Goto Section: 52.13 | 52.16 | Table of Contents

FCC 52.15
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  52.15   Central office code administration.

   (a) Central Office Code Administration shall be performed by the NANPA,
   or another entity or entities, as designated by the Commission.

   (b) Duties of the entity or entities performing central office code
   administration may include, but are not limited to:

   (1) Processing central office code assignment applications and
   assigning such codes in a manner that is consistent with this part;

   (2) Accessing and maintaining central office code assignment databases;

   (3) Conducting the Numbering Resource Utilization and Forecast (NRUF)
   data collection;

   (4) Monitoring the use of central office codes within each area code
   and forecasting the date by which all central office codes within that
   area code will be assigned; and

   (5) Planning for and initiating area code relief, consistent with
   §  52.19.

   (c) [Reserved]

   (d) Central Office (CO) Code Administration functional requirements.
   The NANPA shall manage the United States CO code numbering resource,
   including CO code request processing, NPA code relief and jeopardy
   planning, and industry notification functions. The NANPA shall perform
   its CO Code administration functions in accordance with the published
   industry numbering resource administration guidelines and Commission
   orders and regulations of 47 CFR chapter I.

   (e) [Reserved]

   (f) Mandatory reporting requirements --(1) Number use categories.
   Numbering resources must be classified in one of the following

   (i) Administrative numbers are numbers used by telecommunications
   carriers to perform internal administrative or operational functions
   necessary to maintain reasonable quality of service standards.

   (ii) Aging numbers are disconnected numbers that are not available for
   assignment to another end user or customer for a specified period of
   time. Numbers previously assigned to residential customers may be aged
   for no more than 90 days. Numbers previously assigned to business
   customers may be aged for no more than 365 days.

   (iii) Assigned numbers are numbers working in the Public Switched
   Telephone Network under an agreement such as a contract or tariff at
   the request of specific end users or customers for their use, or
   numbers not yet working but having a customer service order pending.
   Numbers that are not yet working and have a service order pending for
   more than five days shall not be classified as assigned numbers.

   (iv) Available numbers are numbers that are available for assignment to
   subscriber access lines, or their equivalents, within a switching
   entity or point of interconnection and are not classified as assigned,
   intermediate, administrative, aging, or reserved.

   (v) Intermediate numbers are numbers that are made available for use by
   another telecommunications carrier or non-carrier entity for the
   purpose of providing telecommunications service to an end user or
   customer. Numbers ported for the purpose of transferring an established
   customer's service to another service provider shall not be classified
   as intermediate numbers.

   (vi) Reserved numbers are numbers that are held by service providers at
   the request of specific end users or customers for their future use.
   Numbers held for specific end users or customers for more than 180 days
   shall not be classified as reserved numbers.

   (2) Reporting carrier. The term "reporting carrier" refers to a
   telecommunications carrier that receives numbering resources from the
   NANPA, a Pooling Administrator or another telecommunications carrier.

   (3) Data collection procedures. (i) Reporting carriers shall report
   utilization and forecast data to the NANPA.

   (ii) Reporting shall be by separate legal entity and must include
   company name, company headquarters address, Operating Company Number
   (OCN), parent company OCN, and the primary type of business in which
   the reporting carrier is engaged. The term "parent company" refers to
   the highest related legal entity located within the state for which the
   reporting carrier is reporting data.

   (iii) All data shall be filed electronically in a format approved by
   the Common Carrier Bureau.

   (4) Forecast data reporting. (i) Reporting carriers shall submit to the
   NANPA a five-year forecast of their yearly numbering resource

   (ii) In areas where thousands-block number pooling has been

   (A) Reporting carriers that are required to participate in
   thousands-block number pooling shall report forecast data at the
   thousands-block (NXX-X) level per rate center;

   (B) Reporting carriers that are not required to participate in
   thousands-block number pooling shall report forecast data at the
   central office code (NXX) level per rate center.

   (iii) In areas where thousands-block number pooling has not been
   implemented, reporting carriers shall report forecast data at the
   central office code (NXX) level per NPA.

   (iv) Reporting carriers shall identify and report separately initial
   numbering resources and growth numbering resources.

   (5) Utilization data reporting. (i) Reporting carriers shall submit to
   the NANPA a utilization report of their current inventory of numbering
   resources. The report shall classify numbering resources in the
   following number use categories: assigned, intermediate, reserved,
   aging, and administrative.

