Goto Section: 52.12 | 52.15 | Table of Contents

FCC 52.13
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  52.13   North American Numbering Plan Administrator.

   (a) The North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) shall be an
   independent and impartial non-government entity.

   (b) The NANPA shall administer the numbering resources identified in
   paragraph (d) of this section. It shall assign and administer NANP
   resources in an efficient, effective, fair, unbiased, and
   non-discriminatory manner consistent with industry-developed guidelines
   and Commission regulations. It shall support the Commission's efforts
   to accommodate current and future numbering needs. It shall perform
   additional functions, including but not limited to:

   (1) Ensuring the efficient and effective administration and assignment
   of numbering resources by performing day-to-day number resource
   assignment and administrative activities;

   (2) Planning for the long-term need for NANP resources to ensure the
   continued viability of the NANP by implementing a plan for number
   resource administration that uses effective forecasting and management
   skills in order to make the industry aware of the availability of
   numbering resources and to meet the current and future needs of the

   (3) Complying with guidelines of the North American Industry Numbering
   Committee (INC) or its successor, related industry documentation,
   Commission regulations and orders, and the guidelines of other
   appropriate policy-making authorities;

   (4) Providing management supervision for all of the services it
   provides, including responsibility for achieving performance measures
   established by the NANC and the INC in industry guidelines;

   (5) Participating in the NANC annual performance review as described in
   § §  52.11 and 52.12;

   (6) Establishing and maintaining relationships with current
   governmental and regulatory bodies, and their successors, including the
   United States Federal Communications Commission, Industry Canada, the
   Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, and other
   United States, Canadian, and Caribbean numbering authorities and
   regulatory agencies, and addressing policy directives from these

   (7) Cooperating with and actively participating in numbering standards
   bodies and industry fora, such as INC and, upon request, the Canadian
   Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN);

   (8) Representing the NANP to national and international numbering

   (9) Developing and maintaining communications channels with other
   countries who also participate in the NANP to ensure that numbering
   needs of all countries served by the NANP are met;

   (10) Attending United States Study Group A meetings and maintaining a
   working knowledge of Study Group 2 International Telecommunications
   Union activities on behalf of the United States telecommunications

   (11) Reviewing requests for all numbering resources to implement new
   applications and services and making assignments in accordance with
   industry-developed resource planning and assignment guidelines;

   (12) Referring requests for particular numbering resources to the
   appropriate industry body where guidelines do not exist for those

   (13) Participating in industry activities to determine whether, when
   new telecommunications services requiring numbers are proposed, NANP
   numbers are appropriate and what level of resource is required (e.g.,
   line numbers, central office codes, NPA codes);

   (14) Maintaining necessary administrative staff to handle the legal,
   financial, technical, staffing, industry, and regulatory issues
   relevant to the management of all numbering resources, as well as
   maintaining the necessary equipment, facilities, and proper billing
   arrangements associated with day-to-day management of all numbering

   (15) Managing the NANP in accordance with published guidelines adopted
   in conjunction with the industry and the appropriate NANP member
   countries' governing agencies, and referring issues to the appropriate
   industry body for resolution when they have not been addressed by the

   (16) Responding to requests from the industry and from regulators for
   information about the NANP and its administration, as the primary
   repository for numbering information in the industry;

   (17) Providing upon request information regarding how to obtain current
   documents related to NANP administration;

   (18) Providing assistance to users of numbering resources and
   suggesting numbering administration options, when possible, that will
   optimize number resource utilization;

   (19) Coordinating its numbering resource activities with the Canadian
   Number Administrator and other NANP member countries' administrators to
   ensure efficient and effective management of NANP numbering resources;

   (20) Determining the final allocation methodology for sharing costs
   between NANP countries.

   (c) In performing the functions outlined in paragraph (b) of this
   section, the NANPA shall:

   (1) Ensure that the interests of all NANP member countries are

   (2) Assess fairly requests for assignments of NANP numbering resources
   and ensure the assignment of numbering resources to appropriate service

   (3) Develop, operate and maintain the computer hardware, software
   (database) and mechanized systems required to perform the NANPA and
   central office (CO) Code Administration functions;

   (4) Manage projects such as Numbering Plan Area (NPA) relief (area code
   relief) planning, Numbering Resource Utilization and Forecast (NRUF)
   data collection, and NPA and NANP exhaust projection;

   (5) Facilitate NPA relief planning meetings;

   (6) Participate in appropriate industry activities;

   (7) Manage proprietary data and competitively sensitive information and
   maintain the confidentiality thereof;

   (8) Act as an information resource for the industry concerning all
   aspects of numbering (i.e., knowledge and experience in numbering
   resource issues, International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
   Recommendation E.164, the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), NANP
   Administration, INC, NANP area country regulatory issues affecting
   numbering, number resource assignment guidelines, central office code
   administration, relief planning, international numbering issues, etc.);

   (9) Ensure that any action taken with respect to number administration
   is consistent with this part.

   (d) The NANPA and, to the extent applicable, the B&C Agent, shall
   administer numbering resources in an efficient and non-discriminatory
   manner, in accordance with Commission rules and regulations and the
   guidelines developed by the INC and other industry groups pertaining to
   administration and assignment of numbering resources, including, but
   not limited to:

   (1) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) codes,

   (2) Central Office codes for the 809 area,

   (3) International Inbound NPA 456 NXX codes,

   (4) (NPA) 500 NXX codes,

   (5) (NPA) 900 NXX codes,

   (6) N11 Service codes,

   (7) 855-XXXX line numbers,

   (8) 555-XXXX line numbers,

   (9) Carrier Identification Codes,

   (10) Vertical Service Codes,

   (11) ANI Information Integer (II) Digit Pairs,

   (12) Non Dialable Toll Points, and

   (13) New numbering resources as may be defined.

   (e) Relationships with other NANP member countries' administrators and
   authorities . The NANPA shall address policy directives from other NANP
   member countries' governmental and regulatory authorities and
   coordinate its activities with other NANP member countries'
   administrators, if any, to ensure efficient and effective management of
   NANP resources.

   (f) Transition plan . The NANPA shall implement a transition plan,
   subject to Commission approval, leading to its assumption of NANPA
   functions within 90 days of the effective date of a Commission order
   announcing the selection of the NANPA.

   (g) Transfer of intellectual property . The new NANPA must make
   available any and all intellectual property and associated hardware
   resulting from its activities as numbering administrator including, but
   not limited to, systems and the data contained therein, software,
   interface specifications and supporting documentation and make such
   property available to whomever NANC directs free of charge. The new
   NANPA must specify any intellectual property it proposes to exclude
   from the provisions of this paragraph based on the existence of such
   property prior to its selection as NANPA.

   [ 61 FR 47353 , Sept. 6, 1996, as amended at  62 FR 55181 , Oct. 23, 1997;
    71 FR 65750 , Nov. 9, 2006]

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Goto Section: 52.12 | 52.15

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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