency may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (i) 5,925 to 6,425 MHz. 60 MHz authorized bandwidth.

   (1) 400 kHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   5925.225                                 6177.100
   5925.625                                 6177.500
   5926.050                                 6177.925
   5926.450                                 6178.325
   5926.875                                 6178.750
   5927.275                                 6179.150
   5927.725                                 6179.600
   5928.125                                 6180.000
   5928.550                                 6180.425
   5928.950                                 6180.825
   5929.375                                 6181.250
   5929.775                                 6181.650
   6168.350                                 6420.225
   6168.750                                 6420.625
   6169.175                                 6421.050
   6169.575                                 6421.450
   6170.000                                 6421.875
   6170.400                                 6422.275
   6170.850                                 6422.725
   6171.250                                 6423.125
   6171.675                                 6423.550
   6172.075                                 6423.950
   6172.500                                 6424.375
   6172.900                                 6424.775

   (2) 800 kHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   5925.425                                 6177.300
   5926.250                                 6178.125
   5927.075                                 6178.950
   5927.925                                 6179.800
   5928.750                                 6180.625
   5929.575                                 6181.450
   6168.550                                 6420.425
   6169.375                                 6421.250
   6170.200                                 6422.075
   6171.050                                 6422.925
   6171.875                                 6423.750
   6172.700                                 6424.575

   (3) 1.25 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   5925.625                                 6177.500
   5926.875                                 6178.750
   5928.125                                 6180.000
   5929.375                                 6181.250
   6108.893                                 6360.933
   6110.128                                 6362.168
   6111.364                                 6363.404
   6112.599                                 6364.639
   6113.834                                 6365.874
   6115.070                                 6367.110
   6116.305                                 6368.345
   6117.541                                 6369.581
   6118.776                                 6370.816
   6120.011                                 6372.051
   6121.247                                 6373.287
   6122.482                                 6374.522
   6123.718                                 6375.758
   6124.953                                 6376.993
   6126.189                                 6378.229
   6127.424                                 6379.464
   6128.659                                 6380.699
   6129.895                                 6381.935
   6131.130                                 6383.170
   6132.366                                 6384.406
   6133.601                                 6385.641
   6134.836                                 6386.876
   6136.072                                 6388.112
   6137.307                                 6389.347
   6138.543                                 6390.583
   6139.778                                 6391.818
   6141.014                                 6393.054
   6142.249                                 6394.289
   6143.484                                 6395.524
   6144.720                                 6396.760
   6145.955                                 6397.995
   6147.191                                 6399.231
   6148.426                                 6400.466
   6149.661                                 6401.701
   6150.897                                 6402.937
   6152.132                                 6404.172
   6153.368                                 6405.408
   6154.603                                 6406.643
   6155.839                                 6407.879
   6157.074                                 6409.114
   6158.309                                 6410.349
   6159.545                                 6411.585
   6160.780                                 6412.820
   6162.016                                 6414.056
   6163.251                                 6415.291
   6164.486                                 6416.526
   6165.722                                 6417.762
   6166.957                                 6418.997
   6168.750                                 6420.625
   6170.000                                 6421.875
   6171.250                                 6423.125
   6172.500                                 6424.375
   6173.750 ^1                                   N/A
   6175.000 ^1                                   N/A
   6176.250 ^1                                   N/A

   ^1 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (4) 2.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   5926.250                                 6178.125
   5928.750                                 6180.625
   6109.510                                 6361.550
   6111.981                                 6364.021
   6114.452                                 6366.492
   6116.923                                 6368.963
   6119.394                                 6371.434
   6121.865                                 6373.905
   6124.335                                 6376.375
   6126.806                                 6378.846
   6129.277                                 6381.317
   6131.748                                 6383.788
   6134.219                                 6386.259
   6136.690                                 6388.730
   6139.160                                 6391.200
   6141.631                                 6393.671
   6144.102                                 6396.142
   6146.573                                 6398.613
   6149.044                                 6401.084
   6151.515                                 6403.555
   6153.985                                 6406.025
   6156.456                                 6408.496
   6158.927                                 6410.967
   6161.398                                 6413.438
   6163.869                                 6415.909
   6166.340                                 6418.380
   6169.375                                 6421.250
   6171.875                                 6423.750
   6175.625 ^1                                   N/A

   ^1 This frequency may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (5) 3.75 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6111.364                                 6363.404
   6116.305                                 6368.345
   6121.247                                 6373.287
   6126.189                                 6378.229
   6131.130                                 6383.170
   6136.072                                 6388.112
   6141.014                                 6393.054
   6145.955                                 6397.995
   6150.897                                 6402.937
   6155.839                                 6407.879
   6160.780                                 6412.820
   6165.722                                 6417.762
   6175.000 ^1                                   N/A

   ^1 This frequency may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (6) 5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6110.75                                   6362.79
   6115.69                                   6367.73
   6120.63                                   6372.67
   6125.57                                   6377.61
   6130.51                                   6382.55
   6135.45                                   6387.49
   6140.40                                   6392.44
   6145.34                                   6397.38
   6150.28                                   6402.32
   6155.22                                   6407.26
   6160.16                                   6412.20
   6165.10                                   6417.14

   (7) 10 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   5935.32                                   6187.36
   5945.20                                   6197.24
   5955.08                                   6207.12
   5964.97                                   6217.01
   5974.85                                   6226.89
   5984.73                                   6236.77
   5994.62                                   6246.66
   6004.50                                   6256.54
   6014.38                                   6266.42
   6024.27                                   6276.31
   6034.15                                   6286.19
   6044.03                                   6296.07
   6053.92                                   6305.96
   6063.80                                   6315.84
   6073.68                                   6325.72
   6083.57                                   6335.61
   6093.45                                   6345.49
   6103.33                                   6355.37
   6113.22 ^1                             ^1 6365.26
   6123.10 ^1                             ^1 6375.14
   6132.98 ^1                             ^1 6385.02
   6142.87 ^1                             ^1 6394.91
   6152.75 ^1                             ^1 6404.79
   6162.63 ^1                             ^1 6414.67

   ^1 Alternate channels. These channels are set aside for narrow
   bandwidth systems and should be used only if all other channels are

   (8) 30 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   5945.20                                   6197.24
   5974.85                                   6226.89
   6004.50                                   6256.54
   6034.15                                   6286.19
   6063.80                                   6315.84
   6093.45                                   6345.49
   6123.10 ^1                             ^1 6375.14
   6152.75 ^1                             ^1 6404.79

   ^1 Alternate channels. These channels are set aside for narrow
   bandwidth systems and should be used only if all other channels are

   (9) 60 MHz bandwidth channels: 1
   (MHz) Receive
         5960.025 6212.065
         6019.325 6271.365
         6078.625 6330.665
         6137.925 6389.965

   (j) 6,425 to 6,525 MHz: Mobile. Paired and un-paired operations
   permitted. Use of this spectrum for direct delivery of video programs
   to the general public or multi-channel cable distribution is not
   permitted. This band is co-equally shared with mobile stations licensed
   pursuant to parts 74 and 78 of the Commission's Rules. Stations not
   intended to be operated while in motion will be licensed under the
   provision of §  101.31. The following channel plans apply.

   (1) 1 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (or receive) (MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz)
   6425.5                                           6475.5
   6450.5                                           6500.5

   (2) 8 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (or receive) (MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz)
   6430.0                                           6480.0
   6438.0                                           6488.0
   6446.0                                           6596.0
   6455.0                                           6505.0
   6463.0                                           6513.0
   6471.0                                           6521.0

   (3) 25 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (or receive) (MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz)
   6437.5                                           6487.5
   6462.5                                           6512.5

   (k) 6,525 to 6,875 MHz. 10 MHz authorized bandwidth.

   (1) 400 kHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6525.225                                 6870.225
   6525.625                                 6870.625
   6526.050                                 6871.050
   6526.450                                 6871.450
   6526.875                                 6871.875
   6527.275                                 6872.275
   6527.725                                 6872.725
   6528.125                                 6873.125
   6528.550                                 6873.550
   6528.950                                 6873.950
   6529.375                                 6874.375
   6529.775                                 6874.775

   (2) 800 kHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6525.425                                 6870.425
   6526.250                                 6871.250
   6527.075                                 6872.075
   6527.925                                 6872.925
   6528.750                                 6873.750
   6529.575                                 6874.575

