Goto Section: 101.507 | 101.511 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.509
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  101.509   Interference protection criteria.

   (a) As a condition for use of frequencies in this service each licensee
   is required to:

   (1) Engineer the system to be reasonably compatible with adjacent and
   co-channel operations in the same or adjacent areas on all frequencies;

   (2) Cooperate fully and in good faith to resolve whatever potential
   interference and transmission security problems may be present in
   adjacent and co-channel operations.

   (b) All harmful interference to other users of co-channel and adjacent
   channel use in the same or adjacent geographical area are prohibited.
   In areas where Economic Areas are in close proximity, careful
   consideration should be given to minimum power requirements and to the
   location, height, and radiation pattern of the transmitting and
   receiving antennas. Licensees are expected to cooperate fully in
   attempting to resolve problems of potential interference before
   bringing the matter to the attention of the Commission.

   (c) Licensee shall coordinate their facilities whenever the facilities
   have optical line-of-sight into other licensees' areas or are within
   the same geographic area. Licensees are encouraged to develop
   operational agreements with relevant licensees in the same or adjacent
   areas. Incumbent SMSA licensee(s) shall retain exclusive rights to its
   channel(s) within its SMSA and must be protected.

   (d) Licensees shall comply with the appropriate coordination agreements
   between the United States and Canada and the United States and Mexico
   concerning cross-border sharing and use of the 24 GHz bands which may
   require using channels pairs in accordance with the table in
   §  101.147(r)(9).

   (e) The Commission recommends that coordination is not necessary if the
   power flux density (pfd) at the boundary of the relevant adjacent area
   is lower than -114 dBW/m2 in any 1 MHz. This value can be changed and
   agreed upon by both coordinating parties. Licensees should be able to
   deploy with a pfd up to -94 dBW/m2 in any 1 MHz at the boundary of the
   relevant adjacent area without negatively affecting the successful
   operations of the adjacent area licensee.

   [ 65 FR 59360 , Oct. 5, 2000]

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Goto Section: 101.507 | 101.511

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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