Goto Section: 69.154 | 69.156 | Table of Contents

FCC 69.155
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  69.155   Per-minute residual interconnection charge.

   (a) Local exchange carriers may recover a per-minute residual
   interconnection charge on originating access. The maximum such charge
   shall be the lower of:

   (1) The per-minute rate that would recover the total annual residual
   interconnection charge revenues permitted less the portion of the
   residual interconnection charge allowed to be recovered under
   §  69.153; or

   (2) The sum of the local switching, carrier common line and residual
   interconnection charges assessed on originating minutes on December 31,
   1997, minus the local switching charges assessed on originating
   minutes, less the maximum amount allowed to be recovered under
   §  69.154(a).

   (b) To the extent that paragraph (a) of this section prohibits a local
   exchange carrier from recovering all of the residual interconnection
   charge revenues permitted, the residual may be collected through a
   per-minute charge on terminating access.

   (c)(1) No portion of the charge assessed pursuant to paragraphs (a) or
   (b) of this section that recovers revenues that the local exchange
   carrier anticipates will be reassigned to other, facilities-based rate
   elements, including the tandem-switching rate element described in
   §  69.111(g), the three-part tandem switched transport rate structure
   described in §  69.111(a)(2), and port and multiplexer charges
   described in §  69.111(l), shall be assessed upon minutes utilizing the
   local exchange carrier's local switching facilities, but not the local
   exchange carrier's transport service.

   (2) If a local exchange carrier cannot recover its full residual
   interconnection charge revenues through the PICC mechanism established
   in §  69.153, and will consequently cover a portion of its residual
   interconnection charge revenues through per-minute charges assessed
   pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, then the local
   exchange carrier must allocate its residual interconnection charge
   revenues subject to the exemption established in paragraph (c)(1) of
   this section between the PICC and the per-minute residual
   interconnection charge in the same proportion as other residual
   interconnection charge revenues are allocated between these two
   recovery mechanisms.

   [ 62 FR 31938 , June 11, 1997;  62 FR 40460 , July 29, 1997, as amended at
    62 FR 56133 , Oct. 29, 1997]

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Goto Section: 69.154 | 69.156

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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