Goto Section: 63.18 | 63.20 | Table of Contents

FCC 63.19
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  63.19   Special procedures for discontinuances of international services.

   (a) With the exception of those international carriers described in
   paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, any international carrier that
   seeks to discontinue, reduce or impair service, including the retiring
   of international facilities, dismantling or removing of international
   trunk lines, shall be subject to the following procedures in lieu of
   those specified in § §  63.61 through 63.601:

   (1) The carrier shall notify all affected customers of the planned
   discontinuance, reduction or impairment at least 30 days prior to its
   planned action. Notice shall be in writing to each affected customer
   unless the Commission authorizes in advance, for good cause shown,
   another form of notice.

   (2) The carrier shall file with this Commission a copy of the
   notification on the date on which notice has been given to all affected
   customers. The filing may be made by letter (sending an original and
   five copies to the Office of the Secretary, and a copy to the Chief,
   International Bureau) and shall identify the geographic areas of the
   planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment and the
   authorization(s) pursuant to which the carrier provides service.

   (b) The following procedures shall apply to any international carrier
   that the Commission has classified as dominant in the provision of a
   particular international service because the carrier possesses market
   power in the provision of that service on the U.S. end of the route.
   Any such carrier that seeks to retire international facilities,
   dismantle or remove international trunk lines, but does not
   discontinue, reduce or impair the dominant services being provided
   through these facilities, shall only be subject to the notification
   requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. If such carrier
   discontinues, reduces or impairs the dominant service, or retires
   facilities that impair or reduce the service, the carrier shall file an
   application pursuant to § §  63.62 and 63.500.

   (c) Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) carriers, as defined in
   §  20.9 of this chapter, are not subject to the provisions of this

   (d) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all filings
   described in this section must be filed electronically through the
   International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are
   available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For
   information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1, § §  1.1000
   through 1.10018 of this chapter and the IBFS homepage at See also § §  63.20 and 63.53.

   [ 67 FR 45391 , July 9, 2002, as amended at  70 FR 38798 , July 6, 2005;  72 FR 54366 , Sept. 25, 2007]

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Goto Section: 63.18 | 63.20

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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