Goto Section: 63.60 | 63.62 | Table of Contents

FCC 63.61
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  63.61   Applicability.

   Any carrier subject to the provisions of section 214 of the
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended, proposing to discontinue,
   reduce or impair interstate or foreign telephone or telegraph service
   to a community, or a part of a community, shall request authority
   therefor by formal application or informal request as specified in the
   pertinent sections of this part:

   (a) Provided, however, that where service is expanded on an
   experimental basis for a temporary period of not more than 6 months, no
   application shall be required to reduce service to its status prior to
   such expansion but a written notice shall be filed with the Commission
   within 10 days of the reduction showing:

   (1) The date on which, places at which, and extent to which service was
   expanded; and,

   (2) The date on which, places at which, and extent to which such
   expansion of service was discontinued.

   (b) And provided further that a licensee of a radio station who has
   filed an application for authority to discontinue service provided by
   such station shall during the period that such application is pending
   before the Commission, continue to file appropriate applications as may
   be necessary for extension or renewal of station license in order to
   provide legal authorization for such station to continue in operation
   pending final action on the application for discontinuance of service.
   Procedures for discontinuance, reduction or impairment of service by
   dominant and non-dominant, domestic carriers are in §  63.71.
   Procedures for discontinuance, reduction or impairment of international
   services are in §  63.19.

   [ 71 FR 65751 , Nov. 9, 2006]

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Goto Section: 63.60 | 63.62

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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