Goto Section: 73.1510 | 73.1520 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.1515
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.1515   Special field test authorizations.

   (a) A special field test authorization may be issued to conduct field
   strength surveys to aid in the selection of suitable sites for
   broadcast transmission facilities, determine coverage areas, or to
   study other factors influencing broadcast signal propagation. The
   applicant for the authorization must be qualified to hold a license
   under section 303(1)(l) of the Communications Act.

   (b) Requests for authorizations to operate a transmitter under a
   Special field test authorization must be in writing using an informal
   application in letter form, signed by the applicant and including the
   following information:

   (1) Purpose, duration and need for the survey.

   (2) Frequency, transmitter output powers and time of operation.

   (3) A brief description of the test antenna system, its estimated
   effective radiated field and height above ground or average terrain,
   and the geographic coordinates of its proposed location(s).

   (c) Operation under a special field test authorization is subject to
   the following conditions:

   (1) No objectionable interference will result to the operation of other
   authorized radio services; in this connection, the power requested
   shall not exceed that necessary for the purposes of the test.

   (2) The carriers will be unmodulated except for the transmission of a
   test-pattern on a visual TV transmitter, and for hourly voice station
   identification on aural AM, FM and TV transmitters.

   (3) The transmitter output power or antenna input power may not exceed
   those specified in the test authorization and the operating power must
   be maintained at a constant value for each phase of the tests.

   (4) The input power to the final amplifier stage, and the AM antenna
   current or the FM or TV transmitter output power must be observed and
   recorded at half hour intervals and at any time that the power is
   adjusted or changed. Copies of these records must be submitted to the
   FCC with the required report.

   (5) The test equipment may not be permanently installed, unless such
   installation has been separately authorized. Mobile units are not
   deemed permanent installations.

   (6) Test transmitters must be operated by or under the immediate
   direction of an operator holding a commercial radio operator license
   (any class, unless otherwise endorsed).

   (7) A report, containing the measurements, their analysis and other
   results of the survey shall be filed with the FCC in Washington, DC
   within sixty (60) days following the termination of the test

   (8) The test transmission equipment, installation and operation thereof
   need not comply with the requirements of FCC rules and standards except
   as specified in this section if the equipment, installation and
   operation are consistent with good engineering principles and

   (d) A special field test authorization may be modified or terminated by
   notification from the FCC if in its judgment such action will promote
   the public interest, convenience and necessity.

   [ 44 FR 58734 , Oct. 11, 1979, as amended at  46 FR 35463 , July 8, 1981;
    49 FR 4211 , Feb. 3, 1984;  49 FR 20670 , May 16, 1984]

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Goto Section: 73.1510 | 73.1520

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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