   (3) 1.25 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6525.625                                 6870.625
   6526.875                                 6871.875
   6528.125                                 6873.125
   6529.375                                 6874.375
   6540.625 ^1                           ^1 6718.125
   6541.875 ^1                           ^1 6719.375
   6543.125 ^1                           ^1 6713.125
   6544.375 ^1                           ^1 6714.375
   6545.625 ^1                           ^1 6715.625
   6546.875 ^1                           ^1 6716.875
   6548.125                                 6728.125
   6549.375                                 6729.375
   6550.625                                 6730.625
   6551.875                                 6731.875
   6553.125 ^1                           ^1 6723.125
   6554.375 ^1                           ^1 6724.375
   6555.625 ^1                           ^1 6725.625
   6556.875 ^1                           ^1 6726.875
   6558.125                                 6738.125
   6559.375                                 6739.375
   6560.625                                 6740.625
   6561.875                                 6741.875
   6563.125                                 6733.125
   6564.375                                 6734.375
   6565.625                                 6735.625
   6566.875                                 6736.875
   6568.125 ^1                           ^1 6720.625
   6569.375 ^1                           ^1 6721.875
   6580.625 ^1                           ^1 6868.125
   6581.875 ^1                           ^1 6869.375
   6583.125                                 6743.125
   6584.375                                 6744.375
   6585.625                                 6745.625
   6586.875                                 6746.875
   6588.125                                 6748.125
   6589.375                                 6749.375
   6590.625                                 6750.625
   6591.875                                 6751.875
   6593.125                                 6753.125
   6594.375                                 6754.375
   6595.625                                 6755.625
   6596.875                                 6756.875
   6598.125                                 6758.125
   6599.375                                 6759.375
   6600.625                                 6760.625
   6601.875                                 6761.875
   6603.125                                 6763.125
   6604.375                                 6764.375
   6605.625                                 6765.625
   6606.875                                 6766.875
   6608.125                                 6768.125
   6609.375                                 6769.375
   6610.625                                 6770.625
   6611.875                                 6771.875
   6613.125                                 6773.125
   6614.375                                 6774.375
   6615.625                                 6775.625
   6616.875                                 6776.875
   6618.125                                 6778.125
   6619.375                                 6779.375
   6620.625                                 6780.625
   6621.875                                 6781.875
   6623.125                                 6783.125
   6624.375                                 6784.375
   6625.625                                 6785.625
   6626.875                                 6786.875
   6628.125                                 6788.125
   6629.375                                 6789.375
   6630.625                                 6790.625
   6631.875                                 6791.875
   6633.125                                 6793.125
   6634.375                                 6794.375
   6635.625                                 6795.625
   6636.875                                 6796.875
   6638.125                                 6798.125
   6639.375                                 6799.375
   6640.625                                 6800.625
   6641.875                                 6801.875
   6643.125                                 6803.125
   6644.375                                 6804.375
   6645.625                                 6805.625
   6646.875                                 6806.875
   6648.125                                 6808.125
   6649.375                                 6809.375
   6650.625                                 6810.625
   6651.875                                 6811.875
   6653.125                                 6813.125
   6654.375                                 6814.375
   6655.625                                 6815.625
   6656.875                                 6816.875
   6658.125                                 6818.125
   6659.375                                 6819.375
   6660.625                                 6820.625
   6661.875                                 6821.875
   6663.125                                 6823.125
   6664.375                                 6824.375
   6665.625                                 6825.625
   6666.875                                 6826.875
   6668.125                                 6828.125
   6669.375                                 6829.375
   6670.625                                 6830.625
   6671.875                                 6831.875
   6673.125                                 6833.125
   6674.375                                 6834.375
   6675.625                                 6835.625
   6676.875                                 6836.875
   6678.125                                 6838.125
   6679.375                                 6839.375
   6680.625                                 6840.625
   6681.875                                 6841.875
   6683.125                                 6843.125
   6684.375                                 6844.375
   6685.625                                 6845.625
   6686.875                                 6846.875
   6688.125                                 6848.125
   6689.375                                 6849.375
   6690.625                                 6850.625
   6691.875                                 6851.875
   6693.125                                 6853.125
   6694.375                                 6854.375
   6695.625                                 6855.625
   6696.875                                 6856.875
   6698.125                                 6858.125
   6699.375                                 6859.375
   6700.625                                 6860.625
   6701.875                                 6861.875
   6703.125                                 6863.125
   6704.375                                 6864.375
   6705.625                                 6865.625
   6706.875                                 6866.875
   6708.125 ^1                           ^1 6710.625
   6709.375 ^1                           ^1 6711.875

   ^1 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (4) 2.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6526.25                                   6871.25
   6528.75                                   6873.75
   6541.25 ^1                             ^1 6718.75
   6543.75 ^1                             ^1 6713.75
   6546.25 ^1                             ^1 6716.25
   6548.75                                   6728.75
   6551.25                                   6731.25
   6553.75 ^1                             ^1 6723.75
   6556.25 ^1                             ^1 6726.25
   6558.75                                   6738.75
   6561.25                                   6741.25
   6563.75                                   6733.75
   6566.25                                   6736.25
   6568.75 ^1                             ^1 6721.25
   6581.25 ^1                             ^1 6868.75
   6583.75                                   6743.75
   6586.25                                   6746.25
   6588.75                                   6748.75
   6591.25                                   6751.25
   6593.75                                   6753.75
   6596.25                                   6756.25
   6598.75                                   6758.75
   6601.25                                   6761.25
   6603.75                                   6763.75
   6606.25                                   6766.25
   6608.75                                   6768.75
   6611.25                                   6771.25
   6613.75                                   6773.75
   6616.25                                   6776.25
   6618.75                                   6778.75
   6621.25                                   6781.25
   6623.75                                   6783.75
   6626.25                                   6786.25
   6628.75                                   6788.75
   6631.25                                   6791.25
   6633.75                                   6793.75
   6636.25                                   6796.25
   6638.75                                   6798.75
   6641.25                                   6801.25
   6643.75                                   6803.75
   6646.25                                   6806.25
   6648.75                                   6808.75
   6651.25                                   6811.25
   6653.75                                   6813.75
   6656.25                                   6816.25
   6658.75                                   6818.75
   6661.25                                   6821.25
   6663.75                                   6823.75
   6666.25                                   6826.25
   6668.75                                   6828.75
   6671.25                                   6831.25
   6673.75                                   6833.75
   6676.25                                   6836.25
   6678.75                                   6838.75
   6681.25                                   6841.25
   6683.75                                   6843.75
   6686.25                                   6846.25
   6688.75                                   6848.75
   6691.25                                   6851.25
   6693.75                                   6853.75
   6696.25                                   6856.25
   6698.75                                   6858.75
   6701.25                                   6861.25
   6703.75                                   6863.75
   6706.25                                   6866.25
   6708.75 ^1                             ^1 6711.25

   ^1 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (5) 3.75 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6545.625 ^1                           6715.625 ^1
   6550.625                                 6730.625
   6555.625 ^1                           6725.625 ^1
   6560.625                                 6740.625
   6565.625                                 6735.625
   6585.625                                 6745.625
   6590.625                                 6750.625
   6595.625                                 6755.625
   6600.625                                 6760.625
   6605.625                                 6765.625
   6610.625                                 6770.625
   6615.625                                 6775.625
   6620.625                                 6780.625
   6625.625                                 6785.625
   6630.625                                 6790.625
   6635.625                                 6795.625
   6640.625                                 6800.625
   6645.625                                 6805.625
   6650.625                                 6810.625
   6655.625                                 6815.625
   6660.625                                 6820.625
   6665.625                                 6825.625
   6670.625                                 6830.625
   6675.625                                 6835.625
   6680.625                                 6840.625
   6685.625                                 6845.625
   6690.625                                 6850.625
   6695.625                                 6855.625
   6700.625                                 6860.625
   6705.625                                 6865.625
   6710.625 ^1                           ^1 6720.625

   ^1 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (6) 5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6545 ^1                                    ^16715
   6550                                         6730
   6555 ^1                                   ^1 6725
   6560                                         6740
   6565                                         6735
   6585                                         6745
   6590                                         6750
   6595                                         6755
   6600                                         6760
   6605                                         6765
   6610                                         6770
   6615                                         6775
   6620                                         6780
   6625                                         6785
   6630                                         6790
   6635                                         6795
   6640                                         6800
   6645                                         6805
   6650                                         6810
   6655                                         6815
   6660                                         6820
   6665                                         6825
   6670                                         6830
   6675                                         6835
   6680                                         6840
   6685                                         6845
   6690                                         6850
   6695                                         6855
   6700                                         6860
   6705                                         6865
   6710 ^1                                   ^1 6720

   ^1 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (7) 10 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6545 ^1                                   ^1 6715
   6555 ^1                                   ^1 6725
   6565                                         6735
   6585                                         6745
   6595                                         6755
   6605                                         6765
   6615                                         6775
   6625                                         6785
   6635                                         6795
   6645                                         6805
   6655                                         6815
   6665                                         6825
   6675                                         6835
   6685                                         6845
   6695                                         6855
   6705                                         6865
   6535 ^2                                   ^2 6575

   ^1 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   ^2 Available only for emergency restoration, maintenance bypass, or
   other temporary-fixed purposes. Such uses are authorized on a
   non-interference basis to other frequencies in this band. Interference
   analysis required by §  101.105 does not apply to this frequency pair.

   (8) 30 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   6555                                         6725
   6595                                         6755
   6625                                         6785
   6655                                         6815
   6685                                         6845

   (l) 6875 to 7125 MHz. 25 MHz authorized bandwidth.

   (1) 5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
          6877.5 7027.5
          6882.5 7032.5
          6887.5 7037.5
          6892.5 7042.5
          6897.5 7047.5
          6902.5 7052.5
          6907.5 7057.5
          6912.5 7062.5
          6917.5 7067.5
          6922.5 7072.5
          6927.5 7077.5
          6932.5 7082.5
          6937.5 7087.5
          6942.5 7092.5
          6947.5 7097.5
          6952.5 7102.5
          6957.5 7107.5
          6962.5 7112.5
          6967.5 7117.5
          6972.5 7122.5

   (2) 8.33 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
         6879.165 7029.165
         6887.495 7037.495
         6895.825 7045.825
         6904.155 7054.155
         6912.485 7062.485
         6920.815 7070.815
         6929.145 7079.145
         6937.475 7087.475
         6945.805 7095.805
         6954.135 7104.135
         6962.465 7112.465
         6970.795 7120.795

   (3) 12.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
         6881.25 7031.25
         6893.75 7043.75
         6906.25 7056.25
         6918.75 7068.75
         6931.25 7081.25
         6943.75 7093.75
         6956.25 7106.25
         6968.75 7118.75

   (4) 25 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
          6887.5 7037.5
          6912.5 7062.5
          6937.5 7087.5
          6962.5 7112.5

   (m) 10,550 to 10,680 MHz. 5 MHz authorized bandwidth.

