Goto Section: 54.902 | 54.904 | Table of Contents

FCC 54.903
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  54.903   Obligations of rate-of-return carriers and the Administrator.

   (a) To be eligible for Interstate Common Line Support, each
   rate-of-return carrier shall make the following filings with the

   (1) On April 18, 2002, each rate-of-return carrier shall submit to the
   Administrator the number of lines it serves as of September 30, 2001,
   within each rate-of-return carrier study area, by disaggregation zone
   if disaggregation zones have been established within that study area
   pursuant to §  54.315, showing residential and single-line business
   line counts and multi-line business line counts separately. For
   purposes of this report, and for purposes of computing support under
   this subpart, the residential and single-line business class lines
   reported include lines assessed the residential and single-line
   business End User Common Line charge pursuant to §  69.104 of this
   chapter, and the multi-line business class lines reported include lines
   assessed the multi-line business End User Common Line charge pursuant
   to §  69.104 of this chapter. For purposes of this report, and for
   purposes of computing support under this subpart, lines served using
   resale of the rate-of-return local exchange carrier's service pursuant
   to section 251(c)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
   shall be considered lines served by the rate-of-return carrier only and
   must be reported accordingly. Beginning July 31, 2002, each
   rate-of-return carrier shall submit the information described in this
   paragraph in accordance with the schedule in §  36.611 of this chapter.

   (2) A rate-of-return carrier may submit the information in paragraph
   (a) of this section in accordance with the schedule in §  36.612 of
   this chapter, even if it is not required to do so. If a rate-of-return
   carrier makes a filing under this paragraph, it shall separately
   indicate any lines that it has acquired from another carrier that it
   has not previously reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section,
   identified by customer class and the carrier from which the lines were

   (3) Each rate-of-return carrier shall submit to the Administrator
   annually on March 31st projected data necessary to calculate the
   carrier's prospective Interstate Common Line Support, including common
   line cost and revenue data, for each of its study areas in the upcoming
   funding year. The funding year shall be July 1st of the current year
   through June 30th of the next year. Each rate-of-return carrier will be
   permitted to submit a correction to the projected data filed on March
   31st until June 30th for the upcoming funding year. On June 30th each
   rate-of-return carrier will be permitted to submit to the Administrator
   an update to the projected data for the funding year ending on that

   (4) Each rate-of-return carrier shall submit to the Administrator on
   December 31st of each year the data necessary to calculate a carrier's
   Interstate Common Line Support, including common line cost and revenue
   data, for the prior calendar year. Such data shall be used by the
   Administrator to make adjustments to monthly per-line Interstate Common
   Line Support amounts in the final two quarters of the following
   calendar year to the extent of any differences between the carrier's
   ICLS received based on projected common line cost and revenue data and
   the ICLS for which the carrier is ultimately eligible based on its
   actual common line cost and revenue data during the relevant period.

   (b) Upon receiving the information required to be filed in paragraph
   (a) of this section, the Administrator shall:

   (1) Perform the calculations described in §  54.901;

   (2) Publish the results of these calculations showing Interstate Common
   Line Support Per Line available in each rate-of-return carrier study
   area, by Disaggregation Zone and customer class;

   (3) Perform periodic reconciliation of the Interstate Common Line
   Support provided to each carrier based on projected data filed pursuant
   to paragraph (a)(3) of this section and the Interstate Common Line
   Support for which each carrier is eligible based on actual data filed
   pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

   (4) Collect the funds necessary to provide support pursuant to this
   subpart in accordance with subpart H of this part;

   (5) Distribute support calculated pursuant to the rules contained in
   this subpart; and

   (6) Report quarterly to the Commission on the collection and
   distribution of funds under this subpart as described in §  54.702(i).
   Fund distribution reporting will be by state and by eligible
   telecommunications carrier within the state.

   [ 66 FR 59728 , Nov. 30, 2001, as amended at  67 FR 15493 , Apr. 2, 2002;
    67 FR 19809 , Apr. 23, 2002;  68 FR 31623 , May 28, 2003;  77 FR 14303 ,
   Mar. 9, 2012]

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Goto Section: 54.902 | 54.904

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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