   (ii) Rural telephone companies, as defined in the Communications Act of
   1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(37), that provide telecommunications
   service in areas where local number portability has not been
   implemented shall report utilization data at the central office code
   (NXX) level per rate center in those areas.

   (iii) All other reporting carriers shall report utilization data at the
   thousands-block (NXX-X) level per rate center.

   (6) Reporting frequency. (i) Reporting carriers shall file forecast and
   utilization reports semi-annually on or before February 1 for the
   preceding reporting period ending on December 31, and on or before
   August 1 for the preceding reporting period ending on June 30.
   Mandatory reporting shall commence August 1, 2000.

   (ii) State commissions may reduce the reporting frequency for NPAs in
   their states to annual. Reporting carriers operating in such NPAs shall
   file forecast and utilization reports annually on or before August 1
   for the preceding reporting period ending on June 30, commencing August
   1, 2000.

   (iii) A state commission seeking to reduce the reporting frequency
   pursuant to paragraph (f) (6)(ii) of this section shall notify the
   Wireline Competition Bureau and the NANPA in writing prior to reducing
   the reporting frequency.

   (7) Access to data and confidentiality --States shall have access to
   data reported to the NANPA provided that they have appropriate
   protections in place to prevent public disclosure of disaggregated,
   carrier-specific data.

   (g) Applications for numbering resources --(1) General requirements.
   All applications for numbering resources must include the company name,
   company headquarters address, OCN, parent company's OCN(s), and the
   primary type of business in which the numbering resources will be used.

   (2) Initial numbering resources. Applications for initial numbering
   resources shall include evidence that:

   (i) The applicant is authorized to provide service in the area for
   which the numbering resources are being requested; and

   (ii) The applicant is or will be capable of providing service within
   sixty (60) days of the numbering resources activation date.

   (3) Growth numbering resources. (i) Applications for growth numbering
   resources shall include:

   (A) A Months-to-Exhaust Worksheet that provides utilization by rate
   center for the preceding six months and projected monthly utilization
   for the next twelve (12) months; and

   (B) The applicant's current numbering resource utilization level for
   the rate center in which it is seeking growth numbering resources.

   (ii) The numbering resource utilization level shall be calculated by
   dividing all assigned numbers by the total numbering resources in the
   applicant's inventory and multiplying the result by 100. Numbering
   resources activated in the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) within
   the preceding 90 days of reporting utilization levels may be excluded
   from the utilization calculation.

   (iii) All service providers shall maintain no more than a six-month
   inventory of telephone numbers in each rate center or service area in
   which it provides telecommunications service.

   (iv) The NANPA shall withhold numbering resources from any U.S. carrier
   that fails to comply with the reporting and numbering resource
   application requirements established in this part. The NANPA shall not
   issue numbering resources to a carrier without an OCN. The NANPA must
   notify the carrier in writing of its decision to withhold numbering
   resources within ten (10) days of receiving a request for numbering
   resources. The carrier may challenge the NANPA's decision to the
   appropriate state regulatory commission. The state commission may
   affirm or overturn the NANPA's decision to withhold numbering resources
   from the carrier based on its determination of compliance with the
   reporting and numbering resource application requirements herein.

   (4) Non-compliance. The NANPA shall withhold numbering resources from
   any U.S. carrier that fails to comply with the reporting and numbering
   resource application requirements established in this part. The NANPA
   shall not issue numbering resources to a carrier without an Operating
   Company Number (OCN). The NANPA must notify the carrier in writing of
   its decision to withhold numbering resources within ten (10) days of
   receiving a request for numbering resources. The carrier may challenge
   the NANPA's decision to the appropriate state regulatory commission.
   The state commission may affirm, or may overturn, the NANPA's decision
   to withhold numbering resources from the carrier based on its
   determination that the carrier has complied with the reporting and
   numbering resource application requirements herein. The state
   commission also may overturn the NANPA's decision to withhold numbering
   resources from the carrier based on its determination that the carrier
   has demonstrated a verifiable need for numbering resources and has
   exhausted all other available remedies.

   (5) State access to applications. State regulatory commissions shall
   have access to service provider's applications for numbering resources.
   The state commissions should request copies of such applications from
   the service providers operating within their states, and service
   providers must comply with state commission requests for copies of
   numbering resource applications. Carriers that fail to comply with a
   state commission request for numbering resource application materials
   shall be denied numbering resources.