   (1) 400 kHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10605.225                               10670.225
   10605.625                               10670.625
   10606.050                               10671.050
   10606.450                               10671.450
   10606.875                               10671.875
   10607.275                               10672.275
   10607.725                               10672.725
   10608.125                               10673.125
   10608.550                               10673.550
   10608.950                               10673.950
   10609.375                               10674.375
   10609.775                               10674.775
   10610.225                               10675.225
   10610.625                               10675.625
   10611.050                               10676.050
   10611.450                               10676.450
   10611.875                               10676.875
   10612.275                               10677.275
   10612.725                               10677.725
   10613.125                               10678.125
   10613.550                               10678.550
   10613.950                               10678.950
   10614.375                               10679.375
   10614.775                               10679.775

   (2) 800 kHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10605.425                               10670.425
   10606.250                               10671.250
   10607.075                               10672.075
   10607.925                               10672.925
   10608.750                               10673.750
   10609.575                               10674.575
   10610.425                               10675.425
   10611.250                               10676.250
   10612.075                               10677.075
   10612.925                               10677.925
   10613.750                               10678.750
   10614.575                               10679.575

   (3) 1.25 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10550.625                               10615.625
   10551.875                               10616.875
   10553.125                               10618.125
   10554.375                               10619.375
   10555.625                               10620.625
   10556.875                               10621.875
   10558.125                               10623.125
   10559.375                               10624.375
   10560.625                               10625.625
   10561.875                               10626.875
   10563.125                               10628.125
   10564.375                               10629.375
   10565.625                               10630.625
   10566.875                               10631.875
   10568.125                               10633.125
   10569.375                               10634.375
   10570.625                               10635.625
   10571.875                               10636.875
   10573.125                               10638.125
   10574.375                               10639.375
   10575.625                               10640.625
   10576.875                               10641.875
   10578.125                               10643.125
   10579.375                               10644.375
   10580.625                               10645.625
   10581.875                               10646.875
   10583.125                               10648.125
   10584.375                               10649.375
   10585.625                               10650.625
   10586.875                               10651.875
   10588.125                               10653.125
   10589.375                               10654.375
   10590.625                               10655.625
   10591.875                               10656.875
   10593.125                               10658.125
   10594.375                               10659.375
   10595.625                               10660.625
   10596.875                               10661.875
   10598.125                               10663.125
   10599.375                               10664.375
   10600.625                               10665.625
   10601.875                               10666.875
   10603.125                               10668.125
   10604.375                               10669.375
   10605.625                               10670.625
   10606.875                               10671.875
   10608.125                               10673.125
   10609.375                               10674.375
   10610.625                               10675.625
   10611.875                               10676.875
   10613.125                               10678.125
   10614.375                               10679.375

   (4) 2.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10551.25                                 10616.25
   10553.75                                 10618.75
   10556.25                                 10621.25
   10558.75                                 10623.75
   10561.25                                 10626.25
   10563.75                                 10628.75
   10566.25                                 10631.25
   10568.75                                 10633.75
   10571.25                                 10636.25
   10573.75                                 10638.75
   10576.25                                 10641.25
   10578.75                                 10643.75
   10581.25 ^1                           ^1 10646.25
   10583.75 ^1                           ^1 10648.75
   10586.25 ^1                           ^1 10651.25
   10588.75 ^1                           ^1 10653.75
   10591.25 ^1                           ^1 10656.25
   10593.75 ^1                           ^1 10658.75
   10596.25 ^1                           ^1 10661.25
   10598.75 ^1                           ^1 10663.75
   10601.25 ^1                           ^1 10666.25
   10603.75 ^1                           ^1 10668.75
   10606.25 ^1                           ^1 10671.25
   10608.75 ^1                           ^1 10673.75
   10611.25 ^1                           ^1 10676.25
   10613.75 ^1                           ^1 10678.75

   ^1 These frequencies are also available for DEMS stations licensed, in
   operation, or applied for prior to July 15, 1993.

   (5) 3.75 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10553.125                               10618.125
   10558.125                               10623.125
   10563.125                               10628.125
   10568.125                               10633.125
   10573.125                               10638.125
   10578.125                               10643.125
   10583.125                               10648.125
   10588.125                               10653.125
   10593.125                               10658.125
   10598.125                               10663.125
   10603.125                               10668.125

   (6) 5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10552.5                                   10617.5
   10557.5                                   10622.5
   10562.5                                   10627.5
   10567.5 ^1                             ^1 10632.5
   10572.5 ^1                             ^1 10637.5
   10577.5 ^1                             ^1 10642.5
   10582.5 ^1                             ^1 10647.5
   10587.5                                   10652.5
   10592.5                                   10657.5
   10597.5                                   10662.5
   10602.5                                   10667.5

   ^1 These frequencies are also available for DEMS stations licensed, in
   operation, or applied for prior to July 15, 1993.

   (n) Point-to-multipoint systems licensed, in operation, or applied for
   in the 10,550-10,680 MHz band prior to July 15, 1993, are permitted to
   use the DEMS frequencies noted above if they prior coordinate such
   usage with the necessary parties including 10 GHz point-to-point
   applicants and licensees. DEMS Nodal Stations shall use the band
   10,565-10,615 MHz while DEMS User Stations shall use the band
   10,630-10,680 MHz.

   (o) 10,700 to 11,700 MHz. 80 MHz authorized bandwidth.

   (1) 1.25 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   11130.625                               11620.625
   11131.875                               11621.875
   11133.125                               11623.125
   11134.375                               11624.375
   11135.625                               11625.625
   11136.875                               11626.875
   11138.125                               11628.125
   11139.375                               11629.375
   11140.625                               11630.625
   11141.875                               11631.875
   11143.125                               11633.125
   11144.375                               11634.375
   11145.625                               11635.625
   11146.875                               11636.875
   11148.125                               11638.125
   11149.375                               11639.375
   11150.625                               11640.625
   11151.875                               11641.875
   11153.125                               11643.125
   11154.375                               11644.375
   11155.625                               11645.625
   11156.875                               11646.875
   11158.125                               11648.125
   11159.375                               11649.375
   11160.625                               11650.625
   11161.875                               11651.875
   11163.125                               11653.125
   11164.375                               11654.375
   11165.625                               11655.625
   11166.875                               11656.875
   11168.125                               11658.125
   11169.375                               11659.375
   11170.625                               11660.625
   11171.875                               11661.875
   11173.125                               11663.125
   11174.375                               11664.375
   11175.625                               11665.625
   11176.875                               11666.875
   11178.125                               11668.125
   11179.375                               11669.375
   11180.625                               11680.625
   11181.875                               11681.875
   11183.125                               11683.125
   11184.375                               11684.375
   11185.625                               11685.625
   11186.875                               11686.875
   11188.125                               11688.125
   11189.375                               11689.375
   11190.625                               11690.625
   11191.875                               11691.875
   11193.125                               11693.125
   11194.375                               11694.375
   11195.625                               11695.625
   11196.875                               11696.875
   11198.125                               11698.125
   11199.375                               11699.375

   (2) 2.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   11131.25                                 11621.25
   11133.75                                 11623.75
   11136.25                                 11626.25
   11138.75                                 11628.75
   11141.25                                 11631.25
   11143.75                                 11633.75
   11146.25                                 11636.25
   11148.75                                 11638.75
   11151.25                                 11641.25
   11153.75                                 11643.75
   11156.25                                 11646.25
   11158.75                                 11648.75
   11161.25                                 11651.25
   11163.75                                 11653.75
   11166.25                                 11656.25
   11168.75                                 11658.75
   11171.25                                 11661.25
   11173.75                                 11663.75
   11176.25                                 11666.25
   11178.75                                 11668.75
   11181.25                                 11681.25
   11183.75                                 11683.75
   11186.25                                 11686.25
   11188.75                                 11688.75
   11191.25                                 11691.25
   11193.75                                 11693.75
   11196.25                                 11696.25
   11198.75                                 11698.75

   (3) 3.75 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   11133.125                               11623.125
   11138.125                               11628.125
   11143.125                               11633.125
   11148.125                               11638.125
   11153.125                               11643.125
   11158.125                               11648.125
   11163.125                               11653.125
   11168.125                               11658.125
   11173.125                               11663.125
   11178.125                               11668.125
   11183.125                               11683.125
   11188.125                               11688.125
   11193.125                               11693.125
   11198.125                               11698.125

   (4) 5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   11132.5                                   11622.5
   11137.5                                   11627.5
   11142.5                                   11632.5
   11147.5                                   11637.5
   11152.5                                   11642.5
   11157.5                                   11647.5
   11162.5                                   11652.5
   11167.5                                   11657.5
   11172.5                                   11662.5
   11177.5                                   11667.5
   11182.5                                   11682.5
   11187.5                                   11687.5
   11192.5                                   11692.5
   11197.5                                   11697.5

   (5) 10 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10705                                       11205
   10715                                       11215
   10725 ^2                                 ^1 11675
   10735                                       11225
   10745                                       11235
   10755                                       11245
   10765                                       11255
   10775                                       11265
   10785                                       11275
   10795                                       11285
   10805                                       11295
   10815                                       11305
   10825                                       11315
   10835                                       11325
   10845                                       11335
   10855                                       11345
   10865                                       11355
   10875                                       11365
   10885                                       11375
   10895                                       11385
   10905                                       11395
   10915                                       11405
   10925                                       11415
   10935                                       11425
   10945                                       11435
   10955                                       11445
   10965                                       11455
   10975                                       11465
   10985                                       11475
   10995                                       11485
   11005                                       11495
   11015                                       11505
   11025                                       11515
   11035                                       11525
   11045                                       11535
   11055                                       11545
   11065                                       11555
   11075                                       11565
   11085                                       11575
   11095                                       11585
   11105                                       11595
   11115                                       11605
   11125                                       11615
   11135 ^1                                 ^1 11625
   11145 ^1                                 ^1 11635
   11155 ^1                                 ^1 11645
   11165 ^1                                 ^1 11655
   11175 ^1                                 ^1 11665
   11185 ^1                                 ^1 11685
   11195 ^1                                 ^1 11695

   ^1 Alternate channels. These channels are set aside for narrow
   bandwidth systems and should be used only if all other channels are

   ^2 These frequencies may be assigned for unpaired use.

