Goto Section: 54.903 | 54.1001 | Table of Contents

FCC 54.904
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  54.904   Carrier certification.

   (a) Certification. Carriers that desire to receive support pursuant to
   this subpart shall file a certification with the Administrator and the
   Federal Communications Commission stating that all Interstate Common
   Line Support provided to such carrier will be used only for the
   provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for
   which the support is intended. Support provided pursuant to this
   subpart shall only be provided to the extent that the carrier has filed
   the requisite certification pursuant to this section.

   (b) Certification format. A certification pursuant to this section may
   be filed in the form of a letter from an authorized representative for
   the carrier, and must be filed with both the Administrator and the
   Office of the Secretary of the Federal Communication Commission clearly
   referencing CC Docket No. 96-45, on or before the filing deadlines set
   forth in paragraph (d) of this section.

   (c) All of the certifications filed by carriers pursuant to this
   section shall become part of the public record maintained by the

   (d) Filing deadlines. In order for a rate-of-return carrier, and/or an
   eligible telecommunications carrier serving lines in the service area
   of a rate-of-return carrier, to receive Interstate Common Line Support,
   such carrier must file an annual certification, as described in
   paragraph (b) of this section, on the date that it first files its line
   count information pursuant to §  54.903, and thereafter on June 30th of
   each year.

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Subpart L--Mobility Fund

   Source:  76 FR 73877 , Nov. 29, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

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Goto Section: 54.903 | 54.1001

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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