   (h) National utilization threshold. All applicants for growth numbering
   resources shall achieve a 60% utilization threshold, calculated in
   accordance with paragraph (g)(3)(ii) of this section, for the rate
   center in which they are requesting growth numbering resources. This
   60% utilization threshold shall increase by 5% on June 30, 2002, and
   annually thereafter until the utilization threshold reaches 75%.

   (i) Reclamation of numbering resources. (1) Reclamation refers to the
   process by which service providers are required to return numbering
   resources to the NANPA or the Pooling Administrator.

   (2) State commissions may investigate and determine whether service
   providers have activated their numbering resources and may request
   proof from all service providers that numbering resources have been
   activated and assignment of telephone numbers has commenced.

   (3) Service providers may be required to reduce contamination levels to
   facilitate reclamation and/or pooling.

   (4) State commissions shall provide service providers an opportunity to
   explain the circumstances causing the delay in activating and
   commencing assignment of their numbering resources prior to initiating

   (5) The NANPA and the Pooling Administrator shall abide by the state
   commission's determination to reclaim numbering resources if the state
   commission is satisfied that the service provider has not activated and
   commenced assignment to end users of their numbering resources within
   six months of receipt.

   (6) The NANPA and Pooling Administrator shall initiate reclamation
   within sixty days of expiration of the service provider's applicable
   activation deadline.

   (7) If a state commission declines to exercise the authority delegated
   to it in this paragraph, the entity or entities designated by the
   Commission to serve as the NANPA shall exercise this authority with
   respect to NXX codes and the Pooling Administrator shall exercise this
   authority with respect to thousands-blocks. The NANPA and the Pooling
   Administrator shall consult with the Wireline Competition Bureau prior
   to exercising the authority delegated to it in this provision.

   (j) Sequential number assignment. (1) All service providers shall
   assign all available telephone numbers within an opened thousands-block
   before assigning telephone numbers from an uncontaminated
   thousands-block, unless the available numbers in the opened
   thousands-block are not sufficient to meet a specific customer request.
   This requirement shall apply to a service provider's existing numbering
   resources as well as any new numbering resources it obtains in the

   (2) A service provider that opens an uncontaminated thousands-block
   prior to assigning all available telephone numbers within an opened
   thousands-block should be prepared to demonstrate to the state

   (i) A genuine request from a customer detailing the specific need for
   telephone numbers; and

   (ii) The service provider's inability to meet the specific customer
   request for telephone numbers from the available numbers within the
   service provider's opened thousands-blocks.

   (3) Upon a finding by a state commission that a service provider
   inappropriately assigned telephone numbers from an uncontaminated
   thousands-block, the NANPA or the Pooling Administrator shall suspend
   assignment or allocation of any additional numbering resources to that
   service provider in the applicable NPA until the service provider
   demonstrates that it does not have sufficient numbering resources to
   meet a specific customer request.

   (k) Numbering audits. (1) All telecommunications service providers
   shall be subject to "for cause" and random audits to verify carrier
   compliance with Commission regulations and applicable industry
   guidelines relating to numbering administration.

   (2) The Enforcement Bureau will oversee the conduct and scope of all
   numbering audits conducted under the Commission's jurisdiction, and
   determine the audit procedures necessary to perform the audit.
   Numbering audits performed by independent auditors pursuant to this
   section shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted
   auditing standards and the American Institute of Certified Public
   Accountants' standards for compliance attestation engagements, as
   supplemented by the guidance and direction of the Chief of the
   Enforcement Bureau.

   (3) Requests for "for cause" audits shall be forwarded to the Chief of
   the Enforcement Bureau, with a copy to the Chief of the Common Carrier
   Bureau. Requests must state the reason for which a "for cause" audit is
   being requested and include documentation of the alleged anomaly,
   inconsistency, or violation of the Commission rules or orders or
   applicable industry guidelines. The Chief of the Enforcement Bureau
   will provide carriers up to 30 days to provide a written response to a
   request for a "for cause" audit.

   [ 61 FR 47353 , Sept. 6, 1996, as amended at  62 FR 55182 , Oct. 23, 1997;
    65 FR 37707 , June 16, 2000;  66 FR 9531 , Feb. 8, 2001;  67 FR 6434 , Feb.
   12, 2002;  67 FR 13226 , Mar. 21, 2002;  68 FR 25843 , May 14, 2003;  71 FR 65750 , Nov. 9, 2006]

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Goto Section: 52.13 | 52.16

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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