   (6) 30 MHz bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10715                                       11215
   10755                                       11245
   10795                                       11285
   10835                                       11325
   10875                                       11365
   10915                                       11405
   10955                                       11445
   10995                                       11485
   11035                                       11525
   11075                                       11565
   11115                                       11605
   11155 ^1                                 ^1 11645
   11185 ^1                                 ^1 11685

   ^1 Alternate channels. These channels are set aside for narrow
   bandwidth systems and should be used only if all other channels are

   (7) 40 MHz bandwidth channels: 2
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   10735                                       11225
   10775                                       11265
   10815                                       11305
   10855                                       11345
   10895                                       11385
   10935                                       11425
   10975                                       11465
   11015                                       11505
   11055                                       11545
   11095                                       11585
   11135 ^1                                 ^1 11625
   11175 ^1                                 ^1 11665

   ^1 Alternate channels. These channels are set aside for narrow
   bandwidth systems and should be used only if all other channels are

   ^2 In congested areas where 40 MHz channels block most 30 MHz channels,
   radios authorized for 30 MHz bandwidths may use the 40 MHz channels. In
   uncongested areas, 30 MHz channels should be used.

   (8) 80 MHz bandwidth channels: 1
   (MHz) Receive
          10755  11245
          10835  11325
          10915  11405
          10995  11485
          11075  11565
          11155  11645

   (p) 12,200 to 13,150 MHz. (1) 12,000-12,700 MHz. The Commission has
   allocated the 12.2-12.7 GHz band for use by the Direct Broadcast
   Satellite Service (DBS), the Multichannel Video Distribution and Data
   Service (MVDDS), and the Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit Fixed
   Satellite Service (NGSO FSS). MVDDS shall be licensed on a non-harmful
   interference co-primary basis to existing DBS operations and on a
   co-primary basis with NGSO FSS stations in this band. MVDDS use can be
   on a common carrier and/or non-common carrier basis and can use
   channels of any desired bandwidth up to the maximum of 500 MHz provided
   the EIRP does not exceed 14 dBm per 24 megahertz. Private operational
   fixed point-to-point microwave stations authorized after September 9,
   1983, are licensed on a non-harmful interference basis to DBS and are
   required to make any and all adjustments necessary to prevent harmful
   interference to operating domestic DBS receivers. Incumbent public
   safety licensees shall be afforded protection from MVDDS and NGSO FSS
   licensees, however all other private operational fixed licensees shall
   be secondary to DBS, MVDDS and NGSO FSS licensees. As of May 23, 2002,
   the Commission no longer accepts applications for new licenses for
   point-to-point private operational fixed stations in this band,
   however, incumbent licensees and previously filed applicants may file
   applications for minor modifications and amendments (as defined in
   §  1.929 of this chapter) thereto, renewals, transfer of control, or
   assignment of license. Notwithstanding any other provisions, no private
   operational fixed point-to-point microwave stations are permitted to
   cause harmful interference to broadcasting-satellite stations of other
   countries operating in accordance with the Region 2 plan for the
   Broadcasting-Satellite Service established at the 1983 WARC.

   (2) 12,700 to 13,150 MHz. 50 MHz authorized bandwidth.

   (i) 5 MHz channels:
   (MHz) Receive
         12702.5 12927.5
         12707.5 12932.5
         12712.5 12937.5
         12717.5 12942.5
         12722.5 12947.5
         12727.5 12952.5
         12732.5 12957.5
         12737.5 12962.5
         12742.5 12967.5
         12747.5 12972.5
         12752.5 12977.5
         12757.5 12982.5
         12762.5 12987.5
         12767.5 12992.5
         12772.5 12997.5
         12777.5 13002.5
         12782.5 13007.5
         12787.5 13012.5
         12792.5 13017.5
         12797.5 13022.5
         12802.5 13027.5
         12807.5 13032.5
         12812.5 13037.5
         12817.5 13042.5
         12822.5 13047.5
         12827.5 13052.5
         12832.5 13057.5
         12837.5 13062.5
         12842.5 13067.5
         12847.5 13072.5
         12852.5 13077.5
         12857.5 13082.5
         12862.5 13087.5
         12867.5 13092.5
         12872.5 13097.5
         12877.5 13102.5
         12882.5 13107.5
         12887.5 13112.5
         12892.5 13117.5
         12897.5 13122.5
         12902.5 13127.5
         12907.5 13132.5
         12912.5 13137.5
         12917.5 13142.5
         12922.5 13147.5

   (ii) 8.33 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
         12704.165 12929.165
         12712.495 12937.495
         12720.825 12945.825
         12729.155 12954.155
         12737.485 12962.485
         12745.815 12970.815
         12754.145 12979.145
         12762.475 12987.475
         12770.805 12995.805
         12779.135 13004.135
         12787.465 13012.465
         12795.795 13020.795
         12804.125 13029.125
         12812.455 13037.455
         12820.785 13045.785
         12829.115 13054.115
         12837.445 13062.445
         12845.775 13070.775
         12854.105 13079.105
         12862.435 13087.435
         12870.765 13095.765
         12879.095 13104.095
         12887.425 13112.425
         12895.755 13120.755
         12904.085 13129.085
         12912.415 13137.415

   (iii) 12.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
         12706.25 12931.25
         12718.75 12943.75
         12731.25 12956.25
         12743.75 12968.75
         12756.25 12981.25
         12768.75 12993.75
         12781.25 13006.25
         12793.75 13018.75
         12806.25 13031.25
         12818.75 13043.75
         12831.25 13056.25
         12843.75 13068.75
         12856.25 13081.25
         12868.75 13093.75
         12881.25 13106.25
         12893.75 13118.75
         12906.25 13131.25
         12918.75 13143.75

   (iv) 25 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
         12712.5 12937.5
         12737.5 12962.5
         12762.5 12987.5
         12787.5 13012.5
         12812.5 13037.5
         12837.5 13062.5
         12862.5 13087.5
         12887.5 13112.5
         12912.5 13137.5

   (v) 50 MHz bandwidth channels:
   (MHz) Receive
          12725  12950
          12775  13000
          12825  13050
          12875  13100

   (q) Special provisions for incumbent low power, limited coverage
   systems in the band segments 12.2-12.7 GHz.

   (1) As of May 23, 2002, the Commission no longer accepts applications
   for new stations in this service and incumbent stations may remain in
   service provided they do not cause harmful interference to any other
   primary services licensed in this band as described in paragraph (p) of
   this section. However, incumbent licensees and previously filed
   applicants may file applications for minor modifications and amendments
   (as defined in §  1.929 of this chapter) thereto, renewals, transfer of
   control, or assignment of license.

   (2) Prior to December 8, 2000, notwithstanding any contrary provisions
   in this part, the frequency pairs 12.220/12.460 GHz, 12.260/12.500 GHz,
   12.300/12.540 GHz and 12.340/12.580 GHz, were authorized for low power,
   limited coverage systems subject to the following provisions:

   (i) Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) shall be 55

   (ii) The rated transmitter output power shall not exceed 0.5 watts;

   (iii) Frequency tolerance shall be maintained to within 0.01 percent of
   the assigned frequency;

   (iv) Maximum beamwidth shall not exceed 4 degrees. However, the
   sidelobe suppression criteria contained in §  101.115 shall not apply,
   except that a minimum front-to-back ratio of 38 dB shall apply;

   (v) Upon showing of need, a maximum bandwidth of 12 MHz may be
   authorized per frequency assigned;

   (vi) Radio systems authorized under the provisions of this section
   shall have no more than three hops in tandem, except upon showing of
   need, but in any event the maximum tandem length shall not exceed 40 km
   (25 miles);

   (vii) Interfering signals at the receiver antenna terminals of stations
   authorized under this section shall not exceed -90 dBm and -70 dBm
   respectively, for co-channel and adjacent channel interfering signals,

   (viii) Stations authorized under the provisions of this section shall
   provide the protection from interference specified in §  101.105 to
   stations operating in accordance with the provisions of this part.

   (r) 17,700 to 19,700 and 24,250 to 25,250 MHz: Operation of stations
   using frequencies in these bands is permitted to the extent specified
   in this paragraph. Until November 19, 2012, stations operating in the
   band 18.3-18.58 GHz that were licensed or had applications pending
   before the Commission as of November 19, 2002 shall operate on a shared
   co-primary basis with other services under parts 21, 25, 74, and 78 of
   this chapter. Until October 31, 2011, operations in the band 19.26-19.3
   GHz and low power systems operating pursuant to paragraph (r)(10) of
   this section shall operate on a co-primary basis. Until June 8, 2010,
   stations operating in the band 18.58-18.8 GHz that were licensed or had
   applications pending before the Commission as of June 8, 2000 may
   continue those operations on a shared co-primary basis with other
   services under parts 21, 25, 74, and 78 of this chapter. Until June 8,
   2010, stations operating in the band 18.8-19.3 GHz that were licensed
   or had applications pending before the Commission as of September 18,
   1998 may continue those operations on a shared co-primary basis with
   other services under parts 21, 25, 74, and 78 of this chapter. After
   November 19, 2012, stations operating in the band 18.3-18.58 GHz are
   not entitled to protection from fixed-satellite service operations and
   must not cause unacceptable interference to fixed-satellite service
   station operations. After June 8, 2010, operations in the 18.58-19.30
   GHz band are not entitled to protection from fixed-satellite service
   operations and must not cause unacceptable interference to
   fixed-satellite service station operations. After November 19, 2002, no
   applications for new stations for 47 CFR part 101 licenses will be
   accepted in the 18.3-18.58 GHz band. After June 8, 2000, no
   applications for new stations for 47 CFR part 101 licenses will be
   accepted in the 18.58-19.3 GHz band. Licensees, except 24 GHz band
   licensees, may use either a two-way link or one frequency of a
   frequency pair for a one-way link and must coordinate proposed
   operations pursuant to the procedures required in §  101.103 of this
   subpart. (Note, however, that stations authorized as of September 9,
   1983, to use frequencies in the band 17.7-19.7 GHz may, upon proper
   application, continue to be authorized for such operations, consistent
   with the above conditions related to the 18.58-19.3 GHz band.)
   Applicants for one-way spectrum from 17.7-18.58 GHz for multichannel
   video programming distribution are governed by paragraph (r)(6) of this
   section. Licensees are also allowed to use one-way (unpaired) channels
   in the 17.7-17.74 GHz sub-band to pair with other channels in the FS
   portions of the 18 GHz band where, for example, the return pair is
   already in use and therefore blocked or in TDD systems. Stations used
   for MVPD operations in the 17.7-17.8 GHz band must coordinate with the
   Federal Government before operating in the zones specified in
   §  1.924(e) of this chapter.

   (1) 1.25 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   17700.625                                      NA
   17701.875                                      NA
   17703.125                                      NA
   17704.375                                      NA
   17705.625                                      NA
   17706.875                                      NA
   17708.125                                      NA
   17709.375                                      NA
   17710.625                                      NA
   17711.875                                      NA
   17713.125                                      NA
   17714.375                                      NA
   17715.625                                      NA
   17716.875                                      NA
   17718.125                                      NA
   17719.375                                      NA
   17721.625                                      NA
   17722.875                                      NA
   17723.125                                      NA
   17724.375                                      NA
   17725.625                                      NA
   17726.875                                      NA
   17728.125                                      NA
   17729.375                                      NA
   17730.625                                      NA
   17731.875                                      NA
   17733.125                                      NA
   17734.375                                      NA
   17735.625                                      NA
   17736.875                                      NA
   17738.125                                      NA
   17739.375                                      NA
   18060.625                               19620.625
   18061.875                               19621.875
   18063.125                               19623.125
   18064.375                               19624.375
   18065.625                               19625.625
   18066.875                               19626.875
   18068.125                               19628.125
   18069.375                               19629.375
   18070.625                               19630.625
   18071.875                               19631.875
   18073.125                               19633.125
   18074.375                               19634.375
   18075.625                               19635.625
   18076.875                               19636.875
   18078.125                               19638.125
   18079.375                               19639.375
   18080.625                               19640.625
   18081.875                               19641.875
   18083.125                               19643.125
   18084.375                               19644.375
   18085.625                               19645.625
   18086.875                               19646.875
   18088.125                               19648.125
   18089.375                               19649.375
   18090.625                               19650.625
   18091.875                               19651.875
   18093.125                               19653.125
   18094.375                               19654.375
   18095.625                               19655.625
   18096.875                               19656.875
   18098.125                               19658.125
   18099.375                               19659.375
   18100.625                               19660.625
   18101.875                               19661.875
   18103.125                               19663.125
   18104.375                               19664.375
   18105.625                               19665.625
   18106.875                               19666.875
   18108.125                               19668.125
   18109.375                               19669.375
   18110.625                               19670.625
   18111.875                               19671.875
   18113.125                               19673.125
   18114.375                               19674.375
   18115.625                               19675.625
   18116.875                               19676.875
   18118.125                               19678.125
   18119.375                               19679.375
   18120.625                               19680.625
   18121.875                               19681.875
   18123.125                               19683.125
   18124.375                               19684.375
   18125.625                               19685.625
   18126.875                               19686.875
   18128.125                               19688.125
   18129.375                               19689.375
   18130.625                               19690.625
   18131.875                               19691.875
   18133.125                               19693.125
   18134.375                               19694.375
   18135.625                               19695.625
   18136.875                               19696.875
   18138.125                               19698.125
   18139.375                               19699.375

   (2) 2 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channel:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   18141.0                                       N/A

   (3) 2.5 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   17701.25                                      N/A
   17703.75                                      N/A
   17706.25                                      N/A
   17708.75                                      N/A
   17711.25                                      N/A
   17713.75                                      N/A
   17716.25                                      N/A
   17718.75                                      N/A
   17721.25                                      N/A
   17723.75                                      N/A
   17726.25                                      N/A
   17728.75                                      N/A
   17731.25                                      N/A
   17733.75                                      N/A
   17736.25                                      N/A
   17738.75                                      N/A
   18061.25                                 19621.25
   18063.75                                 19623.75
   18066.25                                 19626.25
   18068.75                                 19628.75
   18071.25                                 19631.25
   18073.75                                 19633.75
   18076.25                                 19636.25
   18078.75                                 19638.75
   18081.25                                 19641.25
   18083.75                                 19643.75
   18086.25                                 19646.25
   18088.75                                 19648.75
   18091.25                                 19651.25
   18093.75                                 19653.75
   18096.25                                 19656.25
   18098.75                                 19658.75
   18101.25                                 19661.25
   18103.75                                 19663.75
   18106.25                                 19666.25
   18108.75                                 19668.75
   18111.25                                 19671.25
   18113.75                                 19673.75
   18116.25                                 19676.25
   18118.75                                 19678.75
   18121.25                                 19681.25
   18123.75                                 19683.75
   18126.25                                 19686.25
   18128.75                                 19688.75
   18131.25                                 19691.25
   18133.75                                 19693.75
   18136.25                                 19696.25
   18138.75                                 19698.75

   (4) 5 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz)        Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   340 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on a
   primary basis)
   18762.5*                                                19102.5*
   18767.5*                                                19107.5*
   18772.5*                                                19112.5*
   18777.5*                                                19117.5*
   18782.5*                                                19122.5*
   18787.5*                                                19127.5*
   18792.5*                                                19132.5*
   18797.5*                                                19137.5*
   18802.5*                                                19142.5*
   18807.5*                                                19147.5*
   18812.5*                                                19152.5*
   18817.5*                                                19157.5*

   (5) 5 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive
   1560 Megahertz Separation
   17702.5 N/A
   17707.5 N/A
   17712.5 N/A
   17717.5 N/A
   17722.5 N/A
   17727.5 N/A
   17732.5 N/A
   17737.5 N/A
   18062.5 19622.5
   18067.5 19627.5
   18072.5 19632.5
   18077.5 19637.5
   18082.5 19642.5
   18087.5 19647.5
   18092.5 19652.5
   18097.5 19657.5
   18102.5 19662.5
   18107.5 19667.5
   18112.5 19672.5
   18117.5 19677.5
   18122.5 19682.5
   18127.5 19687.5
   18132.5 19692.5
   18137.5 19697.5

   (6) MVPD use: Multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs) can
   use any size channels for one-way operations in the 17.7-18.58 GHz band
   for any permissible communications specified for this band in
   §  101.603 provided that they have coordinated the appropriate emission
   designators and power, but must request contiguous spectrum (minus
   spectrum that is already licensed or prior coordinated in the area and
   thus blocked). MVPD systems must meet the efficiency requirements of
   §  101.141. Spectrum at 18.3-18.58 GHz is only available for
   grandfathered stations. See §  101.85.

   (7) 10 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive
   1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on a
   primary basis)
   17705.0 19265.0*
   17715.0 19275.0*
   17725.0 19285.0*
   17735.0 19295.0*
   17745.0 19305.0
   17755.0 19315.0
   17765.0 19325.0
   17775.0 19335.0
   17785.0 19345.0
   17795.0 19355.0
   17805.0 19365.0
   17815.0 19375.0
   17825.0 19385.0
   17835.0 19395.0
   17845.0 19405.0
   17855.0 19415.0
   17865.0 19425.0
   17875.0 19435.0
   17885.0 19445.0
   17895.0 19455.0
   17905.0 19465.0
   17915.0 19475.0
   17925.0 19485.0
   17935.0 19495.0
   17945.0 19505.0
   17955.0 19515.0
   17965.0 19525.0
   17975.0 19535.0
   17985.0 19545.0
   17995.0 19555.0
   18005.0 19565.0
   18015.0 19575.0
   18025.0 19585.0
   18035.0 19595.0
   18045.0 19605.0
   18055.0 19615.0
   18065.0 19625.0
   18075.0 19635.0
   18085.0 19645.0
   18095.0 19655.0
   18105.0 19665.0
   18115.0 19675.0
   18125.0 19685.0
   18135.0 19695.0
   340 Megahertz Separation
   18585.0* 18925.0*
   18595.0* 18935.0*
   18605.0* 18945.0*
   18615.0* 18955.0*
   18625.0* 18965.0*
   18635.0* 18975.0*
   18645.0* 18985.0*
   18655.0* 18995.0*
   18665.0* 19005.0*
   18675.0* 19015.0*
   18685.0* 19025.0*
   18695.0* 19035.0*
   18705.0* 19045.0*
   18715.0* 19055.0*
   18725.0* 19065.0*
   18735.0* 19075.0*
   18745.0* 19085.0*
   18755.0* 19095.0*
   18765.0* 19105.0*
   18775.0* 19115.0*
   18785.0* 19125.0*
   18795.0* 19135.0*
   18805.0* 19145.0*
   18815.0* 19155.0*

   (8) 20 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive
   1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on a
   primary basis)
   17710.0 19270.0*
   17730.0 19290.0*
   17750.0 19310.0
   17770.0 19330.0
   17790.0 19350.0
   17810.0 19370.0
   17830.0 19390.0
   17850.0 19410.0
   17870.0 19430.0
   17890.0 19450.0
   17910.0 19470.0
   17930.0 19490.0
   17950.0 19510.0
   17970.0 19530.0
   17990.0 19550.0
   18010.0 19570.0
   18030.0 19590.0
   18050.0 19610.0
   18070.0 19630.0
   18090.0 19650.0
   18110.0 19670.0
   18130.0 19690.0
   340 Megahertz Separation
   18590.0* 18930.0*
   18610.0* 18950.0*
   18630.0* 18970.0*
   18650.0* 18990.0*
   18670.0* 19010.0*
   18690.0* 19030.0*
   18710.0* 19050.0*
   18730.0* 19070.0*
   18750.0* 19090.0*
   18770.0* 19110.0*
   18790.0* 19130.0*
   18810.0* 19150.0*

   (9) 30 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
              1560 Megahertz Separation
   17715.0                                       N/A
   17755.0                                   19315.0
   17785.0                                   19345.0
   17815.0                                   19375.0
   17845.0                                   19405.0
   17875.0                                   19435.0
   17905.0                                   19465.0
   17935.0                                   19495.0
   17965.0                                   19525.0
   17995.0                                   19555.0
   18025.0                                   19585.0
   18055.0                                   19615.0
   18085.0                                   19645.0
   18115.0                                   19675.0

   (10) 40 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz)         Receive (transmit) (MHz)
   1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on a
   primary basis)
   17720.0                                                  19280.0*
   17760.0                                                   19320.0
   17800.0                                                   19360.0
   17840.0                                                   19400.0
   17880.0                                                   19440.0
   17920.0                                                   19480.0
   17960.0                                                   19520.0
   18000.0                                                   19560.0
   18040.0                                                   19600.0
   18080.0                                                   19640.0
   18120.0                                                   19680.0

   (11) 50 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
              1560 Megahertz Separation
   17765.0                                   19325.0
   17815.0                                   19375.0
   17865.0                                   19425.0
   17915.0                                   19475.0
   17965.0                                   19525.0
   18015.0                                   19575.0
   18065.0                                   19625.0
   18115.0                                   19675.0

   (12) 80 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive
   1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on a
   primary basis)
   17740.0 19300.0*
   17820.0 19380.0
   17900.0 19460.0
   17980.0 19540.0
   18060.0 19620.0

   (13) The following frequencies on channels 35-39 are available for
   point-to-multipoint systems and are available by geographic area
   licensing in the 24 GHz Service to be used as the licensee desires. The
   24 GHz spectrum can be aggregated or disaggregated and does not have to
   be used in the transmit/receive manner shown except to comply with
   international agreements along the U.S. borders. Channels 35 through 39
   are licensed in the 24 GHz Service by Economic Areas for any digital
   fixed service. Channels may be used at either nodal or subscriber
   station locations for transmit or receive but must be coordinated with
   adjacent channel and adjacent area users in accordance with the
   provisions of §  101.509 of this subpart. Stations also must comply
   with international coordination agreements.
   Channel No. Nodal station
   frequency band
   (MHz) limits User station
   frequency band
   (MHz) limits
   (* channels are no longer available on a primary basis)
   25 18,820-18,830 19,160-19,170*
   26 18,830-18,840 19,170-19,180*
   27 18,840-18,850 19,180-19,190*
   28 18,850-18,860 19,190-19,200*
   29 18,860-18,870 19,200-19,210*
   30 18,870-18,880 19,210-19,220*
   31 18,880-18,890 19,220-19,230*
   32 18,890-18,900 19,230-19,240*
   33 18,900-18,910 19,240-19,250*
   34 18,910-18,920 19,250-19,260*
   35 24,250-24,290 25,050-25,090
   36 24,290-24,330 25,090-25,130
   37 24,330-24,370 25,130-25,170
   38 24,370-24,410 25,170-25,210
   39 24,410-24,450 25,210-25,250

   (14) Special provision for low power systems in the 17,700-19,700 MHz
   band: Notwithstanding other provisions in 47 CFR part 101 and except
   for specified areas around Washington, DC, and Denver, Colorado,
   licensees of point-to-multipoint channel pairs 25-29 identified in
   paragraph (r)(13) of this section may continue to operate in accordance
   with the requirements of §  101.85 and may operate multiple low power
   transmitting devices within a defined service area. Operations are
   prohibited within 55 km when used outdoor and within 20 km when used
   indoor of the coordinates 38 deg.48' N/76 deg.52' W (Washington, DC
   area) and 39 deg.43' N/104 deg.46' W (Denver, Colorado area). The
   service area will be a 28 kilometer omni directional radius originating
   from specified center reference coordinates. The specified center
   coordinates must be no closer than 56 kilometers from any co-channel
   nodal station or the specified center coordinates of another co-channel
   system. Applicants/licensees do not need to specify the location of
   each individual transmitting device operating within their defined
   service areas. Such operations are subject to the following
   requirements on the low power transmitting devices:

   (i) Power must not exceed one watt EIRP and 100 milliwatts transmitter
   output power;

   (ii) A frequency tolerance of 0.001% must be maintained; and

   (iii) The mean power of emissions shall be attenuated in accordance
   with the following schedule:

   (A) In any 4 kHz band, the center frequency of which is removed from
   the center frequency of the assigned channel by more than 50 percent of
   the channel bandwidth and is within the bands 18,820-18,870 MHz or
   19,160-19,210 MHz:

   A = 35 + .003 (F -0.5B) dB


   80 dB (whichever is the lesser attenuation).


   A = Attenuation (in decibels) below output power level contained within
   the channel for a given polarization.

   B = Bandwidth of channel in kHz.

   F = Absolute value of the difference between the center frequency of
   the 4 kHz band measured at the center frequency of the channel in kHz.

   (B) In any 4 kHz band the center frequency of which is outside the
   bands 18.820-18.870 GHz: At least 43 + 10 log P (mean output power in
   watts) decibels.

   (iv) Low power stations authorized in the band 18.8-19.3 GHz after June
   8, 2000, are restricted to indoor use only. No new licenses will be
   authorized for applications received after April 1, 2002.

   (s) 21,200 to 23,600 MHz: 50 MHz authorized bandwidth.
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit)
   (1) 2.5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21601.25 22801.25
   21603.75 22803.75
   21606.25 22806.25
   21608.75 22808.75
   21611.25 22811.25
   21613.75 22813.75
   21616.25 22816.25
   21618.75 22818.75
   21621.25 22821.25
   21623.75 22823.75
   21626.25 22826.25
   21628.75 22828.75
   21631.25 22831.25
   21633.75 22833.75
   21636.25 22836.25
   21638.75 22838.75
   21641.25 22841.25
   21643.75 22843.75
   21646.25 22846.25
   21648.75 22848.75
   21651.25 22851.25
   21653.75 22853.75
   21656.25 22856.25
   21658.75 22858.75
   21661.25 22861.25
   21663.75 22863.75
   21666.25 22866.25
   21668.75 22868.75
   21671.25 22871.25
   21673.75 22873.75
   21676.25 22876.25
   21678.75 22878.75
   21681.25 22881.25
   21683.75 22883.75
   21686.25 22886.25
   21688.75 22888.75
   21691.25 22891.25
   21693.75 22893.75
   21696.25 22896.25
   21698.75 22898.75
   21701.25 22901.25
   21703.75 22903.75
   21706.25 22906.25
   21708.75 22908.75
   21711.25 22911.25
   21713.75 22913.75
   21716.25 22916.25
   21718.75 22918.75
   21721.25 22921.25
   21723.75 22923.75
   21726.25 22926.25
   21728.75 22928.75
   21731.25 22931.25
   21733.75 22933.75
   21736.25 22936.25
   21738.75 22938.75
   21741.25 22941.25
   21743.75 22943.75
   21746.25 22946.25
   21748.75 22948.75
   21751.25 22951.25
   21753.75 22953.75
   21756.25 22956.25
   21758.75 22958.75
   21761.25 22961.25
   21763.75 22963.75
   21766.25 22966.25
   21768.75 22968.75
   21771.25 22971.25
   21773.75 22973.75
   21776.25 22976.25
   21778.75 22978.75
   21781.25 22981.25
   21783.75 22983.75
   21786.25 22986.25
   21788.75 22988.75
   21791.25 22991.25
   21793.75 22993.75
   21796.25 22996.25
   21798.75 22998.75
   22301.25 23501.25
   22303.75 23503.75
   22306.25 23506.25
   22308.75 23508.75
   22311.25 23511.25
   22313.75 23513.75
   22316.25 23516.25
   22318.75 23518.75
   22321.25 23521.25
   22323.75 23523.75
   22326.25 23526.25
   22328.75 23528.75
   22331.25 23531.25
   22333.75 23533.75
   22336.25 23536.25
   22338.75 23538.75
   22341.25 23541.25
   22343.75 23543.75
   22346.25 23546.25
   22348.75 23548.75
   22351.25 23551.25
   22353.75 23553.75
   22356.25 23556.25
   22358.75 23558.75
   22361.25 23561.25
   22363.75 23563.75
   22366.25 23566.25
   22368.75 23568.75
   22371.25 23571.25
   22373.75 23573.75
   22376.25 23576.25
   22378.75 23578.75
   22381.25 23581.25
   22383.75 23583.75
   22386.25 23586.25
   22388.75 23588.75
   22391.25 23591.25
   22393.75 23593.75
   22396.25 23596.25
   22398.75 23598.75
   (2) 5 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21602.5 22802.5
   21607.5 22807.5
   21612.5 22812.5
   21617.5 22817.5
   21622.5 22822.5
   21627.5 22827.5
   21632.5 22832.5
   21637.5 22837.5
   21642.5 22842.5
   21647.5 22847.5
   21652.5 22852.5
   21657.5 22857.5
   21662.5 22862.5
   21667.5 22867.5
   21672.5 22872.5
   21677.5 22877.5
   21682.5 22882.5
   21687.5 22887.5
   21692.5 22892.5
   21697.5 22897.5
   21702.5 22902.5
   21707.5 22907.5
   21712.5 22912.5
   21717.5 22917.5
   21722.5 22922.5
   21727.5 22927.5
   21732.5 22932.5
   21737.5 22937.5
   21742.5 22942.5
   21747.5 22947.5
   21752.5 22952.5
   21757.5 22957.5
   21762.5 22962.5
   21767.5 22967.5
   21772.5 22972.5
   21777.5 22977.5
   21782.5 22982.5
   21787.5 22987.5
   21792.5 22992.5
   21797.5 22997.5
   22302.5 23502.5
   22307.5 23507.5
   22312.5 23512.5
   22317.5 23517.5
   22322.5 23522.5
   22327.5 23527.5
   22332.5 23532.5
   22337.5 23537.5
   22342.5 23542.5
   22347.5 23547.5
   22352.5 23552.5
   22357.5 23557.5
   22362.5 23562.5
   22367.5 23567.5
   22372.5 23572.5
   22377.5 23577.5
   22382.5 23582.5
   22387.5 23587.5
   22392.5 23592.5
   22397.5 23597.5
   (3) 10 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21205 22405
   21215 22415
   21225 22425
   21235 22435
   21245 22445
   21255 22455
   21265 22465
   21275 22475
   21285 22485
   21295 22495
   21305 22505
   21315 22515
   21325 22525
   21335 22535
   21345 22545
   21355 22555
   21365 22565
   21375 22575
   21385 22585
   21395 22595
   21405 22605
   21415 22615
   21425 22625
   21435 22635
   21445 22645
   21455 22655
   21465 22665
   21475 22675
   21485 22685
   21495 22695
   21505 22705
   21515 22715
   21525 22725
   21535 22735
   21545 22745
   21555 22755
   21565 22765
   21575 22775
   21585 22785
   21595 22795
   21605 ^1 ^1 22805
   21615 ^1 ^1 22815
   21625 ^1 ^1 22825
   21635 ^1 ^1 22835
   21645 ^1 ^1 22845
   21655 ^1 ^1 22855
   21665 ^1 ^1 22865
   21675 ^1 ^1 22875
   21685 ^1 ^1 22885
   21695 ^1 ^1 22895
   21705 ^1 ^1 22905
   21715 ^1 ^1 22915
   21725 ^1 ^1 22925
   21735 ^1 ^1 22935
   21745 ^1 ^1 22945
   21755 ^1 ^1 22955
   21765 ^1 ^1 22965
   21775 ^1 ^1 22975
   21785 ^1 ^1 22985
   21795 ^1 ^1 22995
   21805 ^2 ^2 23005
   21815 ^2 ^2 23015
   21825 ^2 ^2 23025
   21835 ^2 ^2 23035
   21845 ^2 ^2 23045
   21855 ^2 ^2 23055
   21865 ^2 ^2 23065
   21875 ^2 ^2 23075
   21885 ^2 ^2 23085
   21895 ^2 ^2 23095
   21905 ^2 ^2 23105
   21915 ^2 ^2 23115
   21925 ^2 ^2 23125
   21935 ^2 ^2 23135
   21945 ^2 ^2 23145
   21955 ^2 ^2 23155
   21965 ^2 ^2 23165
   21975 ^2 ^2 23175
   21985 ^2 ^2 23185
   21995 ^2 ^2 23195
   22005 23205
   22015 23215
   22025 ^2 23225 ^2
   22035 23235
   22045 23245
   22055 23255
   22065 23265
   22075 ^2 23275 ^2
   22085 23285
   22095 23295
   22105 23305
   22115 23315
   22125 23325
   22135 23335
   22145 23345
   22155 23355
   22165 23365
   22175 23375
   22185 23385
   22195 23395
   22205 23405
   22215 23415
   22225 23425
   22235 23435
   22245 23445
   22255 23455
   22265 23465
   22275 23475
   22285 23485
   22295 23495
   22305 ^1 ^1 23505
   22315 ^1 ^1 23515
   22325 ^1 ^1 23525
   22335 ^1 ^1 23535
   22345 ^1 ^1 23545
   22355 ^1 ^1 23555
   22365 ^1 ^1 23565
   22375 ^1 ^1 23575
   22385 ^1 ^1 23585
   22395 ^1 ^1 23595
   (4) 20 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21210 22410
   21230 22430
   21260 22460
   21280 22480
   21310 22510
   21330 22530
   21360 22560
   21380 22580
   21410 22610
   21430 22630
   21460 22660
   21480 22680
   21510 22710
   21530 22730
   21560 22760
   21580 22780
   21610 ^1 ^1 22810
   21630 ^1 ^1 22830
   21660 ^1 ^1 22860
   21680 ^1 ^1 22880
   21710 ^1 ^1 22910
   21730 ^1 ^1 22930
   21760 ^1 ^1 22960
   21780 ^1 ^1 22980
   21810 ^2 ^2 23010
   21830 ^2 ^2 23030
   21860 ^2 ^2 23060
   21880 ^2 ^2 23080
   21910 ^2 ^2 23110
   21930 ^2 ^2 23130
   21960 ^2 ^2 23160
   21980 ^2 ^2 23180
   22010 23210
   22030 23230
   22060 23260
   22080 23280
   22110 23310
   22130 23330
   22160 23360
   22180 23380
   22210 23410
   22230 23430
   22260 23460
   22280 23480
   22310 ^1 ^1 23510
   22330 ^1 ^1 23530
   22360 ^1 ^1 23560
   22380 ^1 ^1 23580
   (5) 30 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21235 22435
   21285 22485
   21335 22535
   21385 22585
   21435 22635
   21485 22685
   21535 22735
   21585 22785
   21635 ^1 ^1 22835
   21685 ^1 ^1 22885
   21735 ^1 ^1 22935
   21785 ^1 ^1 22985
   21835 ^2 ^2 23035
   21885 ^2 ^2 23085
   21935 ^2 ^2 23135
   21985 ^2 ^2 23185
   22035 23235
   22085 23285
   22135 23335
   22185 23385
   22235 23435
   22285 23485
   22335 ^1 ^1 23535
   22385 ^1 ^1 23585
   (6) 40 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21220 22420
   21270 22470
   21320 22520
   21370 22570
   21420 22620
   21470 22670
   21520 22720
   21570 22770
   21620 ^1 ^1 22820
   21670 ^1 ^1 22870
   21720 ^1 ^1 22920
   21770 ^1 ^1 22970
   21820 ^2 ^2 23020
   21870 ^2 ^2 23070
   21920 ^2 ^2 23120
   21970 ^2 ^2 23170
   22020 23220
   22070 23270
   22120 23320
   22170 23370
   22220 23420
   22270 23470
   22320 ^1 ^1 23520
   22370 ^1 ^1 23570
   (7) 50 MHz bandwidth channels:
   21225 22425
   21275 22475
   21325 22525
   21375 22575
   21425 22625
   21475 22675
   21525 22725
   21575 22775
   21625 ^1 ^1 22825
   21675 ^1 ^1 22875
   21725 ^1 ^1 22925
   21775 ^1 ^1 22975
   21825 ^2 ^2 23025
   21875 ^2 ^2 23075
   21925 ^2 ^2 23125
   21975 ^2 ^2 23175
   22025 23225
   22075 23275
   22125 23325
   22175 23375
   22025 ^2 23225 ^2
   22075 ^2 23275 ^2
   22325 ^1 ^1 23525
   22375 ^1 ^123575

   ^1 Alternate channels. These channels are set aside for narrow
   bandwidth systems and should be used only if all other channels are

   ^2 These frequencies may be assigned to low power systems, as defined
   in paragraph (8) of this section.

   (8) Special provisions for low power, limited coverage systems in the
   21.8-22.0 GHz and 23.0-23.2 GHz band segments. Notwithstanding any
   contrary provisions in this part, the frequency band segment 21.8-22.0
   GHz paired with the frequency band segment 23.0-23.2 GHz may be
   authorized for low power, limited coverage systems subject to the
   following provisions:

   (i) The maximum EIRP shall be 55 dBm and the rated transmitter output
   power shall not exceed 0.100 Watts;

   (ii) In the band segments from 21.8-22.0 GHz and 23.0-23.2 GHz, the
   frequency tolerance for stations authorized on or before April 1, 2005
   is 0.05%. Existing licensees and pending applicants on that date may
   continue to operate after that date with a frequency tolerance of
   0.05%, provided that it does not cause harmful interference to the
   operation of any other licensee. The frequency tolerance of
   §  101.107(a) shall apply to stations applied for after April 1, 2005;

   (iii) The maximum beamwidth shall not exceed 4 degrees;

   (iv) The sidelobe suppression criteria contained in §  101.115 of this
   part shall not apply, except that a minimum front-to-back ratio of 38
   dB shall apply;

   (v) Upon showing of need, a maximum bandwidth of 50 MHz may be
   authorized per frequency assigned;

   (vi) Radio systems authorized under the provisions of this section
   shall have no more than five hops in tandem, except upon showing of
   need, but in any event the maximum tandem length shall not exceed 40 km
   (25 miles);

   (vii) Interfering signals at the antenna terminals of station
   authorized under this section shall not exceed -90 dBm and -70 dBm
   respectively, for co-channel and adjacent channel interfering signals;

   (viii) Stations authorized under the provisions of this section shall
   provide the protection from interference specified in §  101.105 to
   stations operating in accordance with the provisions of this part.

   (t) 27,500-28,350; 29,100-29,250; 31,000-31,300 MHz. These frequencies
   are available for LMDS systems. Each assignment will be made on a BTA
   service area basis, and the assigned spectrum may be subdivided as
   desired by the licensee.

   (u) 31,000-31,300 MHz. Stations licensed in this band prior to March
   11, 1997, may continue their authorized operations, subject to license
   renewal, on the condition that harmful interference will not be caused
   to LMDS operations licensed in this band after June 30, 1997. Non-LMDS
   stations licensed after March 11, 1997, based on applications refiled
   no later than June 26, 1998 are unprotected and subject to harmful
   interference from each other and from stations licensed prior to March
   11, 1997, and are licensed on a secondary basis to LMDS. In the
   sub-bands 31,000-31,075 MHz and 31,225-31,300 MHz, stations initially
   licensed prior to March 11, 1997, except in LTTS, and LMDS operations
   authorized after June 30, 1997, are equally protected against harmful
   interference from each other in accordance with the provisions of
   §  101.103(b). For stations, except in LTTS, permitted to relocate to
   these sub-bands, the following paired frequencies are available:
   Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
       (1) 25 MHz Authorized Bandwidth Channels
   31,012.5                                 31,237.5
   31,037.5                                 31,262.5
   31,062.5                                 31,287.5
       (2) 75 MHz Authorized Bandwidth Channel
   31,037.5                                 31,275.0

   Note to ( u ): These channels are assigned for use within a rectangular
   service area to be described in the application by the maximum and
   minimum latitudes and longitudes. Such service area must be as small as
   practical consistent with the local service requirements of the
   carrier. These frequency plans may be subdivided as desired by the
   licensee and used within the service area as desired without further
   authorization subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
   §  101.149. These frequencies may be assigned only where it is shown
   that the applicant will have reasonable projected requirements for a
   multiplicity of service points or transmission paths within the area.

   (v)(1) Assignments in the band 38,600-40,000 MHz must be according to
   the following frequency plan:
   Channel Group A Channel Group B
   Channel No. Frequence band limits (MHz) Channel No. Frequency band
   limits (MHz)
   1-A 38,600-38,650 1-B 39,300-39,350
   2-A 38,650-38,700 2-B 39,350-39,400
   3-A 38,700-38,750 3-B 39,400-39,450
   4-A 38,750-38,800 4-B 39,450-39,500
   5-A 38,800-38,850 5-B 39,500-39,550
   6-A 38,850-38,900 6-B 39,550-39,600
   7-A 38,900-38,950 7-B 39,600-39,650
   8-A 38,950-39,000 8-B 39,650-39,700
   9-A 39,000-39,050 9-B 39,700-39,750
   10-A 39,050-39,100 10-B 39,750-39,800
   11-A 39,100-39,150 11-B 39,800-39,850
   12-A 39,150-39,200 12-B 39,850-39,900
   13-A 39,200-39,250 13-B 39,900-39,950
   14-A 39,250-39,300 14-B 39,950-40,000

   (v)(2) Channels Blocks 1 through 14 are assigned for use within
   Economic Areas (EAs). Applicants are to apprise themselves of any
   licensed rectangular service areas within the EA for which they seek a
   license and comply with the requirements set forth in §  101.103. All
   of the channel blocks may be subdivided as desired by the licensee and
   used within its service area as desired without further authorization
   subject to the terms and conditions set forth in §  101.149.

   (w) Fixed systems licensed, in operation, or applied for in the
   3,700-4,200, 5925-6425, 6,525-6,875, 10,550-10,680, and 10,700-11,700
   MHz bands prior to July 15, 1993, are permitted to use channel plans in
   effect prior to that date, including adding channels under those plans.

   (x) Operations on other than the listed frequencies may be authorized
   where it is shown that the objectives or requirements of the
   interference criteria prescribed in §  101.105 could not otherwise be
   met to resolve the interference problems.

   (y) Special requirements for operations in the band 29.1-29.25 GHz.
   (1)(i) LMDS receive stations operating on frequencies in the 29.1-29.25
   GHz band within a radius of 75 nautical miles of the geographic
   coordinates provided by a non-GSO MSS licensee pursuant to paragraphs
   (c)(2) or (c)(3)(i) of this section (the "feeder link earth station
   complex protection zone") shall accept any interference caused to them
   by such earth station complexes and shall not claim protection from
   such earth station complexes.

   (ii) LMDS licensees operating on frequencies in the 29.1-29.25 GHz band
   outside a feeder link earth station complex protection zone shall
   cooperate fully and make reasonable efforts to resolve technical
   problems with the non-GSO MSS licensee to the extent that transmissions
   from the non-GSO MSS operator's feeder link earth station complex
   interfere with an LMDS receive station.

   (2) No more than 15 days after the release of a public notice
   announcing the commencement of LMDS auctions, feeder link earth station
   complexes to be licensed pursuant to Section 25.257 shall be specified
   by a set of geographic coordinates in accordance with the following
   requirements: no feeder link earth station complex may be located in
   the top eight (8) metropolitan statistical areas ("MSAs"), ranked by
   population, as defined by the Office of Management and Budget as of
   June 1993, using estimated populations as of December 1992; two (2)
   complexes may be located in MSAs 9 through 25, one of which must be
   Phoenix, AZ (for a complex at Chandler, AZ); two (2) complexes may be
   located in MSAs 26 to 50; three (3) complexes may be located in MSAs 51
   to 100, one of which must be Honolulu, Hawaii (for a complex at
   Waimea); and the three (3) remaining complexes must be located at least
   75 nautical miles from the borders of the 100 largest MSAs or in any
   MSA not included in the 100 largest MSAs. Any location allotted for one
   range of MSAs may be taken from an MSA below that range.

   (3)(i) Any non-GSO MSS licensee may at any time specify sets of
   geographic coordinates for feeder link earth station complexes with
   each earth station contained therein to be located at least 75 nautical
   miles from the borders of the 100 largest MSAs.

   (ii) For purposes of paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, non-GSO MSS
   feeder link earth station complexes shall be entitled to accommodation
   only if the affected non-GSO MSS licensee preapplies to the Commission
   for a feeder link earth station complex or certifies to the Commission
   within sixty days of receiving a copy of an LMDS application that it
   intends to file an application for a feeder link earth station complex
   within six months of the date of receipt of the LMDS application.

   (iii) If said non-GSO MSS licensee application is filed later than six
   months after certification to the Commission, the LMDS and non-GSO MSS
   entities shall still cooperate fully and make reasonable efforts to
   resolve technical problems, but the LMDS licensee shall not be
   obligated to re-engineer its proposal or make changes to its system.

   (4) LMDS licensees or applicants proposing to operate hub stations on
   frequencies in the 29.1-29.25 GHz band at locations outside of the 100
   largest MSAs or within a distance of 150 nautical miles from a set of
   geographic coordinates specified under paragraph (c)(2) or (c)(3)(i) of
   this section shall serve copies of their applications on all non-GSO
   MSS applicants, permitees or licensees meeting the criteria specified
   in §  25.257(a). Non-GSO MSS licensees or applicants shall serve copies
   of their feeder link earth station applications, after the LMDS
   auction, on any LMDS applicant or licensee within a distance of 150
   nautical miles from the geographic coordinates that it specified under
   paragraph (c)(2) or (c)(3)(i) of this section. Any necessary
   coordination shall commence upon notification by the party receiving an
   application to the party who filed the application. The results of any
   such coordination shall be reported to the Commission within sixty
   days. The non-GSO MSS earth station licensee shall also provide all
   such LMDS licensees with a copy of its channel plan.

   (z) 71,000-76,000 MHz; 81,000-86,000 MHz; 92,000-94,000 MHz;
   94,100-95,000 MHz. (1) Those applicants who are approved in accordance
   with FCC Form 601 will each be granted a single, non-exclusive
   nationwide license. Site-by-site registration is on a first-come,
   first-served basis. Registration will be in the Universal Licensing
   System until the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announces by public
   notice, the implementation of a third-party database. See 47 CFR
   101.1523. Links may not operate until NTIA approval is received.
   Licensees may use these bands for any point-to-point non-broadcast

   (2) Prior links shall be protected using the interference protection
   criteria set forth in section 101.105. For transmitters employing
   digital modulation techniques and operating in the 71,000-76,000 MHz or
   81,000-86,000 MHz bands, the licensee must construct a system that
   meets a minimum bit rate of 0.125 bits per second per Hertz of
   bandwidth. For transmitters that operate in the 92,000-94,000 MHz or
   94,100-95,000 MHz bands, licensees must construct a system that meets a
   minimum bit rate of 1.0 bit per second per Hertz of bandwidth. If it is
   determined that a licensee has not met these loading requirements, then
   the database will be modified to limit coordination rights to the
   spectrum that is loaded and the licensee will lose protection rights on
   spectrum that has not been loaded.

   [ 61 FR 26677 , May 28, 1996]

   Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting §  101.147,
   see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding
   Aids section of the printed volume and at .

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